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Showing posts with the label life


I am a very vivid dreamer. I dream all night long and remember them every morning. I can go into great detail about what happened in my dreams and sometimes I have to stop and think to myself, "wait, did that really happen, or was it in my dream?". Isn't that weird? It…

Tangible Memories.

It's no secret that I take a lot of pictures. I can't help it. Capturing the moment is something that I love doing, and even more, love having. It's so fun flipping through photos of the past and remembering that day with a better visual than my mind can give me. I know tha…

The Dinner Table.

It's hard for me to grasp the concept that some families never gather around the dinner table. Maybe it's the 1950's housewife in me, but my favorite time of the day is when we all come together to chat about our days over a warm supper, whether it be home-cooked or simple ta…

Stair Steps.

Spring is always a time of renewing. The flowers come out, the sun shines, the breeze blows and a sense of "newness" washes over all of us. This spring, I am super excited about the things ahead of us. It is going to definitely be a spring to remember for our little family. …

Big Boy Bed. Da Da DAH!

We have been busy little bee's getting things ready for Levi's big boy room. We are switching rooms for him now that we no longer need a "home office" since Husby will be graduating in a couple of months. He spent every single night in that office his first two years o…

Tipping Etiquette

Alright y'all. I have a confession. I, Whitney from The Glamorous Life of a Housewife, have absolutely no idea how to figure percentages. I mean, I just can't do it. And yes, I'm a college graduate. OY! I've tried. I've been taught time after time. I have had lect…


When I think back on my childhood, I have memories of eating supper around the dinner table every single night as a family and then sitting around together watching TV, chatting, laughing and having a nightly devotion before bedtime. Mom occasionally read her People magazine or Readers D…

He Still Moves Stones.

The only thing I can say about the past week is WOW. Throughout Husby and my entire relationship, the Lord has blessed us in such unique ways. I'm not talking easy, run of the mill type blessings (though He has given us those, as well), I'm talking opening up the Heavens and drop…

Five Friends.

Something I pray about all the time for Levi is a quality group of friends when he reaches school age. I know that a lot of kids out there struggle with finding friends with good morals, nice self esteem and ones who encourage each other to do the right thing. I went to Bible Boot camp …

Things I Learned Last Week.

After being snowed in and bound to the house for the majority of the week, I made several realizations about life. * The Cosby Show is arguably one of the greater shows ever produced. * Playing in and walking through the snow is crazy good exercise. * Family time is invaluable. * Snow ic…

{WW} Weeks 2 & 3 Recap.

I just finished up my third week of Weight Watchers and I can honestly say, it only gets easier! I had a few bouts of craving queso with a basket of hot and salty chips, but when those cravings came, I grabbed a glass of water and next thing I knew queso was the last thing on my mind. W…

Smile Moments.

For the past two weeks, Husby has been out of town for a rotation and Levi and I have been vagabonds. We stayed with my parents most of the time and when Husby was home on the weekends, he and I went on two different trips to residency programs and their second-look weekends. We are fin…

A Gentle Nudge

It all started around 1am on Monday night. Husby and I were laying in bed talking and before I knew it he was snoozing. I gave him a quick kiss and rolled over and whispered a prayer before closing my eyes. I heard Levi through the monitor sighing with each breath. "Ooooohhhhh&quo…

Thankful Thursday - Part III

31. Medicine! With my Dad and Husband being a part of this field AND having a toddler (who catches the yuckies), I am so, so thankful for medicine. 32. Letters. Not e-mail, not texts, not tweets ... letters. 33. Thunderstorms. Rainbows. 34. Children. Their innocence, hope, joy, trust and …

B&B - The Place For Me!

Husby had at out of town interview for a Residency program last week and they hosted a pre-interview dinner the night before with a few current residents, the applicants and their spouses. Because we had to go up the night before the interview, they put us up in a Bed and Breakfast in a…


I like to check my analytics account on occasion and see where you people come from. They have a giant map of the world and every time I get a hit, it shows me where it's coming from. I went to the US map and was excited to see that I have readers from every single state! Yay USA! M…

Thankful Thursday - Part Two!

16. Good life stories. 17. Traveling the world or a simple weekend away in the next town over. 18. Freedom of speech and the ability to write and create. 19. A 17 month old little boy who still loves to cuddle with his Mommy. 20. Twenty-seven years worth of incredible memories. 21. Herita…

The Serious Side.

Something I love about the blogging community is that there are people out there who, by choice, invite you into their homes each day by clicking on your site. And I, as the writer of my blog, invite you into mine. You are able to get glimpses into my life and thoughts (and vice versa) …

Thankful Thursday.

From now to Thanksgiving, I will be doing a series called Thankful Thursday. Feel free to link up if you want to play along! 1. The freedom and security my salvation in Christ brings. 2. Waking up beside the best man on earth every single morning. 3. The joy of precious Levi. 4. Family w…

Savor The Moments.

The other afternoon, my Mom, Levi and I went out for lunch. We tossed around several ideas and settled on our favorite little New York style eatery tucked away in a charming little shopping district. Upon arrival to our lunch spot of choice, I sighed and said, "oh yeah, this place …