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Check, please!


My rope.

I think I am approaching the end of it.

Swollen feet the size of small blimps? Check.

Waking up every hour to tinkle? Check.

Complete discomfort in any chair I'm in? Check.

Constant irritability? Check.

Trouble breathing? Check.

Stomach the size of a watermelon? Check.

Wondering how I'm going to make it through these next few weeks? Check.

Desperately longing for the first few weeks in June? Check.

I. Am. Done.

(Sorry for venting - it's just been one of those weeks....)
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. Aww you poor thing...hang in there!

  2. I remember those days. Hang in there - it's all worth it!

  3. You're almost there! Sounds like things are rough right now, but just keep remembering how beautiful it is to be pregnant- even if you don't feel that way. I'm sure the next few weeks will go by fast and then little Levi will be in your arms and crummy days and weeks like these will be a distant memory!

  4. It's almost over.

    I always classify myself as an unhappy pregnant woman, but I really think I'm only remembering those last few weeks. They are the worst. But the reward is so great, my love. Levi is worth every extra ounce of water retention, but you know that!

    Praying for you!

  5. Oh man, it sounds like the worst has hit. Just a little while longer...

  6. I'm due with little girl #2 on June 7 and I TOTALLY echo your thoughts!!! I never felt like this during my first pregnancy and I went 4 days past my due date. My baby girl's estimated weight is 7 pounds, 3 ounces, so she's going to be a big one!!

  7. Won't be long now!! I keep up with another blogger who is pregnant - you should check out her blog
    I think it would give you a laugh and you could sympathize.

  8. Poor thing! Hang in there. It will all be worth it and you'll forget how miserable you were the last couple of weeks once you see his precious face! :)

  9. So sorry you have had one of those kind of weeks! your almost done though and then precious little Levi will be here!!

  10. I can't even imagine how you are feeling. Just keep your eyes on Friday afternoon---no more work!! YAY!! And a massage and pedi!! Did I mention no more work?? :)

  11. Hang in there! The really fun part is almost here!

  12. I look back in my journal to remember those days, because honestly, I would have another baby RIGHT NOW - except that we're not ready to just yet - but it's hard to remember once he's here :-)

  13. That hurts me because I can so sympathize with you. I didn't comment on your earlier blog, but I have something fun, not really advice. Pack a baby pic of you and Darin and after little Levi is born, pull them out and let all the family start comparing.

  14. OH, MAN. Do I feel your pain. I hit my low point during Week 35, too. But I seem to have rallied a bit here during Week 37. So, hang in there. Maybe you'll have a rally soon!

    And keep working on that nursery! I can't wait to see pictures!!!

  15. Aw, you poor thing! Hoping you get some pampering sent your way - you deserve and need it!! (o:

  16. It is perfectly ok to share your angst! I am not even pregnant & I do it!

  17. you're doing so great- it will be over before you know it and you'll be saying hi and looking into little levi's eyes :) relax, eat popsicles and watch daytime t.v.!

  18. Oh dear, you're done-I sense it! :)
    Soon, you will be greeting your little Levi-and I am excited to hear about it, but not as excited as you!

  19. I am right there with you. I have 7weeks to go and stick a fork in me, I'm done. Don't get me wrong, I want little one to be AT LEAST 37 weeks before she makes her debut, but I just hope it goes by quickly. My patience is waning.

  20. I know how you feel! My daughter was born last month and I have to tell you it was the most glorious feeling in the world the second she was out and I had full lung capacity again, for a few seconds all I cared about was that I could take a deep breath! It made it all worth it. (The baby did too of course;)

  21. sorry about your bad week. I don't have kids, but from what I hear moms say, they always claim "it is so worth it" hope that helps!

  22. You have been so amazingly upbeat and positive about your whole pregnancy, you are due a little venting! Hang in there, he's almost here.

  23. Your almost there sweetie! Hang in there, you'll see lil' Levi face soon enough! :)

  24. You're so close to the end though girlie!! Keep your head up and your precious little one will be here before you know it!

  25. i remember the feeling... but somehow you forget and find yourself day dreaming about being pregnant again. Excited to see your little man soon!

  26. Soon! That's how first time mommies get over the fear of labor. This baby has to come soon!


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