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Weebie's Song.

Weebie does the funniest thing when he sleeps! He doesn't do it all the time, but when he does, he goes all out and it's just hilarious. He is totally talking to us in his sleep. One morning, I picked him up and put him in bed with me and he did this as I fell asleep and when I woke up an hour later, he was still doing it! It's just precious.

This clip is when we were at my parents last weekend and as Mom held him, he just talked and talked and talked. So sweet.

Turn up your volume and enjoy the Sleeping Lamb! :)

I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. Oh my gosh, I am dying - not only is that PRECIOUS, but both of my cats were taking naps and when they heard that, they woke up and started looking around! The best part was when they looked at each other and I KNOW they were thinking, "Did YOU hear that too? Or am I crazy?"

  2. That is A.DOR.A.BLE!!! He is precious!!!

  3. How sweet! I makes me sleepy listening to it ;-)

  4. So sweet!! Can't wait to have our little one!

  5. So cute! As I was playing this, my two dogs ran over here to see what it was. They were very curious! :)

  6. Precious. Absolutely precious.

  7. That reminds me of my second grandson. He would hum while he ate. Even after going to solid foods, he would hum in his highchair....

  8. aaawww! So sweet! His little face looks even fuller in this video than the recent pics you've posted. I love full cheeks!

  9. Oh, I love that! My daughter did the very same thing, but in a higher pitch. Just last night I woke up and she was doing it again - she's 21 months old now.

  10. Oh my goodness. That is adorable!

  11. That is so funny. He must be soothing himself.

  12. So funny! Apparently I make lots of noises in my sleep, but something tells me I am not nearly as cute as Levi when I do it!

  13. haha that is great!!!

  14. I LOVE baby noises! Maddox used to make a noise, and we would say, "Oh, he's doing his sleepy song."

  15. So precious. And I love that you call him Weebie!

  16. If Glamma was holding me while I slept I would sing the same song of contentment.

  17. PRECIOUS! Seriously adorable!

  18. Could it be his adenoid? He's so cute!

  19. Precious! Although it just freaked out my dog =)

  20. That was so adorable! He looks super relaxed.

  21. That's adorable and so funny!

  22. How precious Whitney. He is such a doll.

  23. that is hilarious and too cute!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. That is so adorable!! Just wait until he says "momma" and "I love you." Those will pretty much make your month. :)


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