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Levi's Story

From the day we got married, there was one question on my mind.

When do I get to have a baby?

I definitely did not want to have one right after we said “I do”, nor any time soon after. We always said we wanted three years of wedded bliss and freedom before trying for a baby. After year two, I found myself longing more and more for a child.

We discussed early on when we wanted to start trying and what would be best for our family. In fact, we discussed this for over a solid year, while bathing the whole situation in prayer. We wanted to be sure when we started trying, that we would be completely ready for the change and challenges. Early into our second year of marriage, we agreed that having a baby the summer after his second year of Medical school would be ideal, which meant we would start trying after our third wedding anniversary.

I have several friends whose husbands were a couple years ahead of Husby in Medical School and they seem to all have had their babies after their husbands second year. They have told me time and again what perfect timing it was and how it worked great for them. I took their advice to heart, and continued to pray.

Now, let me fill you in on a little background of God’s faithfulness and timing in our lives. When we got married, we thought we had it all planned out – when Medical School would happen, when we would buy a house, when we would do this and that, when..when..when. God quickly showed us time and again that HIS timing is best. I can’t even begin to tell you the things He has done for us in our short 3.5 years of marriage so far, but it is astounding and His provision is something I could never live without. When He worked His plan out for us in different circumstances, things fell together so wonderfully that we couldn’t believe we had originally planned out a different way. He obviously knows best. And neither of us would have it any other way because for us, it’s been absolutely perfect.

We knew that regardless of what we wanted and when we wanted it, concerning having a child, that God would ultimately prevail and bless us in His timing, as He did everything else in our lives that we originally thought we had planned so perfectly. And though we knew He would bless us when He saw best, there still comes a time when you have to take all the necessary actions to begin trying. And you have to decide when that time is.


July 2008 came quickly, which was the month of our three year wedding anniversary. This was the month that we had planned for all year…. the month that we would begin trying for a new addition. I admit that I was scared. I have many friends who struggled with conceiving and my greatest fear in life was to not be able to bear my own children. I have wanted to be a mommy my whole life! We prayed, trusted, and in mid September, we received news that we were to be parents. I was overwhelmed that it happened so quickly.

And insanely thrilled.

It happened within two months, yes, but a lot happened in that two months.

The first month that I was not pregnant, I panicked. I just knew it was going to be a long drawn out process and that it would take years. I cried on the couch and was supposed to go to a baby shower that evening, but couldn’t make myself go…since I was not with child. Yes, I am a bit of drama queen. Husby consoled me and told me that people rarely get pregnant their first month. I told him “nu-uh” and that “I was barren” and continued to wallow in my tears and self pity.

Poor Husby. He should get a medal for dealing with my antics.

The next month came and went, and ta-da…I was pregnant. Just like that. I couldn’t believe it and felt like a fool for crying over my “barren womb” the month before. I thanked God over and again as He reminded me that His timing is always best.

Here’s why.

Had I gotten pregnant our first month of trying, little Levi would be due smack dab in the middle of finals week of his last semester of classes at Medical School. That. Would. Not. Be. Good. No siree.

God knew this.

So now. Now, I am due in June.

Husby finishes classes and finals in the middle of May. He starts his clerkship rotations on July 1st. He gets ONE month off during this entire year, and it just so happens to be June.

There is nothing coincidental about that at all. That was all God – my Provision.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. What a wonderful testament of your love for Levi, Husby and more importantly God.

  2. I do believe that was divine intervention.

    Amen for God taking control and leading your life and you being smart enough to listen...

    ****how're you feeling?****

  3. Oh what a great story - thanks for sharing. God is so good and I am just praying to TRUST him so much right now. It is so hard sometimes but thanks for sharing your story because it is such an encouragement to hear another testimony to his goodness to us!

  4. Such a sweet story.:)

    I, too, cried over my barren womb after one month of no conception....Our second try, I got pregnant as well....and my due date was also June.....for our son Matthew.;)

    And for reasons that I will not torture or bore you with today, I really needed to see Jeremiah 29:11 this morning....So thank you for sharing that verse.

    God's timing is perfect!

    God Bless,

  5. Whitney, I love you. I love the Lord in you. God has a way with us. Thank you for sharing his perfection in you.

  6. He does know the best..I can definitely relate to that! It's a comforting thought, isn't it?

    Great post!!

  7. Thank you so much for posting this! I needed to hear this right now!

  8. I have determined that things regarding pregnancy never go the way we originally planned them. If they did, we might miss out on the miracle that it really is. Of course, hopefully little Levi will actually wait until June to come!! Congrats again.

  9. So awesome!

    God's timing truly is impeccable and sometimes it's easier to realize AFTER the fact.

    Thank goodness it's not up to us! Whew!

  10. What a great post. You are truly commited to God's timing. :)

  11. Wow, God's plan truly is remarkable! Thank you for sharing, and I am so glad that your husband won't be in finals when you are in labor! :)

  12. oh, how God's timing is so perfect! how blessed we are that he cares enough about us to plan our our dreams in His timing, so that we can be blessed to the fullest! I am so excited for your June baby!

  13. God always has a plan!!! As a girl who knows how hard it is to get pregnant(keep trying, 2 miscarriages) faith in God is the only way to look to!

  14. This is such a wonderful story! The Lord works in mysterious ways!!! I am so happy that he has blessed you and your husband with a sweet, little baby! Sometimes it is so hard to trust God and wait on His plan for you. This post reminds us all to do just that!

  15. I'm so glad that God had a plan for you two. His timing was perfect of course. I'm going to think the He planned it this way so that I would have a great friend at work who was going through the same things as me.
    You forgot one very important thing in June--BOARDS!! AAAGGHHH! I hope we survive this next little hump! :)

  16. Isn't it amazing how desperately we want our own plans but God's plan is so much better for us? Thanks goodness for God's perfect timing! What a great story!!

