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All Good Things Must Come To An End...

Spring Break is officially over. Well, technically it was over on Thursday night when we got home. We had a fabulous time! Chicago is a great city. We parked the car all week and just walked and took the bus everywhere we needed to go. Oh. My. Word. I haven't walked that many miles in a LONG time. And toting around all this extra weight is not an easy thing to do!! Whew! It definitely took it's toll, but I would do it again in a heart beat. It was just too fun.

We did lots of fun things while in Chicago. We shopped a lot, ate even more, museum hopped, took tours and the girls went to see Mary Poppins while the guys went to see A Bronx Tale. Mary Poppins was fantastic!!! The woman who played her was perfect. She flew through the air and everything. The theatre was gorgeous. It was a wonderful night out.

We also saw a celebrity!! Well, kind of, I guess. Husby and I watch Rick Bayless on PBS every Saturday morning. He is a mexican food chef and we drool each time we watch. We found out his two restaurants are in Chicago, so we were going to go one day for lunch. We just happened to pick the day that it was closed all day. Well, as we were standing in front of the place deciding where to eat instead, I backed away from my family's huddle to people watch. I saw a man coming toward me that looked JUST like Rick Bayless. My thought? "How ironic!" Well, as he got closer and our eyes met, I realized it WAS HIM! I whispered quickly to my family and we all turned to look. Mom snapped a few pictures and the mail lady who was delivering mail to his place started snapping pictures with her phone! She said she delivers there every day and has never seen him before. She was just as excited as I was! What are the chances that he would be walking in front of his restaurant, on the day that it's closed, just as we were there?! So fun!

We ended up eating there the next day and it was fabulous.

We also ate at Billy Goat Tavern - made famous by the SNL skit "cheezeborger, cheezeborger, no fries - COKE!" It was delicious and such a fun experience! I told the guy I wanted a cheeseburger and he said "no, you get a double". I looked at him confused and he said, "trust me, double is better". He did that to all of us girls. I don't know why a single is an option if you can't get it! Ha!

We stayed at The Drake hotel, built in 1921 and it was absolutely GORGEOUS! The girls all had high tea there on our last day. It was amazing.

St. Patty's day festivities went on everywhere we went! The river was green, the fountains were green, everything was green.

I didn't take many pictures because I only brought my big camera and it was heavy to lug around since we walked everywhere. We crammed so much in the 5 days that we were there that I couldn't possibly tell you about it all. We had a wonderful time and I am so glad we were able to do this before the baby comes!

I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. Glad to have you back safe and sound dear friend!! I hope Levi had just as much fun as you did!!

  2. Good to hear your trip was great~ Put your feet up!

  3. It sounds like you guys had soo much fun! I am so glad that you got to have such a great trip before sweet Baby Levi comes! And how cool that you got to see Rick Bayless!! Hope you're feeling great!

  4. Looks and sounds like an awesome trip! =D

  5. Glad you had a great trip...welcome back! :)

  6. How fun! I'm glad you were able to escape for a great Spring Break! How did baby Levi like the double cheeseburger?

    Happy Monday!
    Cowgirl in the City

  7. Love the pictures! Looks like you had a great time!

  8. Welcome back! Having walked all around Chicago before, although for me and my sister it was kind of an accident, I am amazed at you for doing it while six months (plus) pregnant!

  9. Looks like you had a great time! I saw Mary Poppins too and it was amazing!

  10. welcome back! looks like you had a fabulous time! so glad you got a break for vacation and were able to do so many fun things while you were there!

  11. I am so glad you had such a fun trip!!!

  12. Looks like you had such a great time!!! I would LOVE to go to Chicago sometime!

  13. Wow, sounds like SO much fun. Pretty funny that the mail lady was starstruck too.. :0)

  14. What a fun trip! I love that they dyed everything green for St. Patty's day! I'm so glad you are back!

  15. sounds like you guys had fun!!! I want to see Mary Poppins!! glad your back :)

  16. Sounds like a great trip - I love Rick Bayless too - just bought one of his cookbooks

  17. so glad you found my city so fun :) i ADORE navy pier!! so glad you were able to take it all in. the drake is gorgeous- lucky you for getting to stay there!!!!! now relax and unwind at home!

  18. high tea! famous people! mary poppins!! wow what an awesome vaca!! :)

  19. glad you are back safe and sound.... looks like you had an amazaing time... im hungry now for pizza:)

  20. Glad you're back Whitney ~ yes, Chicago is a very fun place...expensive, but fun! I love Gino's pizza...yummmo! I can't believe you walked as much as you did...but we never take the car down there!

    Have a great week!

  21. I'm so envious. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. I need to get back to Chicago soon. It's a great city for just walking around and enjoying all the goodies.

  22. The girl you saw playing Mary Poppins? That's my friend, Ashley Brown! We went to high school together and she used to sing at my church. She's been a friend of our family's for a long time! She debuted the Mary Poppins role on Broadway and just started touring in Chicago. How funny that you mention her! I'll have to email her to tell her!

    Glad you're back! Now, I'm gonna need some belly shots, please. :)

  23. Looks like you guys had a great time!!! Glad you made it back safe and sound!!

  24. Chicago really is a neat place to visit, and it is nice that most things are within decent walking distance. Glad you guys had fun!

  25. Glad you had fun with your family.

  26. I'm so glad you had a good time. We had some very nice weather on St.Patty's day...I wish I could say the same for the weather right now though :)


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