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My First Mother's Day.

Some may say that next Mother's Day is my first. I disagree. I couldn't be anymore of a Momma than I am right now!

See? I'm bursting at the seams and in THREE SHORT WEEKS I will meet my little boy. I am 100% Momma.

Husby was super sweet this Mother's Day and surprised me with a two hour pregnancy massage! This is my last week of work before baby, so I will definitely be scheduling that massage for next week. I can hardly wait.

After that, I will promptly drive myself to the nail salon to have a pedicure. I need my body to be in tip top shape before Levi's big arrival.

Anyone want to volunteer to come shave my legs?

I wanted to stand up in Church yesterday when they asked all the Mommy's to stand. I didn't, but Levi kicked me a few times to reassure me that he knew that I was a Mommy. I am HIS Momma. He's sweet, that Levi.

We had a wonderful Mother's Day spent with my Mom and Grandma's. I hope and pray that I am to Levi what they are to me.

Three weeks, Baby Boy...until I hold you in my arms.

Three weeks, Tummy of Mine...until you will deflate.

I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. I can't believe Levi's arrival is so close. And by the way you are not bursting at the seems! You really look great. My hubby shaved my legs when I could no longer see them. I figured if he could shave his face and not butcher it, he could shave my legs. Guys have no idea what all they sign up for when they say I Do !!

  2. so exciting! Happy Momma's Day late!

  3. You look so good! 3 weeks, holy cow!!

  4. Yay! So hey, is this your last week of work in general since the baby is coming? I know you are planning on staying home...

  5. I'm glad you enjoyed your first Mama's Day! Did people actually tell you that it didn't count because Levi isn't "technically" here yet?? I've never heard of anyone denying a pregnant Mama her first Mother's Day!!

    He's almost here ... pack those bags!! :)

  6. You look great for being only 3 weeks away!

  7. Happy Mother's look beautiful! :)

  8. I agree, you're a mom NOW!

  9. I can't believe he's only three weeks away! I am so excited for you! Hope you had a wonderful mother's day! (o:

  10. oh totally a mommy! YOu look great. I cant believe only 3 weeks left. it went by so fast for us readers... hehe

  11. Oh wow...time sure does fly. I can't believe he will be here that fast!! WOW!!!

  12. You should have stood after all we do believe in life at conception you are as much of a mommy day one of conception as you are when they cross the stage at their graduation. The only difference is the memories that have been made. :)

  13. You look adorable! You are so close!

  14. Oh my goodness! I remember when you announced you were pregnant! It's gone be so fast... can't wait to meet little Levi!


  15. you look so cute! i can't wait for 3 weeks!

  16. oh my goodness, how beautiful are you?!!!

    THIS was DEFINATELY your FIRST mother's day! ;)

  17. Wow...I can't believe it's only 3 weeks away! You look so cute!!! What a great Mother's Day present from husby...


  18. Happy Mother's Day Whit! You have such great examples of wonderful moms in your life, I know you will follow their lead and be incredible for your baby boy! And as a side note, I love how big your eyes are in that last picture - they are bigger than your cute belly :)

  19. So exciting!! Happy Mother's Day!

  20. You are absolutely a Momma in the purest form! Levi is one blessed boy. And as much as you love him now, which is overwhelming, I just wait. Your heart is going to burst out of your chest and slap you in the face the first time you lay eyes on him! I'm just so excited for you!

    You look great, by the way! Happy Late Mother's Day!

  21. Happy Mother's Day! I just celebrated my first as well(my little Isaiah was born on April 3 -20 days early!). It is the most amazing feeling to finally be a Mom. :) I wish you all the best with baby Levi whom you have longed for and will meet in a few short weeks! Praying for you!

  22. Happy first Mother's Day! Enjoy the massage... especially the quiet, relaxing aspects of it- when Levi arrives, those feelings might become a rarity! :)

  23. You should have stood up yesterday! You are definitely already a momma. By the way, you might prepare yourself for a little more than 3 weeks for your tummy to deflate. I've seen some take almost a year, while some are never quite the same. I hate to be the bearer of bad news...

  24. you look so cute :) i know you can't wait to meet Levi :) happy late mother's day!

  25. My mother knows that she has to shave my legs when I can't anymore. You just have to call and ask really sweet. Mom's love to help us!

  26. what a nice mothers day gift you got:) u are every bit of a mother and deserve to be pampered while you carry lil levi in your womb:)

  27. LOL, I must be really bendy because I shaved my legs by myself the afternoon I went in to be induced, and I was ginormous! I highly recommend the pedicure - I got a ton of compliments on mine because EVERYONE sees your toes!

  28. definitely get that pedicure!!!! my aunt just had a little baby girl and she had a pedicure the day before... said, hey, if i'm going to be staring at my toes they might as well look good!! :) you're a gorgeous mom to be.

  29. Look how cute you are!!

    And Happy (Late!) Mother's Day Momma!!!

  30. go here for a sweet baby finn, on a blog that I also follow. oooh so much excitement!

  31. I'm glad you decided to show your face in these pictures! ;)

  32. That was so sweet of your hubby!! You look great for having only 3 weeks left! :)


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