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Showing posts with the label Max

Levi, Max and Their Medical Woes.

Great news on Maxwell! Today he got moved to the Intermediate Care Nursery! This is fantastic because it means that they think he is doing well and is stable enough to be out of critical care. Praise God! Doesn't he look so much better and a lot healthier? God is good. Sad news on …

Max Update.

Maxwell is continuing to do very well. His heart issues are few and far between now. Tuesday, he was having them all day (where his heart rate would drop rapidly and they had to stimulate him to get it back up), but they put him on some meds and changed some of his tubes and he has done…

Holding Mini Man.

(A Quick Update!) Hollie got to hold her baby today! Needless to say, it was a pretty emotional moment. She gets to do this once a day for an hour each time. She said it was hands down the best feeling of her life and simply amazing. I think all of us who are Mom's can attest to t…

Mighty Max.

Yes, I'm having a fun time coming up with new names for my sweet nephew. Max is just such a fun name to work with! I went for a visit today, so I could get some good bonding time in with the little man. And guess what? He opened his eyes. JUST for me. If that's not the most prec…

Update on Max.

Here is a text I received from Hollie today concerning how to pray: "I just went down to see Maxwell again, and I got to touch him again. His goggles were off and so was his bili light, and he was just precious. Lukes twin. But the skin under his PICC line dressing is starting to pos…

Meeting Miracle Max.

I got to meet my sweet tiny nephew today. He was the tiniest baby in the NICU, but one of the only ones NOT on oxygen! His little lungs are working just beautifully. Did I mention what a mighty God we serve?! I have no doubt in my mind he is doing so well because of all the prayers lifte…

Text from my brother.

Maxwell Theodore 2 pounds 1 ounce. Born about 20 minutes ago. Small but complete. Squealing like a little squirrel. Taken c-section. They say everything now is fine, they are doing xrays and checking everything out. He looks fancy beyond words. Keep praying. *Thank you ALL for praying. P…

It's 1am. They're taking Hollie in for a c-section right now. Please pray.

Nephew Update 1.

Luke and Hollie (My Brother and Sister-in-Law) seemed to be in higher spirits today, but still carrying so much stress right now. Hollie is having several contractions and is on medication to slow and control them. She hopes to stay stable through the night and through tomorrow night so…

Urgent Prayer.

Hey Blogger Friends, I know a lot of you are big prayer warriors and right now, we are in need of you. My brother and his wife are pregnant with their first child, a little boy due in December. She is 26 weeks and 5 days pregnant right now. They were out of town for the weekend visitin…