I had several doctor's appointments last week that all landed me in Labor and Delivery because of my blood pressure. Each time that I went to L&D, they hooked me up to monitors and took lots of blood to run tests for preeclampsia. My blood work always came back great and so they sent me on my merry way ... back home and babyless. It was beginning to get a little frustrating.
I was scheduled to go in for another appointment on Thursday morning, and Husby had Wednesday morning off. I was feeling a bit light headed and had a headache, so Husby took my blood pressure and it was 151/100. Um, yeah. Not good. So, we loaded the car up and headed to the hospital.
They ran the same tests on me again, and they came back normal. Again. My blood pressure went down a bit, and I started having contractions. I prayed that they wouldn't send me home again because I knew that my doctor's appointment the next morning would land me in the same place. I was 38 weeks 4 days, and I knew it was time for my boy to be born. After laying there for about an hour, the nurses came in and said "you are scheduled for a c-section at 5 o'clock!"
YES! Today was the day!
Knowing that your baby is going to born in a couple hours is a surreal feeling. I can't really explain it, and I can't explain the flood of emotions that quickly run through your body and course through your veins. It's strange and amazing all at the same time.
My doctor gave me the option to induce at 37 weeks because of the baby's size and my blood pressure. I knew I didn't want to go that route again, and after several long conversations with Husby, he really urged me toward a c-section because of the trouble and problems I had with Levi's delivery and recovery. I won't go into details about it, but y'all - it was bad, and I have had some troubles I've had to deal with ever since. Risking another 4th degree laceration would only increase my already present problems and likely present more later in life. I talked with my Doctor about it and she too urged me toward a c-section. For the health and well being of me, and my baby, she told me she thought it would be the best decision. After a lot of prayer over the entire situation, I came to the same conclusion.
It was 11 o'clock when they told me he was coming, and I had to stop eating and drinking immediately. Well, that made me starving and parched. I would have given a leg for an ice chip. Oh, the misery. Because of the lack of fluids, my contractions started coming every 2-4 minutes. Husby, my Mom and Weebie all stayed with me in the laboring room and a little later my Dad came up, too. We had several hours to prepare ourselves and hype everything up to Levi. The hours went quickly.
Before I knew it, all of our family was there and they gathered around me, hand in hand and prayed over me and Ezra. I felt such a sense of peace and was ready. I was ready to meet my baby.
When they wheeled me into the Operating Room, I got a little anxiety. I've never had surgery in my life, so it was kind of freaky knowing that would be ME laying on that table, stomach open, organs out and knives flying. Crazy. The doctors walked in and of course one was my OB, and the other was one of Husby's resident friends! How fun! (He assisted and sewed me up, and I am telling you, my incision is beautiful! He did GREAT!) After my spinal, they laid me down and I got so hot. It was absolutely freezing in the OR, but I was sweating. A kind lady at my head was there encouraging me and telling me everything that was happening, and she fanned me the entire time. She was so sweet and had such a calming presence. When the curtain went up and Husby came in, I knew it was time.
Tug. Tug. Pull. Pull.
I was chatting along with everyone the whole time, and before I knew it there was a giant push on my stomach and I heard his voice. He was bawling and screaming and he sounded so ... perfect. I couldn't believe he was out. It's such a strange feeling to go into a room and ten minutes later, your baby is out. With Levi I labored so long and so hard, that it was such a relief to finally get him out. With Ezra, I'm laughing and shooting the breeze and BOOM - he's here. Two totally different experiences, and both equally wonderful.
Before I saw anything, I just heard screams. And the doctor's scream in unison, "WOAH!!!!" I started screaming, "what?! what?!" One doctor screamed, "look at those CHEEKS!" Another one said, "Check out those rolls!" I was saying, "let me see! let me see!" They finally held him up over the curtain and oh my gracious, my heart melted. I lost it. My perfect, precious angel was here and he was beautiful.
The nurses and Husby ran off to clean him off and weigh him and a little while later, Husby came in holding him and said, "TEN POUNDS ONE OUNCE!" I thought it was a joke. "You are kidding," I said, as I grabbed him out of Husby's arms. I smothered him in kisses and once I held him and felt how heavy he was, I realized they weren't joking. This baby was enormous!!
