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Just Peachy.

Last night I dreamed that The Pioneer Woman was my doctor and she told me the gender of my baby. The ultrasound machine fired up, the jelly was rubbed on my belly and up on the screen popped Baby Lovie.

“See! I told you it was a boy!” I screamed.

Pioneer Woman quickly stopped me and said, “Guess again – it’s a girl!” I could not believe it.

I woke up totally confused. What if I have been dead wrong this whole time and Baby Lovie is a girl? I mean, I will be elated with whichever I get, because I ultimately would love to have one of each, but what does this say about my “mother’s intuition”? Uh oh. What if I am a bad mommy? What if I scarred Baby Lovie for life by calling her a “he” all this time? What if she grows up thinking she’s a boy just because I kept calling her one for the first 3 months of her life? Uh oh. I better stick double the bows on her head and dress her up in the frilliest things possible. Oh wait, I was planning on doing that anyway.

What oh what did I do?

I need it to be next Wednesday so I can find out. And I hope Baby Lovie cooperates because I doubt I can go another month without knowing!

We have a name 100% picked out for a girl. I said it, Husby loved it and we went on our merry way. It’s like it was meant to be her name for all of eternity. Until she gets married, of course. We now have our little girl name for whenever she arrives. It’s set in stone. Destined to be hers and only hers. It. Is. Adorable.

The boy name, on the other hand, is an issue. A big fat issue. I am drop-dead-madly-deeply-passionately in love with the name I have chosen. Husby is not. Simply because he “knew a guy in college” with that name and “he’s a big jerk”. That does NOT mean that our Baby Lovie will be a big jerk. He will be a delightful little butter ball. I am sure of it.

And when he lays eyes on little Lovie, he will forget all about the big fat jerk with the fabulous name.

When I ask Husby which names HE likes, he gives me a blank look and smiles. He can’t come up with anything, yet shoots down every name I come up with. This name, this golden-grand-prize-winner name that I have come up with is absolutely fantastic. And I can totally see our little Lovie looking JUST like a little…well, I will tell you if indeed he is a boy and if indeed I can talk Husby into it.

Oh the woes of baby preparation. I need some advice on how to get husby to agree with me when obviously "mommy knows best".

In the mean time, look at lovie! Isn't S/He a PEACH?? :)

We are just movin' right a long. I love my peach. Maybe we should name him James. And the Giant Peach. ;)
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. *sitting on the edge of my seat*

    can't wait to find out! (ok well i can wait, but i bet YOU cant!)

    you and your peach are just as sweet as pie! :)

    Have a great night my dear!

  2. Oh the suspense is too much! This isn't even my baby and I'm so excited to find out if it's a boy or a girl! Baby lovie better cooperate!

    I can't wait to hear your names too! After my brother's baby name fiasco, I know how difficult can be to choose a name!

  3. Wow, you get to find out the gender next week?! That is so early! I hope that s/he cooperates for you.

  4. OK. If you need, you can tell your hubby my story. (I apologize ahead of time for the long comment!)

    For our first child we waited to find out until birth. We both loved the girl name.. but I HATED the name he picked out for it if it was a boy. I mean I DESPISED IT. It would be his nickname, since he would be a "third", but up until the birth, we still fought about it. =) She was a girl, so I got lucky.

    Fast forward six months and I found out I was pregnant!
    (yes, I actually got pregnant again 6 months later!)
    I found out around our two-year wedding anniversary so I wrapped up the test, along with a silly little poem about me being pregnant again (that he didn't get, I had to spell it out, haha) and a note that said for his anniversary present he could have the name he wanted so badly with no fight this time. For some reason I just knew he would be a boy and he was.

    =) I love my sweet Eben and wouldn't change his name for anything now.

    I hope that helps!

  5. You are so funny! I have already told my hubby that we better start years in advance picking names for our babies because we do not agree on ANYTHING. I am really dreading this whole process... UGH!

    WOW so next week you find out - how fun! I will be waiting to see what you have to say next week - can't wait!

  6. Oh how exciting! I'm going to guess...girl!

    BTW-you were chosen as one of the winners at my blog!!

  7. Oh, I can't wait!

    Heath and I have been talking baby names for the last 5 years(even though we don't plan to have a baby for another 5 years or so) and we just now decided on both a boy and girl name a couple of weeks ago!

    So hopefully Baby Lovie will have a name sooner than that!

