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Christmas Vacation.

You know those moments that you think back on, and they truly seem magical? Where everything was so perfect and fantastical that there was no other place you'd rather be than in THAT moment in time? Well, that is how this entire weekend was. Simply magical.

November was a rough month for us. Husby had horrible hours on his specific rotation and we didn't see much of him at all. He worked weekends and only had four days off the entire month. Needless to say, he was exhausted, we were exhausted, I missed my husband and Levi missed his Daddy.

So we decided it was time to get away for the weekend, just the three of us. We had a Family Christmas Vacation and it was a blast!

Levi loves being in a hotel. He knows he's on an adventure.


We found one of the cheapest hotels available, but we were super impressed with them! When we walked into our room, this was waiting for Weebie!


We brought his pack-and-play along for nothing! He absolutely loved this crib. He never made a peep!

We spent a little time playing before bed, and Levi spotted his Daddy's iced tea! He has a new found obsession with ice tea (unsweet, of course), so we give him a few sips every now and then.



The next morning, we headed out to "An Old Time Christmas" at Silver Dollar City (in Branson, MO), so we bundled Levi up in his warmest clothes. He wore a little european insulated outfit that his Glam*Ma bought for him and it kept him SO warm!!


The thing is so thick he looked like the kid from A Christmas Story, all bundled up.


I wished I had one. It was CHILLY.

Before heading out to the park, we stopped for breakfast!


I enjoyed some bacon and Weebie bought me some of my favorite cornbread in all the world. Thanks, Weebs!


We drove on down to the park and had to park our car 3 miles away! A little tram had to pick us up. I shot some pictures of my Lamb while we waited. This face, this face...check out this FACE.




Husby looked like a cutie in his new hat.


The tram finally arrived and it was time to GO!


The entire place was decked for Christmas, and everything was so very festive! There were lights everywhere, hot wassail (yum!), baked goods galore, carols playing, shows around every corner, and Santa Claus was even there. Perfect!


Weebie had so much fun taking in all the sights and sounds. And we had so much fun watching him! :)


Husby had to go and break the rules.....


They threw Levi in jail.....


And I started GLOWING!


That evening, we headed downtown to stop in a few shops and eat a nice dinner.




We bought Levi a little Rudolf and he loved chewing on him.


We then drove through a 3 mile display of lights and it took us almost 2 hours to get through it. Crazy! I took Weebs out of his car seat so he could enjoy the lights with us. It was so much fun! He LOVED it!


We spent the next day sleeping in, taking our time doing whatever we wanted and then had a leisurely drive home. It was fantastic.

Just what we needed. I just wish it would have lasted a week!

Day 8.

She wrapped him up in swaddling clothes... (I forgot to take a picture of the words)





So far, our story is as follows:

Caesar Augustus said that a census must be taken. So Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem to register. Mary was going to have a baby. An angel told Mary her baby would be the Son of God. In Bethlehem, it came time for Mary to have her baby. But there was no room for them at the inn. So she had her Son in a stable. She wrapped him up in swaddling clothes...
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. Those non-stop rotations are killer. My husband won't have a full weekend off (besides Christmas, fortunately) until the end of January! So wonderful that the three of you got to take some time together.

    Also - your son is so adorable!!

  2. Looks like such a fun weekend - I"ve always wanted to go to Branson. I'm glad you had some much needed time together as a family - how fun!

    PS - YOu know what's weird? You were in my dream last night! I dreamt I was looking for wedding dresses and you were there with an entourage of people and vidoe cameras picking out a gown. (I think I've seen one too many episodes of Say Yes to the Dress!) But I was all excited and ran up to you saying, "You're the glamorous housewife, Omigosh!"

    SO random. (o:

    And PSS - Levi is a DOLL.

  3. Glad yall got some family time in there! Having a husband who works crazy hours is hard! I know!!!

    I have a picture of myself in that same SDC Jail! Too funny!

  4. Ooh I loved the snaps! Looks like you guys had a blast. Levi looks adorable, very very cute and cuddly.

    Great post

    ♥ CJ

  5. Those pictures of Levi at then end are gorgeous! They look professional! God blessed you with a beautiful little boy!

  6. Gosh! Your baby is so cute. And he is a pretty baby too. So sweet!

  7. Looks like such a fun time!! Levi is just so beautiful! Branson is one of my favorite places to go at Chrsitmas!

  8. Oh I love Silver Dollar City! It's the best! I'm so happy you guys found some time to really focus on one another this month. This time of year can get so bogged down with obligation that we lose sight of what's really important!

