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Showing posts with the label Weebie Wednesday

Weebie Wednesday: Levi's Songs.

I make up little songs for Levi all the time. Two of them have stuck with us and remain his very favorites. The first one, I came up with when he was just two months old and he laughed and grinned every single time I sang it (and still does)! The other came about around his 8th month of…

Weebie Wednesday: Little Buddy

Levi has never before been attached to a certain stuffed animal, blanket or anything like that. He likes them, but he hasn't ever really cuddled with or taken to them like some kids. I tried to make him like Dumbo, which he does like, but after the novelty of his ears wear off, he&#…

Weebs & The Barber Shoppe.

There once was a boy, a precious child, who had hair that became a little wild. It grew and grew and flew every which way, so Mommy declared it a special day. Daddy usually chopped his lustrous locks, but his hair grew as long as the tail on a fox! The boy went to the barber to get a cut,…

Weebie Wednesday: Christmas Past & Present.

My angel last Christmas. My angel this Christmas. If you need me, I'll be in a corner somewhere .... BAWLING.

Weebie Wednesday.

In a word ... cute.

Weebie Wednesday: Christmas Adventures!

We went away last weekend with my whole family on a little Christmas getaway. It was an awesome time and Levi was completely in awe of all things Christmas. Any time he sees a Santa Claus his eyes light up and he exclaims, "HO! HO! HO!" (I'm somewhere on this swing - can y…

Weebie Wednesday!

The leaves are falling. The babies are flying. Welcome, sweet days of fall.

Weebie Wednesday!

I'm smitten with this child. Blessed to be his Mommy.

Weebie Wednesday: 17 Months.

This month I have noticed such a drastic leap in Levi's communication skills. Every day he learns a new word or phrase and is becoming more and more articulate. I am blown away at his comprehension level. Children are such sponges and it is incredible to watch them learn and become…

Weebie Wednesday: Autumn Adventures

Levi has been on one adventure after another this month. He's been to festivals of fall. A beautiful mill is something he saw. In typical Little Boy fashion, he played in the rocks. He fed the animals and gave them pep talks. He rode on an airplane.... And took a horse and carriage r…