  8. Years before we had our first child Dennis and I decided on a girl name. It was from a Barry Manilow song! Yechhh. I know. Well, when we had a girl neither one of us still wanted that name. Even in a nine month period you will see how often your minds change. But, I agree with you: Verla is a perfect name for your little lovie girl.

  9. that dream was hilarious! don't both will come up with the PERFECT name if its a boy!

  10. I'm due on Saturday, and we still do not have a boys name. My husband does the same thing though~ Hates all my suggestions, but cannot come up with anything on his own....

  11. Ahh! I can't wait to find out!!!

  12. You can gently remind him that you are the one carrying Lovie for 9 long months, you are the one that has to push him/her out, you are the one that will do the most diaper changes, you are the one that will fix and kiss all boo-boos and you are the one that will call him/her by his/her first and middle name the most when he/she is in trouble, so it should be a name you really love.

    OOOR, you can name him Rufus, after his favorite Aunt Ruthie. (I've suggested that to all of my preggie friends and none of them have done it. I don't know why. So, it's still up for grabs.)

    Can't wait to find out! I think it's twins...a girl and a boy. The extra one snuck in there when you weren't looking.

  13. I can't wait to find out with you!
    Names are the hardest! I was a first grade teacher before mine arrived, so when my husband would throw out a name, I could picture a face from one of my many teaching years! The name "Matthew" is a good one my husband loved, but my WORST student of all was named that-I kept imagining my son like him, and couldn't do it!!!
    You'll find the perfect name-I know it!

  14. Good luck with choosing a name. I'm sure that you'll end up with the perfect one for baby lovie!

    My parents thought I was going to be a boy, as did everyone in my family. Everyone had bought them blue baby clothes etc. and so they got quite a surprise when I showed up!

    Being thought of as a boy for 9 months never did me any harm :)

    Saskia x

  15. It's all so exciting! :) I love that he/she is the size of a peach! :)

  16. so exciting!!! and i'm so jealous that you get to try to find out so soon. i have an appointment on december 29 and i'll be 16 weeks then, but i don't think they'll only let me hear the heartbeat. i'm going to have to wait until february 2 to find out the gender. :(

    as for your name-- just keep doing some persuading. show your husband what the name looks like embroidered on a onesie or on a little birthday hat. :)

  17. Oh man! I can't wait to know what you're having and to hear the lovely names of Baby Lovie!

  18. I am so happy that you are finding out!! I loved finding out both times. Good luck!! I will check your blog next week!!

  19. The pioneer woman!?! That is so funny! I can't wait for you to find out!!!!!! I'm so excited. I love the name you have picked out for a boy and I think you should compromise the name for breast feeding! :)

  20. Did you check the Chinese calendar? It's worked for EVERYONE we know,to the point where it's kinda creepy!

    Tell dh that unless he can come up with a solution to the question, he'll have to live with yours. Either that, or he gets to name the one HE squeezes out. :)

  21. You will share with us once you find out if Baby Love is a he or she right!?! I LOVE pioneer woman..thats so funny you had a dream with her in it! At least I wasn't the doctor :)

  22. Josh and I did NOT agree on boy names at all. Girl names, yes. Jillian. Hopefully someday we will have a Jillian. But the boy names? Not so much. It literally took divine intervention for us to agree on one!! :)

  23. I can't wait to find out if Baby Lovie is a boy or girl! I'm not pregnant, but when I talk about boy names with my husband he wants to name a boy the same name as our dog. How confusing would it be to have a dog and a baby named Porter.

  24. Aw, I think James would be a sweet name. :)

    Matt and I cant agree on boy names either. Not that we're planning. But you know, just in conversation. :)

  25. I really can't wait to find out what you're having - and then what name you decide on!! ALl of your blogger friends are anxiously awaiting with you!

    By the way, miss decorator, I have a current dilemma I would love your help with. CHeck out my blog today if you can! (o:

  26. I love, love, LOVE the name Tessa, but Mr. Darling dated a girl who had a cousin named Tess, so now we can't ever use that name. Tell me that's not a ridiculous reason.

  27. I can't wait to find out either! I just got done reading Pioneer Woman's next installment in her story...that woman sure can write!


  28. I'm laughing at the fact that the Pioneer Woman showed up in your dream. I totally love her and kinda think of her as a friend too.... =)

  29. D and I can't agree on names, either, although we haven't discussed it too much. I have a girl name that I LOOOOOVE but D isn't sold. We decided to pick up the baby name book again only after we know for sure what we're having.