    Levi is absotively, posolutely the cutest little boy on the planet. That smile melts me.

  9. What a fun, magical and perfect weekend. What a wonderful first Christmas you are having with your little one.

  10. Looks like a great weekend and a wonderful opportunity to get away with your little family and try to wind down after a LONG month of November!

  11. SO fun! We'll have to keep a trip like this in mind for next year!

  12. wish i could have seen you! my family and I was in Branson this weekend as well! lol love your blog!

  13. I have always wanted to go to Branson at Christmas time. I have heard it is magical. I'm glad you all got to get away. CORE is not a fun few months.

  14. Looks like you had a great time. It sounds like it was a tough month for you all, so it must have been great to have a chance to unwind.

    Those close ups of Levi's face are gorgeous. Those eyelashes! Why is it the boys always get fabulous eyelashes and we girls are left to make do with mascara!

  15. we went through the same lights this weekend. Took forever and the baby didn't want to sit still the whole time but we did have fun. I was suprised with the number of people in branson this week. had to travel down and help work down that way.

  16. I love love LOVE the pictures on this post! Levi has got to be the cutest Levi ever (I sure hope my sister doesn't read your blog. . .her oldest is Levi. . .)And I LOVE your scarf! Where did you get it?!

  17. Awww that looks like a great weekend!
    Levi has the most beautiful eyes!

  18. I lurk here all the time...I am coming out today to say hello and tell you what a beautiful family you have. Levi is precious and his expressions make me giggle all the time.

    Merry Christmas!

  19. Looks like it was a great weekend...there is no words to explain how cute Levi is...his little pictures melt my heart! :)

  20. Glad it was such a nice weekend trip for you all, sounds like you definitely were overdue for one!

  21. Looks like it was an awesome trip! And those close ups of Levi are amazing- beautiful blue eyes and absolutely adorable (as usual)!

  22. I do love moments like that-it's so rare that everything just goes exactly right that I truly try to treasure those times!

    BTW-You have a great blog. I love reading your posts!

  23. Oh, those close up pictures of Levi are beautiful! He looks so much like you!

    On another note, can I just tell you how wonderful it is to read your blog. I love that you just do what you want to do with your son. You try new things, you let HIM try new things. I get so caught up sometimes in milestones and doing things by the book and its always so refreshing to see that you parent out of instinct and Levi is so happy because of that. Thanks for giving me confidence in my parenting abilities!

  24. what a FUN weekend!!! You guys are just the sweetest little family!!! Love all the pics!!

  25. I love SDC at Christmas!! I live nearby, so we have season passes, and we're going to see the lights around Christmas. I can't wait! I can't believe it took you that long to get through the light display. I went the other night, and it last about 10 minutes! Ha! :)

  26. Ha ha, looks like SDC was the place to be this past weekend! I kind of can't believe we didn't run into you guys since we went to SDC, at at White River Fish House and perused the Landing. Looks like you guys had just about the same weekend! ;) It was so much fun, and we are totally planning to go back...hopefully next year! Glad you had fun!

  27. So fun!! That is definitely the best destination for a Christmas getaway, in my opinion!!

    And is it weird that I love Levi's adorable head? It's just so cute and perfect. I love it.

  28. We are going to SDC this Saturday. We love it at fall/christmas time there. Levi is presh.

  29. Your trip looks so fun! I was just reading about Erin's trip there, and I definitely want to go! After seeing all the great pictures, and the Christmas festivities, I want to go, even though it looks cold!!! :D

  30. So glad you all had fun. LOVE the pics!!!!!

  31. Oh, and next year ... let's go together!

  32. I've never commented before, but I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog. In a world where so much is taken for granted, you truly look for the good and wonder in things. Having a hubs that works long, weird hours is tough sometimes, I know. You seem to do it all with grace though. God bless you and your family during this CHRISTmas time!

  33. The pix of Levi in the hotel are precious!

  34. i'm not sure if anyone's ever told you this, ;)but that! i mean, that face is precious! i literally said (OUT LOUD) "aaaw!" when i saw the closeups.

  35. Always cute pictures. What I'm really wondering though is where did you get the great scarf you're wearing? Living in the frozen north - we wear scarves for many months out of the year and I think that scarf is fantastic.

  36. I'm glad you guys got to spend some time together--it looked so fun! Levi is SOOOOOO cute! Sheesh!

  37. Looks like a fun time! You have such a cute family!


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