(My Doctor told me later that had I tried for a natural delivery, I would have labored and labored and likely ended up in c-section, anyway. She said his head was not wanting to go down to the birth canal and .... he wouldn't have fit! I was so happy we made the decision we did.)

I snapped this photo as I was getting sewn up and sent it to my Mom in the waiting room. Ha!

I was in recovery for only a few minutes before they brought him in to me. This was such an answer to prayer, because my biggest con in getting a c-section was that I couldn't be with him immediately. They show you the baby and then whisk them away. The thought of that tore me up. It was such a blessing that they got him to me so quickly, and I had the sweetest moments with my little family - all together as a family of four for the very first time.

Levi was totally smitten. But more on that in another post. I just have too much to write! :)
They took Ezra off to the nursery for a few check ups and my in-laws ran to grab us some dinner. I hadn't eaten all day, and I requested a chili cheese dog - something I couldn't eat while pregnant. I inhaled half of that heavenly bad boy and looked at Husby smiling as I relished every bite. Then ... boom. It hit me. I grabbed the nearest sack and lost everything I had eaten. Every. Last. Bit. Guess what? It's not fun throwing up with a fresh incision ACROSS YOUR STOMACH. Owch. I quietly finished my Diet Coke with Lime and a few minutes later they wheeled me to my regular room.
As the nurses gathered around me, tending to my every need, one nurse gently placed a cup of ice next to me and said, "try to eat this, and we will see how you do and then work you up to drinking water."
Um. Excuse me? I was supposed to be eating only ice chips and I was eating CHILI CHEESE DOGS??!?!?! Why did no one tell me this?
I shot Husby a look like, "don't say a WORD", and all he could do was smile. We were about to burst into a fit of laughter right then and there. I couldn't believe what I had done.
I got 30 minutes of sleep the first night. The nurses came in on the hour to push my stomach, check my incision, take my vitals, etc. It was brutal. The next day I ran solely on adrenaline. We had tons of family and friends come visit and it was a very sweet day. Probably the best day spent in the hospital. My Ezra was a dream, and the day went by quickly. I was sore, but up and walking - something I never got to do while in the hospital with Levi. I was bed bound the entire time with him!
The next morning was harder. When I woke up I felt like I had been in a wreck. My incision hurt so badly and walking was pretty hard. The post-labor contractions also kicked in and boy howdy - they were HORRIFIC. We also found out Ezra was jaundice and he had to be under the bili lights. It was a hard day, but the light was that if Ezra was better, we were going home the next morning. Well, we didn't. My stinkin' blood pressure went back up and due to a clueless nurse and some miscommunication with the doctors on call, we didn't get to go home until the next day - Easter Sunday.
I was pretty bummed, (read: furious) but it all worked out and we finally got to go home. Ezra got all of his light therapy out in the hospital which was a blessing, and he is getting less "golden" every day.

Life at home has been great. My Mom is here and helping make our transition to this new life a beautiful one. She is such a servant with such a loving heart. I don't know how I could do any of this without her and my sweet Husby. They are my rocks!
The recovery with Ezra has been 10 X's better than my recovery with Levi. I feel almost normal already. The pain isn't bad at all, and everything just feels so much easier. My hormones were up and down the last days in the hospital. I bawled every time I saw Levi and just staring in my new babies eyes. But here at home, they've been good so far, and I don't feel like the crazy emotional basketcase I did after my first delivery.
Levi has been an absolute doll, Ezra is the sweetest baby, and we are just cruising along figuring out our new normal. I sit and look at my boys and thank my God for His abundant blessings He has showered upon my family. He was with me every single step of the way - through my pregnancy; He worked out every single detail in my labor and delivery; and He has answered every prayer I asked on Levi's behalf and more. I just give Him the glory for this entire experience and for this precious, precious life.
I was scheduled to go in for another appointment on Thursday morning, and Husby had Wednesday morning off. I was feeling a bit light headed and had a headache, so Husby took my blood pressure and it was 151/100. Um, yeah. Not good. So, we loaded the car up and headed to the hospital.
