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Growth Spurt.


I get e-mails each week that tells me what is going on with me and Levi. It is quite fascinating, really. He is just working so hard growing and thriving. In my e-mail last week, it said I was about to hit a rather large growth spurt, and that Levi would double in size in the next few weeks. Keep in mind that this week, at week 17 (17!!!!!) he is the size of a sweet potato.

He's my Mr. Potato Head.

I honestly feel like my tummy is getting bigger every day. Probably because it is. I gave up on the bella bands and went to maternity clothes. Maternity pants are God's gift to me.

I keep forgetting that I don't have to unbutton or unzip, but all I have to do is pull. It's like pull-ups for grown ups! I honestly don't know why all of us don't wear these at all times in our lives. They make life so much simpler and more fantastical. The one and only problem I have with them is that since they never get tight, you can eat more without feeling miserably full. That's not a fun thing.

I keep feeling funny little things in my tummy, and I am never quite sure if it's Levi saying hi. I bet it is, because they say I should feel him any time now, but I haven't yet felt like "oh-my-goodness-that-was-unmistakably-him". I just wish my stomach was see-through so that I could see exactly what he's doing in there. He must be bored. There's not much to do in my uterus. Maybe I should swallow some gummy bears whole so that he has some toys to play with. I bet he would like that.

People stare at my stomach all the time. Not strangers...but people who know I'm pregnant. I rub him a lot and talk to him. He knows my voice and he also can sense light even though his eye lids are still fused shut. They say if you shine a flashlight on my tum-tum, that he will roll over to get away from it. He's my little hermit.

I will leave you with a picture of me and Levi from last week - at 16 weeks. Please excuse the messy bedroom. I was in the middle of unpacking from one trip and re-packing for another. Oh, and I was about to go to a basketball game with my Husby and in-laws....hence the t-shirt.

Check out that BELLY.
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. Yea! I'm first! Whit, thanks so much for sharing your pregnancy with us (even the relative strangers here on blogosphere). Since I've had the baby bug since I've been like 8, and my husband still wants to wait for a while, it's been a delight to experience your pregnancy with you! Thanks for sharing!

    And your bump is adorable! Hi Levi Lovie!


    the baby bump looks beautiful on you!

    Can't wait til you have the "YEP, that was Levi" moment!


    Happiest New year!

  3. Hopefully it shouldn't be too long until Levi says hi properly!! How exciting will that be?

    Eating gummy bears whole made me laugh!!

    Saskia x

  4. Adorable baby belly! It wasn't until I was around 19 weeks when I actually new it was our babe, and I still am not sure at times if it is the babe or something else. I keep wanting it to happen so the husband can feel too!
    PS Be careful not to choke while swallowing whole gummy bears!

  5. You look great neatsy!

    And how exciting it must be waiting to feel him! I love the swallowing toy idea ;)

  6. Ok. So I'm going to pretend when you took this picture and sent it to me that you had every intention of using it as your belly pic and NOT because you wanted to show me you were sporting my teams opponent. Yes, I'm sure that was your thinking.
    can't wait to watch the growth spurt in the next few weeks and months!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!

  7. so cute!!! you look great!

  8. I was hoping to come back from break and see you with a huge tummy. I know you have a while before you have a huge tummy, but I thought well I haven't seen her in 2 weeks maybe, just maybe it will have magically quadrupled in size. I just can't wait! You are going to be so cute!

  9. i can totally see the bump! So cute!!!!

  10. so much fun! i'm getting those same emails every week. my bump has totally doubled. i couldn't see it at all before and now it's most definitely there. and don't you feel like maternity pants really help you see the bump? love those pants! thanks for the updates!

  11. Hi Levi! Love the baby belly...they're my favorite! Feeling the baby move is the best. I can't wait until you know for sure!!

  12. You look great! I agree with Miss Anne-the baby bump does look beautiful on you! The gummy bear comment made me laugh!

  13. You are still soooo small and cute! I mean really pregnant?? But I can't wait to see you grow more and more!

  14. Aw, so cute!!! It'll be soooo exciting when he finally starts really moving around and kicking and you'll really for sure know that he's saying hi. How exciting!!

  15. Aww you are such a cute preggers!

  16. You look great!! I love your posts, and Levi is a precious name!!

  17. You and blue-eyed bride are just the cutest pregnant girls!

  18. I love maternity pants. Mine don't quite fit me, but I never got a Bella Band so I wear my maternity pants most of the time. I can still fit into my old jeans but I doubt I will for too much longer. You asked for a belly picture - I'll take one again at 15 weeks (Thursday) so I'll post it on Friday.

    I don't know if it's the angle or what but you don't look like you have much of a bump! You were probably pretty thin to begin with, that case your bump is sweet. I like the idea of swallowing whole gummy bears. I might have to try that.

    Cute name, by the way! I think we've all but decided on a girl's name. Just have to wait to see if it's a girl!

  19. Maternity clothes are oh so convienent... but I did miss tucking in my shirts...

    Your belly I'm sure seems big, but in just giving birth to my 9 are tiny!! Have fun growing, this is such a fun time!

  20. awww-he is growing!! how precious!! you look great!!

  21. Aww what a sweet post - you make me laugh everyday! haha

    I have a cousin names Levi by the way - he is oh so cute so I am sure your Levi will be too! :)

  22. You are just cute as a button! You're little belly begs to be patted and talked to, so I understand why people do it so often. We love you, Baby Levi!

  23. How cute are you with your sweet little baby belly!

  24. Cute post! I loved when you said you should swallow some gummy bears whole so Levi would have some toys to play sweet! I am still smiling from that one!
    Happy New Year!

  25. Belly? What belly? I hope I look half as good as you when I'm pregnant!

    Awww, sweet Mr. Potato Head!

  26. Wow, time is flying by! 17 weeks came fast!

  27. ahhh soo cute.. such a cute lil preggo bellY:)thanks for sharing

  28. u look magnificent dear little friend!! I have something special for the little guy!!!

  29. Your bump is darling, but I must say....I don't see one. I'm not saying you aren't pregnant, but girl you are still skinny. I guess after having 3 babes I don't remember myself looking like you at, what is it 17 weeks? I'm seriously not making fun or being hateful...just complimenting you on your "skinny-ness". You're a darling pg woman.
    I loved being pregnant and miss it at times.

  30. As a mother of 4 including twins I have to laugh at your BELLY. I'm so glad to see you enjoying your pregnancy. NO matter how many children you may go on to have, there is NOTHING like your first pregnancy (even though they are all special and miracles)!

  31. Aw, you have the cutest lil' belly! By 17 weeks I was already the size of a house!

    You think you're going to be ready to feel him - but when you do, and you're sure it's him - completely undescribable.

  32. Oh my goodness, girl. You can barely see a bump. You are absolutely glowing and beautiful! What an exciting time in your life...

  33. Thought I would give you a tip to feel the baby. Eat something yummy then immediatly lay down flat then put your hand on your belly you will feel him. Even though he is still tiny you will feel him. It is the most precious moment ever. Make sure your hubby is around though so he can partake in the moment! ;) You are looking amazing!

  34. So I JUST watched the Hills episode you were talking about last night! How embarrassing! She's ridiculous. LOL! ARRRRRIIIBBBBAAAA!!!!

  35. Yay!!! Levi is adorable!!! And look at that cute little belly you have :) We're 14 weeks along now! So exciting! They already "think" ours is a boy too :) I hope you're feeling great! It is such a fun time and love love love feeling 'em move and my hand is on my belly the majority of the time too, so cute!


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