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Showing posts with the label just for fun

Whitney Is....(Enter Status Here).

Yesterday I told you guys about my character flaw of blocking out boring stuff/people and daydreaming about my own fun and happy things. And as long as we're discussing flaws, let's throw out another .... I am nosey. Now, I'm not like blatantly nosey to where I drive people c…

Remnants of the Past.

Monday afternoon I had my annual Cleaning Of The Closet to get rid of things I haven't worn in a while. Ya know how they say if you haven't worn it in a year, then you won't ever wear it again? Yeah, well, I don't listen to that little rule very well. My name is Whitney…

Snuffleu-dressup-penner-tree-agus. Or something like that.

Why do some people say "Snuffleu ph agus" (pronounced with an F sound, not P), when it is so clearly Snuffleupagus? Who on earth ever came up with such a silly name anyway? And what the heck kind of animal is he? Hmmmm....why did I not question these things as a child? Seriousl…


The other evening before Husby, Weebie and I hit up the grocery store, we ran through McDonald's for a quick bite of supper. When it comes to fast food, I am a person of routine and monotony. I rarely switch it up and I usually order chicken wherever I go. And when I do order a burge…

Gimme A Gimmick.

I've said it before and I'll say it again... My name is Whitney and I'm a sucker for a gimmick. Infomercials are dangerous for me. It's safe to say that the products sold on an hour long commercials are the Gimmicks Of All Gimmicks. The King of Gimmicks. Gimmicks Deluxe…

Levi's Letter.

Dear Mommy's Bloggy Friends, Like my shirt? Whenever Mommy sees a shirt for me that says anything about HER, she buys it. She dresses me in things that say "I love Mommy" and "Mommy's Lil Romeo" and prances around in public making sure everyone in the stores se…

I Should'a Been a Cowgirl

I live smack dab in the middle of Cowboy Country. I went to school with both Cowboys and Indians. No, really. Literally. People always think I'm making that up, but I couldn't be more serious. There were even Indian Cowboys if you can imagine that. Oh, Small Town USA, you neve…

Let Them Eat....Snow?

The evening of our big snow storm, I pulled on Husby's boots and teetered my way outside to scoop up some snow for SNOW ICE CREAM! Yippee!! I've never made snow ice cream before, so I had to look the recipe up on the web. First off, you get a gallon of snow. For those of you (like…

The Makeup Case: A Girl's Playground.

My Makeup Case. I love my pink makeup case. It holds all of my little sparkly treasures in such a neat, uniform way. I never have to dig through to find anything. It's all right there, laid out in front of me. It's perfect, really. I got laughed at by many a nurse (and my Dr.)…