They ran the same tests on me again, and they came back normal. Again. My blood pressure went down a bit, and I started having contractions. I prayed that they wouldn't send me home again because I knew that my doctor's appointment the next morning would land me in the same place. I was 38 weeks 4 days, and I knew it was time for my boy to be born. After laying there for about an hour, the nurses came in and said "you are scheduled for a c-section at 5 o'clock!"
YES! Today was the day!
Knowing that your baby is going to born in a couple hours is a surreal feeling. I can't really explain it, and I can't explain the flood of emotions that quickly run through your body and course through your veins. It's strange and amazing all at the same time.
My doctor gave me the option to induce at 37 weeks because of the baby's size and my blood pressure. I knew I didn't want to go that route again, and after several long conversations with Husby, he really urged me toward a c-section because of the trouble and problems I had with Levi's delivery and recovery. I won't go into details about it, but y'all - it was bad, and I have had some troubles I've had to deal with ever since. Risking another 4th degree laceration would only increase my already present problems and likely present more later in life. I talked with my Doctor about it and she too urged me toward a c-section. For the health and well being of me, and my baby, she told me she thought it would be the best decision. After a lot of prayer over the entire situation, I came to the same conclusion.
It was 11 o'clock when they told me he was coming, and I had to stop eating and drinking immediately. Well, that made me starving and parched. I would have given a leg for an ice chip. Oh, the misery. Because of the lack of fluids, my contractions started coming every 2-4 minutes. Husby, my Mom and Weebie all stayed with me in the laboring room and a little later my Dad came up, too. We had several hours to prepare ourselves and hype everything up to Levi. The hours went quickly.
Before I knew it, all of our family was there and they gathered around me, hand in hand and prayed over me and Ezra. I felt such a sense of peace and was ready. I was ready to meet my baby.
When they wheeled me into the Operating Room, I got a little anxiety. I've never had surgery in my life, so it was kind of freaky knowing that would be ME laying on that table, stomach open, organs out and knives flying. Crazy. The doctors walked in and of course one was my OB, and the other was one of Husby's resident friends! How fun! (He assisted and sewed me up, and I am telling you, my incision is beautiful! He did GREAT!) After my spinal, they laid me down and I got so hot. It was absolutely freezing in the OR, but I was sweating. A kind lady at my head was there encouraging me and telling me everything that was happening, and she fanned me the entire time. She was so sweet and had such a calming presence. When the curtain went up and Husby came in, I knew it was time.
Tug. Tug. Pull. Pull.
I was chatting along with everyone the whole time, and before I knew it there was a giant push on my stomach and I heard his voice. He was bawling and screaming and he sounded so ... perfect. I couldn't believe he was out. It's such a strange feeling to go into a room and ten minutes later, your baby is out. With Levi I labored so long and so hard, that it was such a relief to finally get him out. With Ezra, I'm laughing and shooting the breeze and BOOM - he's here. Two totally different experiences, and both equally wonderful.
Before I saw anything, I just heard screams. And the doctor's scream in unison, "WOAH!!!!" I started screaming, "what?! what?!" One doctor screamed, "look at those CHEEKS!" Another one said, "Check out those rolls!" I was saying, "let me see! let me see!" They finally held him up over the curtain and oh my gracious, my heart melted. I lost it. My perfect, precious angel was here and he was beautiful.
The nurses and Husby ran off to clean him off and weigh him and a little while later, Husby came in holding him and said, "TEN POUNDS ONE OUNCE!" I thought it was a joke. "You are kidding," I said, as I grabbed him out of Husby's arms. I smothered him in kisses and once I held him and felt how heavy he was, I realized they weren't joking. This baby was enormous!!
(My Doctor told me later that had I tried for a natural delivery, I would have labored and labored and likely ended up in c-section, anyway. She said his head was not wanting to go down to the birth canal and .... he wouldn't have fit! I was so happy we made the decision we did.)
I snapped this photo as I was getting sewn up and sent it to my Mom in the waiting room. Ha!
