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Showing posts with the label Ezra

Ezra is 6 Months Old!!

Dearest Littlest, How is it possible that you are half of a year old?  In a way, I feel like you should be older than that.  But then again, I feel like you should be that itty bitty (10 lb) newborn snuggled tightly in my arms.  You are my angel baby! You have just grown …

From Little Boy to Big Boy.

Something that was always at the forefront of my mind when I found out I was pregnant again, was my Levi and the adjustments and changes he would inevitably go through once the baby arrived. I think it's a natural feeling, to worry about that firstborn child and how they will feel on…

Ezra's Birth Story.

I had several doctor's appointments last week that all landed me in Labor and Delivery because of my blood pressure. Each time that I went to L&D, they hooked me up to monitors and took lots of blood to run tests for preeclampsia. My blood work always came back great and so they…

Ezra's Nursery!

When trying to decide what to do for Ezra's nursery, Husby was my main source of inspiration. He let me go to town on Levi's nursery in creating something soft, sweet and elegant, so I wanted to represent him with our second son. (Ha! Sounds like I'm calling myself soft, sw…