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The Difference a Year Makes.

Last Christmas Season, I made this:

Oohh, la, la.

Here I am thinking I deserve some sort of domestic prize.

This Christmas Season, I made these:

My....the difference a year makes!

What can I say? Pregnancy wears a girl out! It took all I had to whip these out!

I'm definitely less motivated in the kitchen these days. Poor husby.

But aren't they soooo cute? I deserve some "brownie" points for effort. HA! Get it? ;) If you are wondering how I made these, it's from the fab pan that I gave away last week. Of course, I didn't use the winners pan because that would be rude...I have one of my very own. And I love it with all my heart.

Let's see some of your Holiday treats!
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. The house is gorgeous! Take it easy on yourself...the brownie men are adorable. I just showed a picture of my house....I have to get the premade one because my creative art skills are lacking:)

  2. Mmmm, yummy. Now I'm craving brownies!

  3. Who cares how elaborate they are!... You're busy growin' a baby! How about THAT for elaborate! :)

    I think the latter is much more fancy!



  4. How funny! I love the gingerbread brownies, so cute!

  5. Those brownies look SO good! Atleast you have the excuse of being pregnant and not being in the kitchen. I am NOT pregnant and am still not in the kitchen.

  6. The gingerbread house is super cute, but the brownies look yummier! I love brownies :)

  7. The brownies look cute and yummy! We made that gingerbread tree with our boys for advent last year. They liked it so much that this Sunday for our Advent celebration, we are going to make a gingerbread house. Yours were darling, by the way!

    Happy Holidays!
    God Bless,

  8. Those are so cute!! I love those cookies! Pregnancy does change things!Whew!
    -sandy toes

  9. They are adorable...gosh your making me crave brownies!!!

  10. Wow i would never have the patience for that stuff LOL! I'm doing a give away on my blog if you'd like to check it out :)

  11. those look yummy! i've been wanting to whip out my sugar cookie christmas cookie cutters...maybe this weekend!

  12. Your decorations are beautiful, as always! And I think making brownies or cookies is just as applause-worthy as a gingerbread city. So, way to go, momma!! AND, most importantly, you get to lick the batter out of can't do that with a gingerbread house.

  13. Holy mackerel, woman, that gingerbread village is amazing!!!!

    The cookies from this year look delectable. :)

  14. that house is impressive :) and those brownies are so cute! and look yummy!

  15. The house is so pretty!! But the brownies are precious too. :)

  16. I made peanut butter fudge on Sunday for my office and left it at home all 3 being Wednesday...yup still home!

  17. I love those precious little brownies. I saw that pan int he store and had to drag myself away... It would just collect dust. =)

  18. Mmm, Those look yummy!

    Don't worry about not doing everything you used to, kids (even kids on the way!) tend to simplify life. =)

  19. WOOOOWWWWW. If i made a gingerbread village once in my lifetime, I'd feel accomplished. :D

  20. Okay Miss Glamorous - is there anything you CAN'T do?! (o: Those are like the best gingerbread houses ever. I tried one once and it was a disaster! Yours look fabulous.

  21. You did deserve an award for that gingerbread house. I love it! The ribbon candy fence is an awesome touch! My dad would love it and devour it!
    Now this year’s treat looks really yummy though! I think more along the lines of something I could enjoy eating :0
    I’ll try to post some of my Christmas spirit. I hope you are having an awesome time with Baby Lovie and the husby

  22. I love that pan! Look at your cute little spatula. How fun! You gotta love WS.

  23. I sooo wish I would have wont that pan. Those brownies are adorable!!!

  24. Wow! I am really impressed with your skills in the kitchen! If I had tried to make gingerbread men brownies, I am sure most of them would be amputees.

  25. You inspire me to create yummy goodness, although I always mess it up, somehow. I love the gingy brownies, very cute.

    Your candyland was awesome!!!

  26. Both look great! Just think, soon you will be able to make a gingerbread house with a kiddo...lots of fun!

  27. Super cute! I'm sure husby wasn't too disappointed! ;)

  28. Dude. The gingerbread houses rock! You deserve a domestic prize for havin' a baby! Your body is busy! You can't be expected to work, be pregnant and make fancy pants gingerbread houses. You're a mommy to be--and that is pretty awesome.

  29. WOW your gingerbread house is incredible! But I think your gingerbread brownies are just as incredible! Well done!

  30. I hear ya! Our men are having to pick up the slack these days, aren't they? Betty Crocker, I am not!

  31. Wow! Teach me how to become such a domestic goddess like you! I'll even pay you!

    You are so fabulous, I have yet to make my Christmas goodies this year. I'm still trying to think of what I wan to send to the neighbors...

  32. I so love your little brownie "boys"...they look yummy. I might have to do some bakin tonight!


  33. ahh those look super yummmy!!! pregnecy is a good excuse for sure... ur body is going thru a lot right now... i havent been motiavated in the kitchen starting tuesday bec i started on the second twilight book! :)

  34. Your gingerbread brownies are quite spectacular! I would prefer those any day over the house. The house ingredients just don't call my name like a festive brownie character.

  35. I think your brownies look spectacular! I prefer the brownie any day over the house.

  36. That ribbon candy reminds me so much of my grandmother's house. You did a great job!

  37. There is so much detail involved with your gingerbread house, you did a great job. But I could really go for one of those brownies. yummy.

  38. good for you!!! i don't even have the energy to make cookies. :( you're doing much better than i am.

  39. The gingerbread house looks great! But those brownies yummy!

  40. Those brownies look YUM. I would eat all of them....!

  41. Of course, your going to share recipe, right?!?

  42. I just love the houses. Congrats on the baby.

  43. Wow. I am in awe of your gingerbread house. I bet those brownies are amaaaazing.

    ..and next year you will be so busy with baby lovie!! :0)

  44. I am looking forward to finding out if your baby is a boy or a girl! AWWWHHH the anticipation!

  45. ha! still very cute. But man. I wouldnt have the energy to make that house preggo or even now with a toddler...even more out of the picture! At least you got pictures :)

  46. 48 comments?? Wow, how did that happen!? So, don't you live pretty close the Pioneer Woman???? I was just thinking that today for some reason

  47. I bought one of the little gingerbread house kits. I hope it turns out as good as yours. lol. I need to do it before Cmas is over! :-)


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