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World, Meet Our Baby Lovie!!

Love at first sight.

That is how I would describe my experience yesterday.

Husby and I ventured off to our appointment and met my Momsy in the parking lot. I have to admit, I was very apprehensive about this ultrasound because the other night I dreamed that I was having Siamese Twins.

I have since been frantically researching Siamese Twins and their commonality here in the US. I was petrified. I just knew I was having conjoined babies.


I am not. There is one precious baby Lovie residing in my tummy, and he is the SWEETEST little Lovie I have ever laid eyes on. He is perfect and absolutely adorable.

Husby, Mom and I filed in line to the tiny examination room, and I made both of them look away as they weighed me. A girl never reveals her true weight.

I was ordered to tinkle in a cup, and it was quite a task because I had JUST emptied my bladder not 10 minutes before.

It wasn't your "typical" ultrasound, if you catch my drift, since it was my first. I ordered Husby and Momsy to stay up by my head during the examination.

Then, it happened.

The lights went out and there on the giant flat screen TV beside me, was my precious little Lovie. He was so sweet in there. I think he waved at me. His heart rate was flying and I think he was very excited to see all of us. His mommy. His daddy. And his Glamma.

We all screamed as soon as he made his grand debut. Mom jumped out in front of my head to get a better look, and I was laying there yelling, "I can't see! I can't see!" Husby kept trying to pull her further away from the screen so that we could ALL see, but her head just kept popping back in the middle. She was being quite stingy with Baby Lovie. I was laughing so much, and we all oohed, and aahhed, and said hello to my precious child.

The Doctor said everything looked great and that he was measuring bigger than we thought by a few days. He is going to be a big baby! Well, I hope. I love fatty babies. Ah, lovely. (And remember - I say HE because it's so much easier than writing he/she all the time. And it's just the universal term for a person).

I am in love with him. Isn't he CUTE?!

At my next appointment in four weeks, we will find out if we are having a Boy Lovie or a Girl Lovie! And then we can finally talk seriously about names! :)

We celebrated with a late lunch afterwards. And guess what we did the entire time? We studied THESE:

Praise GOD for this precious life!!

"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be."

Psalm 139:13-16

Thank you, Sovereign God, for your abundant blessings.
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. so excited for you!!! enjoy each day of pregnancy!!

  2. Lovie is a lucky baby to have such loving parents and glamma! Its fun sharing in your excitement.

  3. Oh those pics are so darn cute - thanks for sharing them!

  4. I didn't get to see your mom at church last night. I am sure if she was there she would have been flashing those pictures! Congratulations on such a momentous day! Love you.

  5. Congratulations, Whitney!:)
    May God bless you, your husby, and Baby Lovie abundantly. He is so Good!

    Big Hugs!

  6. Baby Lovie is beautiful and just as pretty as my Baby-To-Be that's due in June!

  7. You make me wish it was time for me to be pregnant- we are waiting until my husband is out of school so he can be around more. Thank you so much for continuing to share in your blessed journey! You're sense of humor is wonderful!

  8. I will never forget that moment of seeing him for the first time, it's so real. I'm SO beyond happy for you two - It'll be every emotion all at once - it's the best! :-) Are you tracking your pregnancy & such through pictures? I have a big ol scrapbook that I'm doing of just the pregnancy & the last page will be a birth picture - Then, I'll start another scrapbook for his first year, or his first day, my Mom & sister are both retired/current photographers, so he may have enough pics to make a scrapbook a day, haha!

  9. Oh how sweet! I love reading the excitment about your pregnancy. We have 3 and it kinda makes me miss being pregnant. Nothing like nuturing the tiny life inside of you.

  10. ahhh!!! What a precious baby!!!

  11. How exciting and your mom was there too! What a lucky baby to have you guys!

  12. Yay!! Congrats! He's adorable! :)

  13. Absolutely miraculous the process of life... God is so incredibly brilliant -- Enjoy every minute --

  14. That is so AWSOME!! I bet you are looking at your sweet baby right now. I know I wouldn't be able to stop.

  15. He is beautiful and perfect!! so fun!!! Will continue to pray for health for both of you :)

  16. Congrats Girl...I am happy for you and can't wait to hear about the journey before and after lovie!

  17. YAY!! There is only one baby in there! :) I'm so excited for you guys. I can't believe how much he really looks like a little baby and not just a blob. So cute!

  18. So exciting!! I'm glad your hubby and mom were able to go with you! What a special day!

  19. YAYAYAYA! So excited for you and this exciting time in your life! What a sweet story and what a sweet baby growing!!

  20. How sweet and wonderful! Congratulations! What wonderful pictures of baby lovie. He is so cute already, think of how adorable he is going to be when he is in your arms!!! By the way, you made me laugh out loud when you talked about your fear of having conjoined twins, it sounds like something I would totally do!!! Congratulations again!

  21. I am so glad you posted these! What a precious little Lovie!! You are such a great Mommy! Yes, Praise God for your wonderful blessing!

  22. Oh he/she's sooo cute..he he. Congrat's enjoy this precious time.

  23. Very exciting! Are you carrying low? It looks like maybe you are by the pics (of course, it's hard to tell!). They say boys tend to carry low ... :) I remember seeing Caleb (we didn't know it was a boy yet) on the ultrasound for the first time. We were giddy and chatty and then when his picture came up, we were totally silent. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. We both started crying and then starting laughing. It was just Josh and I and he held my hand. I'm so glad you're able to experience this! It is truly amazing!!