I was in recovery for only a few minutes before they brought him in to me. This was such an answer to prayer, because my biggest con in getting a c-section was that I couldn't be with him immediately. They show you the baby and then whisk them away. The thought of that tore me up. It was such a blessing that they got him to me so quickly, and I had the sweetest moments with my little family - all together as a family of four for the very first time.
Levi was totally smitten. But more on that in another post. I just have too much to write! :)
They took Ezra off to the nursery for a few check ups and my in-laws ran to grab us some dinner. I hadn't eaten all day, and I requested a chili cheese dog - something I couldn't eat while pregnant. I inhaled half of that heavenly bad boy and looked at Husby smiling as I relished every bite. Then ... boom. It hit me. I grabbed the nearest sack and lost everything I had eaten. Every. Last. Bit. Guess what? It's not fun throwing up with a fresh incision ACROSS YOUR STOMACH. Owch. I quietly finished my Diet Coke with Lime and a few minutes later they wheeled me to my regular room.
As the nurses gathered around me, tending to my every need, one nurse gently placed a cup of ice next to me and said, "try to eat this, and we will see how you do and then work you up to drinking water."
Um. Excuse me? I was supposed to be eating only ice chips and I was eating CHILI CHEESE DOGS??!?!?! Why did no one tell me this?
I shot Husby a look like, "don't say a WORD", and all he could do was smile. We were about to burst into a fit of laughter right then and there. I couldn't believe what I had done.
I got 30 minutes of sleep the first night. The nurses came in on the hour to push my stomach, check my incision, take my vitals, etc. It was brutal. The next day I ran solely on adrenaline. We had tons of family and friends come visit and it was a very sweet day. Probably the best day spent in the hospital. My Ezra was a dream, and the day went by quickly. I was sore, but up and walking - something I never got to do while in the hospital with Levi. I was bed bound the entire time with him!
The next morning was harder. When I woke up I felt like I had been in a wreck. My incision hurt so badly and walking was pretty hard. The post-labor contractions also kicked in and boy howdy - they were HORRIFIC. We also found out Ezra was jaundice and he had to be under the bili lights. It was a hard day, but the light was that if Ezra was better, we were going home the next morning. Well, we didn't. My stinkin' blood pressure went back up and due to a clueless nurse and some miscommunication with the doctors on call, we didn't get to go home until the next day - Easter Sunday.
I was pretty bummed, (read: furious) but it all worked out and we finally got to go home. Ezra got all of his light therapy out in the hospital which was a blessing, and he is getting less "golden" every day.
Life at home has been great. My Mom is here and helping make our transition to this new life a beautiful one. She is such a servant with such a loving heart. I don't know how I could do any of this without her and my sweet Husby. They are my rocks!
The recovery with Ezra has been 10 X's better than my recovery with Levi. I feel almost normal already. The pain isn't bad at all, and everything just feels so much easier. My hormones were up and down the last days in the hospital. I bawled every time I saw Levi and just staring in my new babies eyes. But here at home, they've been good so far, and I don't feel like the crazy emotional basketcase I did after my first delivery.
Levi has been an absolute doll, Ezra is the sweetest baby, and we are just cruising along figuring out our new normal. I sit and look at my boys and thank my God for His abundant blessings He has showered upon my family. He was with me every single step of the way - through my pregnancy; He worked out every single detail in my labor and delivery; and He has answered every prayer I asked on Levi's behalf and more. I just give Him the glory for this entire experience and for this precious, precious life.
This made me cry! What a beautiful story. And girl, TEN POUNDS?! That is amazing! Congratulations on your adorable family. And, oh man, the post-birth contractions are definitely a little more ... um, pronounced? ... with each subsequent baby!!
ReplyDeleteYay Whitney!! Great birth story... Sounds very similar to mine with my first son... Ezra is a VERY healthy looking adorable baby!! I pray you continue to have an easy recovery and everyone's transition to a family of four is smooth!
ReplyDeleteCongrats again- he is so precious! He really looks like Levi in the going home carseat pic! Maybe God made Ezra a little extra big just so you would have the assurance that you made the right decision in going with a c-section. ;) Can't wait to hear lots of cute stories of the brothers together!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, he is adorable! 10lbs! wow! Congratulations!!!