  17. What a great story, and soo absolutley true! God's timing is always right on sometimes we just need a little reminder of that;) Thanks so much, I needed to read that today.

  18. So awesome! My dad always says "Man makes plans and God laughs." His timing is always perfect and this story is such a testament of that!

  19. As a fellow student's wife, I completely understand how PERFECT that timing is! That's awesome.

  20. God is awesome like that isn't He?! His timing is best and sometimes it takes me forever to figure out in every situation that He knows what He is up to. What a cool testament to our big God and how into the details He is. NO one could ever tell me He isn't real!

  21. Your story sounds a lot like ours.

    We planned to start trying the month of our 2nd anniversary (October). I convinced DH to try in September even though he had always said "October!" because it had taken both of my sisters over a year of trying before they were able to conceive. Well, I wasn't pregnant in September and I cried and cried thinking I was barren, too. I got pregnant in October - just the way DH had wanted it (and God, obviously!). Financially it just works better for us. You're right in that it's in His time.

  22. Belly picture on my blog, btw.

    They were both shot at slightly different angles (and I had the 10 wk bloat in the first), but I can tell a slight difference.

  23. Loooove this. I love hearing how elements in our life are being orchestrated in a way that only can point to a divine creator who cares for us!

  24. I love this. I am going to have to send you an e-mail versus a long drawn out comment. :)

  25. I love to hear stories of God's sovereignty! Thanks so much for sharing this. What a beautiful story for your little Levi to grow up hearing. There is nothing better than establishing your child's foundation in God's good and perfect planning. We humans need to hear these things-- especially that we were made for a purpose, according to His plan. During the tempests of life you can remind little Levi how he was born into this world in a way that demonstrated God's hand was definitely in it.
    Blessings on you and yours!

  26. I never get tired of hearing about God's sovereignty. It's amazing and His timing is always perfect.

  27. wow. do you understand how powerful this blog post was? is? the fact that you just did an entry into your 'online diary', just to vent, to tell, to share....

    and it impacted a girl who lives in another state, who was raised Buddhist, who is agnostic?

    to the point that i am now considering attending church and am honestly thinking about religion and the impact of God in my life?

    do you understand how powerful that is?

    how powerful your Faith is, that you made ME turn a new page in my life?

    thank you, so, so much, for taking the time to write and putting it out in the open for everyone. it means more to me than i could ever express.

  28. Love your insight into how our Father knows our days and the plans He has for us!


  29. Wow! Things couldn't have worked out more prefectly!

  30. Amen, sista! I always have to remind myself that this isn't my plan- it's God's.. and he's got it figured out waaaay more than I do!

    You will be amazed at the glory of his creation when little Levi is born... believe me, God has never been more apparent to me until our little baby girl came into this world- it's indescribable!

  31. Amen!! What a great story to read. Your faith is wonderful and I hope my outlook on this situations is exactly like yours when we start "trying" :)

  32. I love love love this post. It is true, God totally knows what is going on--even though sometimes we want things to go our way, it's much better His way.

  33. I just love this! What a wonderful story!!!

  34. Talk about timing! Thats awesome!'ve been tagged:

  35. God is good in His timing...I love how we always think we know what's best, and then God goes and shows us that HE is best! ;)

  36. I always knew you would have a child of your own. It has been your dream for a while and you are going to make the BEST mommy. I can't wait to see you embark on is lifechanging and a precious gift from God. Levi and Livy will be the bestest of buds. Love you!!

  37. I just stumbled on your blog. I loved your story. My husband is also in med school. He is in the middle of his third year right now. We had twin sons in June after his first year. He had that summer off and it worked perfect for us as well. Good luck with the baby and a husband in med school. It's a challenge few understand.

  38. I LOVED this post!!! Praise the Lord!

  39. I can't help but comment. We are in the throes of God's timing. While we always think we know what's best for us -- he always knows better even down to the minutes of our lives. What a wonderful experience you will have with your hubby when little Levi comes. Your attention won't be divided, you'll have bonding time together as a family, precious time that means so much. Isn't God good?

  40. Ran into your blog randomly, and I'm so glad. Congrats on the pregnancy!

    And thanks for the reminder of the glamour behind my life as a housewife! Some days I long to be that "career woman" again... grass is always greener, right? I am blessed to have this chance to be home with my kiddos.

    Take care.

  41. Whitney, I really appreciate how you can write from the heart, all the love you have to share with others, and how you are after God's own heart. A breath of fresh air.

    I put you on a challenge on my blog if you want to participate...

  42. Found your blog recently and have enjoyed catching up with your family! Congrats on your upcoming new arrival!! How exciting!

  43. Love, love, love your "bio"! How amazing to hear of young women who's greatest heart desire (besides their love for the Lord) is to be a wife and mommy...just warms my heart! Keep moving toward your dream, my new friend! And I love your blog...may God richly bless you and your sweet little family in 2009!

  44. This is great! Timing is everything and He knows best! xoxo

  45. What a beautiful post full of faith and Gods goodness to us!

    I found you from pioneer woman and thought I'd take a peek(your title caught my attention) :)

    I'm excited about your example to other young women of the great priveledge and honor and excitement that there is in being a "housewife" It's time to breathe new life into that term!!

    On your journey towards being a glamourous housewife, I think you are off to an Awesome start!! Your attitude is refreshing!!

    From a glamourous housewife and mother to 6 babes...welcome to the ride of your're just about there!

  46. Thanks for sharing your story! Levi is a wonderful name!


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