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Buzz & Woody Birthday Bash : THE FUN!

The boys wanted to wear Buzz & Woody shirts and I found the most adorable ones on Etsy.  Look how sweet they look. When the boys walked into The Little Gym and saw everything they could climb on and swing from, they went absolutely crazy!  Well, it took little Ezra a minute to war…

Buzz & Woody Birthday Bash : Details!

The boys have birthdays a month apart - one in April and one in May.  With everything we have going on in our lives right now, I thought a joint birthday party would be the best route to go this year.  I didn't want to do it, but the more I thought about it, the better (and easier!) i…

A Surprising Snack.

Sorry if y'all follow me on Instagram and already saw/read this, but I've only enough time to blog from my phone right now and I'm just really happy about this snack so I need to tell the world. A girl and her food. It's a glorious thing.  And, I wanted to blog it because …

The Easter Bunny Debacle.

So. You know how I lied on April Fools about my children going on Ellen because of a funny photo with the Easter Bunny? Well, karma and the Easter Bunny ganged up on me and this year and the ultimate joke was on me. It all started the day before Easter.  We planned on having Easter …

Easter Weekend 2014

Here are some pictures of all the non-stop fun we had over the weekend! Late Saturday afternoon we met up with my family for photos with the Easter Bunny and an egg hunt in the park.  The Easter Bunny story is a blog of it's own, so I'll skip on to the egg hunt.  I mean, who can…

Good Friday.

I have so many thoughts swirling my mind and heart this Easter, and hopefully I will be able to pen them soon.  For now I want to share this classically beautiful hymn that's been on my lips for days during this Holy Week.  I simply cannot sing these words without flowing tears! Tears…

Just a Little Life Update!

It's one of those times where I went too long without blogging that I forgot how to start back up.  And we have so much going on that I kind of don't know where to start.  But here we go - a quick update on life! We have begun moving things out of our house and into the storage…