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Whitney. Paparazzi Extraordinaire.

Last week Husby and I ventured on over to North Western Arkansas for a mini getaway to celebrate our anniversary. We happened to be in the area that the Duggars from TLC's "18 Kids and Counting" live, and somehow we knew about the car lot that the oldest Duggar boy, Josh works at (I just ended that sentence with a preposition - I am aware, but I'm tired and I can't think hard enough right now to correct it. I'm a new Mommy, remember?).

So, on our way from one town to the next, we drove by the dealership and much to our surprise, we saw Josh and his wife Anna being filmed by the TLC crew.

Of course, I screamed and made Husby turn around and drive by 7 or 8 times so I could get some good pictures like any good paparazzi would do. My stupid camera was on the wrong setting and it took forever to snap a pic, so I missed several prime shots. However, I did manage to get this one!

Isn't that funny?! I am such a sucker for this kind of thing. I better stop embracing my inner paparazzi or they may just end up the next Jon and Kate.

Nah...not the Duggars.

I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. I love the duggars they are my favorite TLC show to watch. how fun that you caught them!

  2. I would have done the same thing! but I might have tried to share a little maternity fashion with her...

  3. That is too funny, and I totally would've done the same thing! :)

  4. Another reality show family that I just can't get into. I know it must have made your day, though!

  5. oh wow that is so cool!

  6. Back in 2002/2003 when I was attending JBU and working at Chili's in Fayetteville, the Duggars came in. I think there were only 14 or them or something. I ended up waiting on them. They were great. I thought it was a kids b-day party or something, so when they told me all the kids where their's and none were adopted, my jaw hit the floor. They were great, very well-behaved (you should see how some parents leave a restaurant table a giant mess), and great tippers. I heart the Duggars.

  7. Augh, I love it!! I watch more tv than I should, but I think that the Duggars are just about one of the only shows that are actually WORTH watching. And for the record, I would have wanted to do this, but my hubs probably wouldn't have wanted to. :o)

  8. that is awesome and TOTALLY something I would do!

  9. COOL! I LOVE the Duggars too :)

  10. How exciting!! I miss that show! Josh and Anna are so cute!! You should have pretended to be looking for a car. . . (don't have cable anymore)

  11. That is so fun!!! And I love that show - the Duggars are awesome! (o: I would have done the same thing you did too!

  12. I can just imagine you screaming and being so excited! Poor D. I bet he complained a little, but with a big smile on his face! haha! I had no idea she was pregnant. She is pregnant, right?!

  13. So fun!! You got a good picture!

  14. What a cool celeb sighting!!! I'm jealous!!! The last celeb sighting that I can think of was when Allison and I were flying home for spring break one year, from OBU, and we saw 2 of the members from Real World! lol. I've also shared a pool with the Beach Boys, got an autograph from Mr. T (both at the Ritz Carleton in Chicago), and got out of school to see Candice Cameron, which was a BIG deal when I was little! :D fun times

  15. You are a regular paparazzi! I love it that you had Darin drive back and forth till you got the shot!! So funny.

  16. I would have been right there with you! She really is looking more pregnant these days!

  17. OMG! That's great!! I love that show! What a cool experience..

  18. I'm so glad we share a love of the Duggar family!

  19. Haha that is so neat! I would have freaked out as well.

  20. I LOVE the Duggars...ahh I am so jealous that you "spotted" them! She's almost ready to have the baby! They are such an inspiration..

  21. OHMYGOODNESS! I LOVE THE DUGGARS!!! I totally want to be Josh and Anna's friend! Lol. I think I would have waited until they were done filming and I would have gotten out and talked to them. Ha! I'm sure they would have loved that... lol

  22. My parents live in North-West Arkansas... and they've NEVER seen them...You lucked out!

    I think they are a really nice family too!

  23. ack!! i live in nwa..and am from springdale. i've been privvy to many a duggar-sighting. it's almost a sport here. :)

    ps our boys would totally be great friends. :)

  24. Great picture. How fun.

  25. lol I love watching that show, just because I am completely fascinated. I would have also been snapping pictures :-)

  26. Oh gosh! I just love the Duggars!!

  27. I don't watch that show! Glad you got to see them though!


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