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Ask Me!

Several of you bloggers have done the "Ask Me Any Question" post, and it's so much fun because I feel like I get to know a little more about you through the obscure questions that you are asked.

So now it's my turn! I want to answer the questions you throw at me.

Put on your thinking caps and ask me ANY question that you would like to know, and I will answer them all on my post Tuesday. This should be fun. :)

On your mark, get set, GO!
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. what is one of your favorite things about being pregnant?

  2. What is your favourite time of year and why?

  3. If money was no object, where would you go and why?

  4. Will you quit your job once Levi is born and stay at home with him or will you work part time?

  5. What name did you have picked out if the baby was a girl?

  6. What is your biggest fear about becoming a mom?

  7. First off big congrats on your baby on board. As you are into your second trimester I hope things are going well. I want to know your biggest challenge in life and how you have overcome the challenge?

  8. When you are alone in the car, do you sing out loud?

    And when you are not alone in the car, do you sing out loud?

    And if you answer yes to the second question, does anyone ever ask you to please stop singing? Or does that only happen to me? *Sigh* ;)

  9. How did you and your husband meet?

  10. LOL What great questions already!

    What theme is the nursery going to be?

  11. What is the best gift you have ever received for Christmas?

  12. How do you get the items for your give aways? Do you provide them yourself or are they from sponsors?

    (P.S. I put you on my blog posting today and I called you the cutest little blogger ever. High praise indeed!)

  13. what is your favorite thing about being a wife?

    great idea! i may have to steal this for one of my posts sometime :)

  14. Have you started getting the nursery ready yet? I know when I was pregnant my first time; I couldn't wait to get's so much fun!

  15. What traditions do you plan on passing down to Levi?

  16. What is one thing about your parents that you hope you will display to your children?

  17. Ok my dear, you look very young--which, is fantastic because I am always trying to look young. Any skincare tips? In all your pictures you have amazing skin!!

  18. Besides the "Skittles" answer-- what flavor would the rainbow be in your world?

  19. Would you ever consider giving all of your gorgeous hair to your fabulous friend Ruthie? She's always wanted red hair...poor, poor Ruthie....

  20. What was your favorite part of your wedding?

  21. ok - here goes:

    Do people say you look like a celebrity? If so, what celebrity and do you agree?

    XO -Katie

  22. I have 2 ....
    How did you come up with the name Levi?
    What do you think of the President elect Obama?

  23. What do you currently do for a living? (Where do you work and what do you do?)

  24. What theme are you using for Levi's nursery?

  25. What is your address? KIDDING! HAHA! In which state do you reside though? And are you from Texas?

    oh - and I love your dad - he reminds me of my dad in that pic you posted a few days ago. He's so cute!!!

  26. How in the world do you find time to blog everyday? Do you wake up at the crack of dawn?

  27. What is Husby's name? I'm sure I'm not the only one that is DYING to know :)

  28. are you going to try for a natural childbirth?

  29. Did you have any "feelings" in your belly before you knew 100% that Levi was in there? I know it's random...but I've always wondered if ones belly feels funny :D

    Melissa :D

  30. Just stumbled across your blog! yea! I would like to know what your plans with work are once baby arrives...?

  31. Stink. I was thinking, "ill ask if she plans of breastfeeding" - taken. Then I thought, "I'll ask if she is planning a natural childbirth?" - taken. So here goes, my third attempt. What household chore do you despise the most? And your answer can't be all of them. hehe.

  32. Hi Whitney ~ I can't wait to hear all the answers to these great questions! My question would have to be...were you and your siblings close when you were little? What about you and your parents?


  33. How many children do you think you want to have?

    How many brothers and sisters do you have?

    Are you the oldest, middle, youngest?

    I enjoy your faith in God and the fact that you share that with us. Were you raised in a family with stong faith or is this something you came by on your own?

    Thanks for sharing your life with us. I enjoy your blog tremendously.

  34. What is the one thing that scares you the most about being pregnant?
    Have you decided how you will decorate Levi's nursery? Your house pictures are always beautiful so I know it will be very stylish.

  35. Because I need to know; I'll let hubby even help you on this one...

    How do you know when a Smurf

  36. This is a great idea! Ummm .... okay here's my question:

    If you find that your stomach is destroyed by stretch marks and saggy skin after you have your babies, would you be on the anti or pro side of having cosmetic surgery, and why?

  37. Wow, there are so many good questions here! I can't wait to see your answers:)

  38. Someone kind of already asked this question, but I'll ask it in a different way. Did you know that you were pregnant before you actually took a test, or did you feel like you did on a normal day???

  39. What was that Disney show again? I gotta see this girl ;)


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