ReplyDeleteOh God is good! I just love reading birth stories; all so different but all point to His glory. This post had me laughing, crying and reminiscing about my births. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to more posts about your sweet boys!
Oh my goodness...where is the kleenex when ya need one? Congrats, he is so beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful story. I'm so glad you were led to the right decision. I always feel so bad for people that labor a horrific labor forever THEN still end up with a c-section. He is absolutely beautiful, that last picture is beyond precious. What a doll. Congratulations!!!
ReplyDeleteThis post made me laugh and cry, what a wonderful story!
ReplyDeleteI love birth stories! I thought it looked like you may have had a c-section, glad to hear everything went well. I had vomiting issues after my last one too- a total nightmare when you have a fresh incision! Enjoy that baby- seeing your pictures is making me so impatient to see our new little one!
ReplyDeleteAw, he is so precious! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations. Glad you are recovering well.
ReplyDeleteHe's such a handsome guy! Still can't believe he's that big! Awesome you are doing well. I have heard from other people too that a c section is easier to recover from.
ReplyDeletewhat a handsome little guy!! I LOVE the photos of the four of you - such a sweet moment! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteSO precious!!! Congratulations!! Levi is soooo cute with him!! C-Sections get a bad wrap and I had great experiences with both of mine. I also thought I could drink a route 44 diet cherry limeade and I threw it up too. Ha. Ten Pounds! WOW! I hope you got a good push present! XOXO KJ
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet birth story. Ezra is oh so adorable!! And those pictures of him and Levi together are beyond precious! I had a 4th degree tear with my 1st one and a partial 3rd degree with my second... so baby #3 I'm thinking will be a C-section delivery for sure! I'm so glad your recovery is going well and I'll continue to pray for you and your family as you make this transition.
ReplyDeleteWhat a big bouncing baby BOY! Congrats:)
ReplyDeleteAww, yay!! I'm so happy for you!! Baby Ezra is too cute. You have a beautiful family!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful story! And Ezra is quite the cutie! Congratulations! :)
ReplyDeleteHe is precious. Looking at those sweet cheeks almost makes me want another one.
He is so beautiful. Congratulations! I can't believe you had a 10 pound baby, you are so little!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to hear about Levi's reaction to becoming a brother. :)
What a precious little bundle!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to your little family.
I cannot believe how big he is- you are such a petite little mama. Good job!!
What a precious and adorable new little addition to your family! Great story and looking forward to hearing more about the family of 4. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! What a wonderful story! Also, thank you for posting your experience with your c-section. I had an emergency c-section with my first, and have chosen to have a repeat c-section with our second baby (in July) but had been feeling a lot of anxiety about it. I feel much calmer now hearing about your surgical experience and recovery. You'll be in my prayers!
ReplyDeleteEzra is precious! What a big boy!
ReplyDeleteI have been checking your blog multiple times a day waiting for this! hahaha. Such suspense. (-: Isn't it cool how God knew exactly what would be best for your little family in Ezra's delivery? I'm so glad your recovery is going better this time. (-:
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on TWO beautiful sweet boys!
Wow. He looks like a 3 month old. Good thing you went with a c-section. I can't imagine pushing out a 10 pounder. Glad you two are doing well.
ReplyDeleteWhitney! He is a doll!! Beautiful story! We serve an AWESOME God! Would you mind sharing the brand of that darling bumblebee day gown? I adore it!
ReplyDeleteLove your story! I'm so glad that it went so well for you, what a blessing. And two beautiful boys, how perfect!
Adorable family!! Congrats! So glad to hear you are doing well!
ReplyDeleteHoly Momma - 10 lbs?!?! Lordy woman, its a very good thing you didn't try that one au natural.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful birth story!! I can definitely identify with a few of your c-section experiences (throwing up after delivery was not fun). Little Ezra is absolutely beautiful!!! You must be in heaven!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Whitney! I bawled the entire time while reading this. Praise be to the Lord!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Whitney! I bawled the entire time while reading this. Praise be to the Lord!
ReplyDeleteI cried reading through this post. I am so incredibly happy for you and your growing family! He is absolutely precious and I can't wait to meet him soon!!
