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Showing posts with the label just for fun

More Answers!

i would love to know what a typical day in your life is like, as in your routine with levi... also, i would love to know how he is doing developmentally at his age. it seems like levi is advanced for his age in some areas like language development, so i was curious to see what all you do …


I am a very vivid dreamer. I dream all night long and remember them every morning. I can go into great detail about what happened in my dreams and sometimes I have to stop and think to myself, "wait, did that really happen, or was it in my dream?". Isn't that weird? It…


It's late. I shouldn't have waited until I hit 4,535 pictures/video on my iPhone before getting them off and onto my computer. Oy. I shouldn't have waited until late night to start syncing my phone. Oy. I shouldn't have eaten that donut at 10:30 pm. Oy. But it was filled w…

A Kitchen Secret.

I am super weird when it comes to ground beef. Big chunks of it freak me out. I like mine crumbled into tiny little pieces, as chunk-less as humanly possible. The other day I found a nifty little tool that turned my ground beef woes into ground beef WOAH'S! Hardy Har Har. I'm so…

I'm a Creeker.

I've been on a Dawson's Creek kick for quite a while now, and it has been such a blast blowing through each season. I get so wrapped up in this little show that I have to pull myself back to reality and tell myself that Capeside, MA does not really exist, so I need to get off of …


* Tonight I started and finished Levi's first year birthday party scrap book. It only took my 9 months to actually sit down and do it. :) It was so much fun and while I was cutting, gluing, and creating, I was flooded with memories of that special day. Briefly, I could even smell it.…

Pillow Talk.

I am Mrs. Finicky when it comes to my pillows. Much like Goldilocks, I search and search until I find one that is just right. My pillow preference is down feather, but wouldn't you know, Husby is allergic. When we married, I switched to faux down. It works and I can hardly tell a …

The Holiday Hunt. (THIS INVOLVES YOU!)

Hi Friends! I am on the hunt for some new and exciting appetizer recipes. The holiday season is filled with different traditions in our family that calls for lots of "snacky" foods (my favorite kind!!). I have found a few new recipes that look pretty tasty, but what I really w…

Best Advice!

Here are some tidbits of the best advice I've received throughout my life to date! Concerning Worry: Don't worry about anything instead pray about everything. Concerning Friends: To have a friend, be a friend. Concerning Strangers: Be kind and gracious - you never know when you…

The Art of The PB&J.

I've never been a huge fan of the PBJ until recently. I don't know why I have just acquired a taste for them, but I can't get enough! Husby is a PB&J connoisseur and he taught me the art of creating the perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich. First, you spread a thin l…

Tuesday Tidbits.

I have several thoughts flowing through my brain, none of which deserve a total post dedicated solely to them. Today I will spew them out on the world wide web for you to pilfer through. Take what you want, leave what you don't and have a happy Tuesday! * Call me old fashioned, but …

Take It or Leave It

I like TV, but I don't love it. Most of the time it's just "there" as I do other things that I prefer over the ole tube. We rarely watch shows when they actually air because we DVR them and catch them when we can. Though I'm not too TV crazed, there are a few that a…

Celebs in The City.

When it comes to celebrity sightings, I am a total freak. My heart stops and I begin hyperventilating, stop whatever I'm doing and I run to them. They are like magnets to me. It's a little weird, a tad uncontrollable and completely ridiculous. My name is Whitney and I'm a c…

The Best Part Of Wakin' Up...

I've never been much of a coffee drinker. And by that statement, I mean that I don't like coffee. I have always wanted to love it, but felt like I just didn't have it in me. Each sip was so bitter and so harsh that it made me wince and cringe. Not a pretty look for me. But…

A Friendly Debate.

Husby and I grew up in different areas of the U.S. and we disagree on a lot of words and phrases. We want YOU to weigh in! The Great Firework Debate. I say "pop off fireworks", and Husby claims this doesn't make sense. He "shoots" them off. Vote and Discuss. D…

Armpit Talk.

When I was in Middle School, a teacher once told me that every time you run out of deodorant to switch brands when buying a new one. Apparently your body becomes used to the formula over time and stops fighting against it, resulting in sweaty pits. Yikes! I have never found any scientifi…

What Summer Is All About.

(Are we having fun yet?) If you know me in the least, you'll know that I am the self proclaimed "World's Biggest Festival Fan". I love festivals. Azaela, Peach, Strawberry, Route 66, Dogwood, Blues & BBQ - you name it! If there is a festival near me, you can bet you…