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Losing It.

Today I was totally off my game.

I spilled formula all over Levi. Twice.

I poured my Diet Coke into my ice too fast and it overflowed.

I ran into a wall.

I left the refrigerator door open on accident. For like 5 minutes.

I left a little bit of the wrapper on the portion of the stick of butter that I put in the mashed potatoes. Husby found it.

I stubbed my toe.

And the biggest mistake of the day...

You know those big containers of black pepper? Like this:

Well, you know how there is a large side for spoons and a small side for shaking? Well, Genius here opened the large side, thought it was the small side and DUMPED nearly half of the contents onto the roast that I was preparing. Needless to say, our dinner was a little on the hot side.

I screamed, "OH CRUD" so loud that I startled The Weebs.

I am glad the day is nearing it's end. It has left me with a headache, exhaustion and....girly cramps. Pregnancy definitely has it's perks, and there is a certain one I'm missing tonight.

Time for a bubble bath and the fast lane to Sleepy Town. Ga'night! :)
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. goodness gracious. what a day!

  2. Oh, man! I hate days like that. You know how many times I've done that same thing with the pepper, but with mashed potatoes?! The worst.

    I hope your tomorrow is way better ;-)

  3. Sleeping makes everything better!

  4. I did the same thing with whole peppercorns a few weeks ago in my eggs. I have a grinder and it broke all over my omelet.

    Well, hopefully today will be much smoother! Now, go eat some chocolate and watch a chick flick.

  5. don't worry...we have those days!

    Just last joke...
    I forgot to feed dinner to little crab. We went to Church, picked up dinner and when we got home, I took him outside for a little walk and then got talking to neighbors. He never cried or made "I'm hungry sounds" and it totally slipped my mind...

  6. Sounds like a crazy day, but hopefully, the bubble bath took the edge off the day!

  7. poor thing :( hope today is going better for you. I've totally been going through a dropping phase. can't seem to hold onto anything. and being 26 weeks, bending over to pick up everything is a bit challanging!

  8. Gosh. That does sound like quite the day. Hang in there, I'm sure today will be better.

  9. Ahhhh.... we all have those days. And nothing makes them better than crawling into bed. :) Better luck tomorrow!!

  10. Mommy Brain. Yup!

    Why is it that whenever something gets into the food that shouldn't be there, like your bit of wrapper, it can't end up on your own plate???

  11. I hate those days!!! I seriously had one the other day and I wanted to just sit in the middle of the kitchen and laugh or cry. Or both!

    Hopefully a good night of sleep helped!

  12. Yup...had days like that too...hope today is much better!


  13. Aww hang in there! You're doing great. :)

  14. When it rains, it pours! I feel like once a day like that starts it just keeps adding up until it is just time to go to bed! Hope today is better!

  15. Days like that are stressful! Good thing we get to go to sleep and start over! Here's to you having a GREAT day today!!

  16. I dumped formula all over my baby too this morning...

  17. His mercies are new every morning!

    Hope today is better than yesterday

  18. this may be too personal of a question but do u not breastfeed the weebs?

  19. Whitney's No Good Very Bad Horrible Terrible Day! But at least I'm sure you looked adorable throughout the whole thing!

  20. I did the same thing with pepper last night! I hope today is a better day for you!

  21. Oh my! I was cracking up at your tweet last night about this. Hey, it happens!

  22. Oh wow. I did that while baking with ground cloves and had to throw it away and start from scratch. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

  23. I really hope today went a lot better than yesterday. But I loved to hear about your day!

  24. When Katie was a baby I put her in the car seat and off we went to pick up Blair at school. When we got home 15 minutes later the front door was still standing wide open just like I left it. I went to a convenience store with Blair and Katie in the car, left them in the car since Blair was 12, ran it and back out because I had not put the car in park and it was moving forward! It happens. Weebs has all your brain cells now.

  25. sorry! The good news is...the day is now over! Yay! Get a good night's sleep and start a new day tomorrow. :)

  26. Exactly how much sleep are you getting? Don't worry. I've known new mommas to do way crazier things that that!

  27. My girlie cramps came back this week, too! At first I was like, "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!" 9 months makes you forget a whole lot of stuff...

  28. Ugh, I hope your day is better tomorrow girl! :)

  29. we all have those day! my little girl ran into a wall this week and broke her hand, so see it could be worse...


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