  24. Oh Whitney ~ he's absolutely adorable. Just makes you want to give him one giant hug and never let go. Thanks for letting us share in your day!


  25. I couldn't laugh at my appointment - I'm so jealous that you got to laugh at yours! Everything was fine until D wanted the tech to "make sure there aren't two in there". Then the tech started digging around and it HURT!

    How do you get to find out the gender so soon? Aren't you just a few weeks ahead of me? I probably won't find out until February (typical 18-20 weeks along).

  26. Congrats! I definately think that Baby Lovie was waving at you!

  27. I loved being pregnant! Congrats and good luck!

  28. How exciting. I went with my daughter when she was pregnant with the second one.

  29. Awwwwww! How precious! Thank you so much for sharing this experience!

  30. AWww! Congratulations! I always cried when I saw my babies for the first time! =) That is funny about your mom....

  31. How exciting! What a blessing... makes me want another :)

  32. he is SO cute!!! what a precious little creation growing inside you! God is so good! I think he looks more like you than your hubby :) lol

  33. How exciting!! I can't wait to find out what you're having too. It's so amazing to see the glimpse of the life growing inside of you!

  34. how sweet and precious!!! so glad we all get to share in this with you!

  35. awwww your little lovie is the cutest tiny teeny ever. bless your growing family. :)

  36. What GREAT pics! I loved looking at my lil guy's ultrasound pictures, they are so neat and it's so amazing.

    I don't think you are alone in your prego obsessivness. I had to stop watching TLC because they showed too many things that made me freak out and worry.

  37. How precious and exciting! Congrats :)

  38. How sweet! Look at your little jelly bean. You're going to be AMAZED at how much that baby has grown by the next U/S.

  39. Baby Lovie is adorable! I can't wait to find out what the sex is!

  40. Ah, such a cute lil bambino! Congratulations again. You will be such a great and fun mom. I'll have to get tips from you!!!

  41. so great!!! did they tell you how far along you are? you'll know in 4 weeks what you're having? i go back on december 2 and i don't think they'll tell me then. i'll be at 13 weeks then, i think.

  42. PS-I found you something l thought you'd love...posted on my blog! ;)

  43. I can just see your mom studying the screen! What a precious moment! And, I'm SO glad you're not having siamese twins. We could still be friends, but that would be so weird!

  44. Glad to hear everything went well at the u/s appointment. Great pictures. They seem so clear!

  45. I am so excited for you two!!!...I mean, three! :D This journey is so exciting, and your commentaries are so amusing! I was just sharing with my husby how you were afraid Lovie might be born with teeth, or that he might get so big that you wouldn't be able to breathe! :D Thank you for sharing your life and joys with us! Praise God for your Lovie!

  46. Baby Lovie is adorable. Congratulations.

  47. First ultrasounds are always so fun. Our youngest looked like a teddy bear in her pics:) The next ultrasound won't be so awkward;)

  48. TJ Maxx in their huge Christmas section. SUCH cute stuff! I'd love to see what you could do with a toilet-themed tree--ha! ;)

  49. A very cute little prune indeed! I am loving your updates, you are the cutest... and I totally want to wear your shower curtian too!

  50. You have been blessed, may you have a beautiful, uneventful pregnancy!

  51. i'm so delighted for you and the hubster and your baby lovie!

    sending you guys big hugs and many blessings!

  52. Aw, your Lovie so SO cute! This took me back to memories of my first "not-so-typical" ultrasound at 6 weeks and 6 days preggo, where my hubby, mom and mother-in-law were all there. It was so amazing, and I'll never forget it. Thanks so much for sharing that precious memory with us. I, too, studied the ultrasound pics like my life depended on it. We're talking - I'd stare at them before bed each night until my eyes wouldn't open. Congrats to you - you are going to be an amazing mommy!

  53. very excited for you and he is just absolutely adorable:)

  54. WOW! Whitney and Praise our Lord for such a perfect little one inside your tummy. I could just feel your mommy's JOY as she was able to be with you for your ultra sound. The baby looks so tiny and so precious. I love Psalm 139--How fitting.
    luv ya, Ms Mae

  55. How exciting! Congratulations!!

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Your baby is beautiful! As soon as found your blog I was so touched by how much you wanted to be a Mom. I prayed for you and your baby. I prayed that your baby would be healthy and a few other things I can't remember.

    My husband and I just delivered conjoined twin girls on November 11th our babies Melody and Madison lived for about an hour. The Lord has taught us so much through their short lives and I wouldn't trade being their Mom for anything. I know your comment about conjoined twins is something I would have said a few years ago and I'm not really sure why I'm writing this I think I just want everyone to know that our babies were not freak of natures. They were so cute they both had black hair and were so beautiful! They were two complete babies that were facing each other and were joined from their chests to their stomach. They were so amazing and we love them very much!

    God is so sovereign He was the one forming these babies in my womb and He was glorified through their short lives. Psalms 139:13-16 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them.

    So with all that said I am the proud parent to conjoined twin girls Melody Joy and Madison Hope. You can check out the full story and see lots of pictures on our blog.

    I love you because you are my sister in Christ. Enjoy being a Mom it is one of the most amazing things that you will ever get to be a part of.

    Vanessa D


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