    Hope you get to find out as early as you want! So I'm 11 weeks today so that means we're 2 weeks apart.

  30. Ooh, I can't wait to hear the name pick!

    I was wrong about each of my baby's genders...even after the ultrasounds, which I was sure were wrong. I think they are relatively unharmed by that fact :)

    My husband and I had to resort to a (relatively) friendly game of Texas Hold 'em to name our son because we just COULD NOT agree on a name.

  31. I know you know this, but we went through the exact same things! I was so convinced I was having a boy (turns out I am!), but I started to get nervous that I was giving him/her a complex. What if he was actually a she and I had just confused her in her most formative stages?!?!

    And we also had the perfect girl name picked out. We both loved it. It was the only name we agreed on, and it was beautiful. Of course, as luck would have it, we are having a boy and we can't agree on any names!

    The light at the end of the tunnel is that my husband really turned a corner on the name front when we found out what the gender was. He was suddenly full of ideas - and GOOD ideas, too!

    So, it'll work itself out! Just don't kill each other in the process!! :)

  32. Awww sweet baby Lovely! I love hearing about him/her. Can't wait to find out!!!

  33. A good friend of mine swore her "mother's intuition" told her she was having a boy... she had a girl, and Oella Rose is not conflicted because of it :)

    We had/still have the boy name problem. We decided on Avery Kate for a girl when I was about 6 weeks pregnant, and Luke William for a boy. A week later, William decided he didn't like the name Luke anymore! I say don't worry about it until you have to (you may be having a girl and it won't be an issue until your next baby!) :)

    Good luck! I'm on pins and needles waiting to find out!

  34. No matter what you have, I hope it is healthy and happy!

  35. I'm a teacher and certain people can RUIN a name for you. Believe me. I have my kids' names picked out and I am praying I don't get any students to ruin the name before I get to use em. Can't wait to find out what you're having!

  36. I laughed out loud when I read your second comment of "PS why have I not heard of these cheetos?????" All I have to say is..find them! I'm sure they are in the chip aisle.. They will be your latest pregnancy craving!!

  37. Ryan and I had the hardest time coming up with a name for our 3rd baby. 2 weeks before she was born, I told him I didn't care and let him pick. He picked one that I probably would not have picked, but now I love it because he does. I had chosen several that I loved and he didn't like. I am so glad now that I didn't push it because there is something really sweet about a daddy picking out his little baby's name. I guess that sounds a little cheesy, but I hope it helps with any necessary compromises :)

  38. you're moving right along! I can't wait to hear the news of boy or girl!

  39. so I just wrote out this whole comment about how happy I am for you and husby and that baby Lovie being the size of a peach is sooo cool! I love how you document each little phase with fruit! It makes it seem soooo much more real to me (the reader)!!! James and the Giant Peach is an awesome book - and you are hilarious. I think I wrote something along the lines of - Although I've never met you (though I met your twin (looks wise only swear promise) I still hear you say See I told you it's a boy! I see your smile and your excitement and it makes me giggle. Isn't that strange!!!

    I know you will be so happy whether or not Baby Lovie is a boy or girl, but I totally understand you wanting a boy or at least thinking Lovie is a boy! I mean, I totally want a boy as my first babe too. But when it comes down to it, I just want the babe :) I really hope I'm not too far behind you in this glam life adventure... I have a feeling I might be though... Oh well. I'll read your hysterical blog posts!

  40. You dream about PW? I heart her. :)

    I'm just glad I had all of my kids before I started working in a school. So many good names are ruined that way! After going through 600 registrations last fall, I came up with a baby naming guide:

  41. I can't believe you have the same problem as we do! We agree on a girls name, but we NEVER agree on a boys name. We knew a girl name right away, but see I have a problem with names....Several names I can't use because I've had students or known students with that name and I refuse! Good luck to you both! and I need it too!

  42. No worries...we had the same issue when my daughter was born...after he sees you do all that work during childbirth, he will let you name that baby anything you want! Within reason, of course!!!! Good luck! I can't wait to hear! :)

  43. I am new to your blog...where did you get those precious graphics of the fruit/food that compares the size of the fetus? I am 23 weeks pregnant this week with my second (a boy). I would love to use those graphics in my blog as well.
    You are a great writer. I'm a new subscriber, so keep it coming!


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