ReplyDeleteOh that sweet family. I love the pictures w/ both your babies cuddled up with you! The chili cheese dog is too funny! I smuggled in Diet Coke and a sandwich during my forever-long labor. I mean, we have to eat! Ice chips won't do it!
ReplyDeleteGlad everything turned out so well. I had a C-section and found it pretty easy. I'm really small so I think that it was probably better. I was up in a couple hours (my son was in the NICU), and when I brought him home with me, I was still able to care for him with only my husband's help. The biggest issue was the lifting. You start feeling good and forget your not supposed to lift. Anyway, sorry this comment is so long. Ezra is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteAn amazing C-section birth story. Our first was 9lbs 2 oz and she tore me apart down there. My doctor already brought up a C-section if baby #2 is measuring too big.
ReplyDeleteIt's refreshing to see a great c-section birth story simply because where I'm at your aren't really "a mom" if you have a c-section or epidural (which I had for my first, and most likely my second).
Thanks for being so positive!
What an amazing birth story! I love the photos of Levi meeting little Ezra for the first time.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations again on becoming a beautiful family of 4. xxxx
WOW 10 lbs and I thought birthing 7 lbs was bad. Big heads are no fun to birth so good call going the other route. I too had a rough delivery with my daughter and though I only had a 2nd degree laceration, it was MISERABLE!! So I can only imagine a 4th. What a beautiful baby boy, and it makes me want another one now :)
ReplyDeleteHe is adorable and healthy. Congrats again to you and your family! :)
ReplyDeleteOh wow, he is just adorable! I'm so glad things went well. Just looking at those pictures makes me all teary and very clucky! Rest up and enjoy your beautiful fam x
ReplyDeleteSo happy for you!! What a cutie pie! And 10 pounds?!? Thank goodness for that c-section!
ReplyDeleteSo glad that everything went smoothly - I have been praying for you! I can't wait to hear more about beautiful baby Ezra :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I am so glad you both were at peace with your decision to have a cesarean. I hate the post-birth contractions!!! They are worse with each baby you have. Just having had my fourth (a 9 lb 2 oz boy) I can testify to that. BUT totally worth it, of course. Your boy is so handsome!
ReplyDeleteHe is beautiful & I am so happy that you are home safe & sound. I hope & pray that you are feeling better!!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous pictures! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteHe's a handsome little guy! I'm glad you are doing so good.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! So happy everything went well - he is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteHe is adorable and healthy. Congrats to you and your family! :) Carlmont Online Pharmacy
ReplyDeleteHi everyone!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited share this testimony here about how i got my ex husband back after a divorce. I'm Mitchell Donna 28 yr old from USA, Am a woman who love and cherish my husband more than any other thing you can imagine on earth continent. My husband was so lovely and caring after 3 years of marriage he was seriously ill and the doctor confirm and said he has a kidney infection that he needed a kidney donor, that was how I start searching for who can help, doctor has given me a periodic hour that he will live just 24 hours left, that was how I ask the doctor if I can be of help to my husband that was how he carried out the text, the confirming was successful, I was now having this taught that since 3 years now we got married I have not be able to get pregnant can I be able to get bring again? That was the question I ask the doctor, he never answer his response was did you want to lost your husband? I immediately reply no I can't afford to lose him. After the operation my husband came back to live and was healthy I was also OK with the instruction given to me by the doctor, after 3 months my husband came home with another lady telling me, that is our new wife that will give us kids and take care of us, that was how I was confused and started crying all day, that was how my husband ran away with his new wife cleanable. Since then I was confuse don't know what to do that was how I went back to the doctor and tell him everything, he told me that, this is not just an ordinary it must be a spiritual problem that was how he gave me this Email: Ahmedutimate@gmail.com that I should tell he all my problem that he can help that was how i contacted he and I do as instructed. After 22 hours and I have done what he ask me to do, my husband start searching for me and went back to the doctor, that was how we well settle he also told me not to worry that I will get pregnant, this month making it the fifth Month I contacted he am now 3 months pregnant. These great spell cater is a great man,
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