Geeze, Whitney - why is food all you want to talk about? Good grief! Well, ladies and gents, I just so happen to be a self proclaimed foodie. So if you visit this blog, you will see food. And I want to warn you hungries out there that my blog will not help sustain your appetite. If an…
One of my favorite meals in the winter is Chicken and Noodles. Yum! Today was a cold one in these parts, with a high of 39. So that means we had to have a warm, wintry meal for supper tonight. I ran to the store, grabbed the missing items from my pantry and whipped these babies up. Thi…
One of the greatest things about having a baby is seeing them experience things for the first time. This year, as we enter the Christmas season and approach the big celebration, we have begun to teach The Christmas Story to Levi. Since children are so "hands on", we bought Levi…
Thank you, God. For My Husband. My constant source of love and my ultimate life partner. For Levi. My heart spills over with the love you have given me for him. For Family. The encouragement and security found in their love for me is overwhelming. For Health. A happy and healthy fam…
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is older he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 Sunday, we dedicated Levi to the Lord in front of our Church congregation. It was just precious. He, along with several of his little baby friends were prayed for and given a blessi…
I remember the week I brought Levi home, I tried my hardest to explain my love for him. It was near impossible. I simply couldn't compose the right words in my mind to explain this intense and immense love. It was just nothing I had ever before experienced, so it was very overwhelm…
I can testify again and again of God’s goodness to us as couple. He has provided, blessed and shown Himself to us time after time in our 4 short years of marriage. And He continues to do so. So, I will continue to share. As you know, we are on a strict Medical School/Stay-at-Home-Mommy …
It's funny how my prayer life changes with each season of life. Growing up, the majority of my prayers focused on me. Please help ME do this, please show ME what to do, please keep ME safe, please provide this for ME, etc. Of course, I always covered my family in prayer and needs o…
About Me

- Whitney
- I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.
My Guy.

Our Boys.
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