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Showing posts with the label babies

Baby Boy Has a Name!

His name is ... Ezra Ray. We are so excited to have and name another little boy! When I found out I was pregnant and sat and dreamed about this little life, the only name that ever crossed my mind was Ezra. I tried to come up with girl names just in case, but this little name always ran…

Pregnancy Update!

I am now in my 18th week and feeling great! It's hard to believe that I'm almost half way there. And if he comes early like Weebie did, then I AM half way there! Wowza! Let me fill you in on what's been going on. * At our appointment a couple of weeks ago (at 17 weeks), we…

On The Pregnancy Front!

I am a couple weeks into my second trimester and I am slowly but surely getting my energy back. I thought this day would never come! I had forgotten just HOW tired growing a little person makes a girl, but boy howdy, it was a rough couple of months and I am thrilled to welcome back some…

I Met My Little Buttercup.

Yesterday I finally got to meet another love of my life! It was absolutely amazing. I will never tire of seeing the Lord's creation within a mother's womb - so, so beautiful. I am a day short of being 9 weeks, so I had an internal ultrasound done. As soon as that precious littl…

Letting Go.

When I brought Levi home from the hospital, I was a mess of emotions. I went from laughing and story-telling one minute, to running to the bathroom bawling buckets of tears the next. I often didn't know why I was crying, but I knew that I was overwhelmed with new feelings for my bab…

Too Young for Christmas?

There has been lots of talk swarming the blogosphere lately about new babies and their first Christmas. Should you buy them toys? They won't remember it, so why do it? Should you limit the number of gifts they receive? Should you get them a rattle and call it good? A sweet girl na…

Sleepy Town.

Night Night time at our house has taken on a whole new meaning now that we have the little bebe. There are four essentials to my little boy's bed time routine that I simply can not live without. All four things that I am about to show you have made this transition into parenthood mu…

Sugar and Spice

Last weekend, my Mom threw a baby shower for a dear friend. It was absolutely gorgeous. After two little boys, this friend is having a little girl so everyone is very excited. The theme of the shower was "Julia's Boutique" (Julia, being the little girl about to be born). …

Meet Mr. Nephew.

Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I was a bit occupied. This past weekend, we traveled to Nashville, Tennessee to see my brand new nephew. Husby's sister gave birth to a precious baby boy two weeks ago, and I finally got to meet him. We left Friday at 12:30pm, and headed off! While discus…

A Baby Shower

So. My mom is fabulous. I have told you this before. She throws the best of parties and the loveliest of showers. Sunday, we showered one of my favorite friends, Katie. She is due next month and is such an excited little mommy. They all reside back in my hometown (the sweetest and be…