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It's a long story, but we renamed the day to Halloweird this year because unfortunately, Levi got his hands on a too-scary-for-his-age cartoon that induced a huge fear of anything even slightly "scary" for him.  Calling ghosts, goblins and bats "halloweird" makes him laugh and helped calm his fears of the "spooky" things we see everywhere we turn this time of year.  So, here's a recap of our HALLOWEIRD!

I had a little Trick-or-Treat party with my family and here are some of the decorations.  Levi was absolutely in love with it.  He kept saying, "this is such a pretty table, Mommy! You did a great job!"  Always my Barnabas.



Super fun, easy, and cheap table!  The candy was the most expensive part.  I already had the vases & table cloth.  I got the runner 50% off at Hobby Lobby and the pumpkins in the dollar aisle at Target.  Voila!  Fun!




How'd he get there? :)

Then I got some Mason jars, some cute paper straws and some festive plates with polka dots to match the runner! :)



I made goody pumpkins for the boys!  Levi and Maxwell's were full of toys, coloring books, and candy.  Baby Ezra's had a "My First Halloween" bib and matching bottle.  Ha!  So cute.


They also had a little game for funzies.  Levi played it all day and then when Maxwell got there, neither of them touched it.


We had such a sweet, fun, memory making time!

Here are my little ones - Batman and a Lion.  Sweetest little duo ever there was!



Seriously?  This boy makes even Batman look precious.



Even Batman needs his Daddy.



And here's the littlest lion!!


When I saw this costume online, I thought it just screamed Ezra!  He looks perfect in this costume!



Oh, he kills me!




Since I have lots of pictures, I will post the Trick-or-Treating ones tomorrow night!  There's just too many to choose from to condense all in one post. :)

Hope you all had a memorable evening!!

I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. So precious!! I love them both but the lion might have won the cuteness battle. Batman definitely won for best hero!

    1. Haha, yes, I wanted Ezra to be Robin, but realized that I only get a few years to dress him "cute" like I want, so I better take advantage of it before he gets an opinion! :)

  2. Your children are dolls! And I really loved your candy decorations, I may have to use some of those for next Halloween :)

  3. Too cute! ...So this is random but where did you get the crib bedding in Ezra's room!? I love it!

  4. Oh my. They are both adorable, but that LION??? Oh my goodness, way too much. He wins any cute contest there could be, paws down.

  5. So adorable!! The lion outfit is just the cutest thing ever and you're right - Levi makes even Batman look cute! And the table and all looks so pretty as well, you're so good at throwing parties! And I love what Levi said about your table - I've never heard a 3-year-old say anything that polite and nice :)

  6. Oh my! Ezra is the cutest Lion ever!
    You make throwing parties seem so easy. I wish I had your creativeness! xx

  7. How adorable!! Love your fun party decorations too!

  8. Following in your mama's looks like so much fun and so festive. I loved the tall centerpiece with the peeps. The still my heart!

  9. My Nine month old son loves to roar like a lion, so I almost bought the very same costume Ezra has on. I was afraid it would make him too hot. The poses of Ezra are just too much! Your boys are so cute! We really didn't get to celebrate Halloween here in NY. Too much going on with getting things back in order after this horrid storm. I did get a few trick or treaters and they were adorable! Thank Goodness I was well stocked with candy. I always look forward to the costumes.

  10. Hi! New reader here :) Where did you get Ezra's pumpkin onesie that he is wearing on the table? I LOVE it!!

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