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Getting Prepared.

Since I've been pregnant, friends and family have already showered me with so many wonderful pregnancy items - such as books, lotions, journals, piggy banks, onesies, bibs and even bottles! It has made me realize how blessed I am to have such wonderful people in my life who already so deeply love and care about my child.

I have absolutely loved and devoured all the books I've been given!

They have answered every question I have and has relieved any anxiety. They are all so helpful and so much fun to read. I recommend ALL of these books and journals above. The journal "Getting to Know You" is fantastic because it asks so many great questions that I probably wouldn't think up myself. I have filled many a page for Baby Lovie already!

Another friend got me this, which is so unique and I love it. It says it's a journal, but it's really a day-to-day play-by-play on what is going on in your body! It is so much fun. It tells me what specifically is happening to Baby Lovie (and me) every day! I am obsessed with reading it daily.

Momsy bought this extraordinary gift for Baby Lovie the other day. How CUTE is it?

Baby Lovie's first Bible! :) I laughed so hard when I saw this. Since we don't know baby's gender or name yet, and refer to him as Baby Lovie for the time being, I will be able to tell him he had his first Bible when he was only weeks old!! And it will always bear his sweet little nickname. So sweet. I love it!

Oh, and I forgot to tell you how big Baby Lovie was last week.

Last week, at week 9, he was:

An OLIVE! So sweet. Maybe I should name him Oliver.

And this week, at week 10, he is this!

Awww... Mommy's little prune. So sweet.

This is a big week! I'm going to meet Baby Lovie for the first time, face to face! I have an ultrasound on Wednesday. I am so excited I can hardly stand it!
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. I'm just guessing, but it sounds like you would like a boy. After reading this last post, I noticed, you always refer to your baby as 'he' or 'him'. Hope it works out the way you want it. I wanted all boys and got a girl (the second time around) and she is the one that can make me smile/laugh no matter what. God knew what he was doing even if I didn't!

  2. That journeling book is right up your alley.. I love that you have already written pages for your little Lovie... What a fun little Mommy you are going to be...

    I don't think you were serious..but I think Oliver is a cute I like older traditional names.. as you know I teach school and some names are quite silly.. you wouldn't believe the way people spell different is funny sometimes..

  3. I feel like I am going to need to read SO much when I am preggers - thanks so much for the book recomendations!

    And your mom is so darn cute - that Bible is just precious!

    I hope your ultrasound goes well - how exciting. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  4. How exciting! I read What to Expect When You're Expecting during both of my pregnancies...And What to Expect the First Year...followed by What to Expect the Toddler Years. They were all very helpful books!

    Happy Ultrasound!
    God Bless,

  5. Does Darin get to go to the ultrasound or does he have to be in school? I'm sure Mom will go if he can't! I am loving that you are sharing this journey with us.

  6. Oliver is soo cute!!!
    I tell ya you have great friends...and an awesome mom!

  7. The pregnancy journal is the best!!! I would write to my babies in there, and there is a first year journal, too! I love it!
    Your mom's idea of the Bible was so precious! Good job MOM!

  8. So glad you're enjoying your journal. I love it that you share with me what's happening to Baby Lovie each day. What's he doing today?!

  9. That Bible is precious! Those What to Expect books are wonderful - be sure to get the next 2 in the series! ;)

  10. Another great journal (my friend got me this one) is "Love Letters to My Baby". I just love it! Each chapter begins with Scripture, and you can write your thoughts, feelings, etc. toward your baby and about your baby. I think this one is designed to give to your child when they get older. I think my friend found it at Lifeway Christian Store. Here is a link to it:

    Congratulations again! I find out if my baby is a boy or a girl the day before Thanksgiving. How exciting!!! :)

  11. those seem like perfect books! that journal is wonderful. a woman at church yesterday told me a great book is Baby tells you all the things you need to know when baby arrives and is written by a christian author. she recommended getting it on amazon!

    i'm finally back!!! its good to talk to you again!

  12. i was OBSESSED with reading about my pregnancy! I have a ridiculous amount of books! I still read alot about my toddler now, but its eased down a bit. ENJOY!

  13. Oh I hope your appt goes great! This is always the best part, best of luck

  14. I cannot WAIT for your ultrasound!! The Bible is SO adorable. Your mom is very creative!

  15. And by "I cannot wait for your ultrasound!!" I mean, I can't wait to hear about it! I realized that sounded a little creepy so I am returning to make myself less creepy sounding!! I bet Wednesday won't come fast enough!

  16. Oh, your mom! How sweet! I'm so excited about Wednesday! It is going to be so exciting for you guys!

  17. That sounds like so much fun!! Good luck at your ultrasound this week!!

  18. OMG! That's so exciting! You have an ultrasound.

    Oliver is a really cute name and way better than Prune!

    Lovie is coming right along in the growth dept. THAT IS SO NEAT!

    Oh @ the wedding I went to - I saw a girl that looked sooo much like you. I wanted to take a pic of her and post it but I felt like I might be violating her privacy - she was beautiful and looked so much like you! It was crazy - told my Dude and he thought I was crazy. he doesn't get that I know you blog buddies. YES I KNOW YOU! :)

  19. Aw, that little Bible that says "Lovie" is so sweet! I love this post. It reminds me of how excited I got with each new week of my pregnancy. It sounds like you're enjoying it so much.

  20. YAY!!! What fun gifts! Baby Lovie is getting so big! :)

  21. That is so exciting! Congrats!! Will you be sharing your ultrasound pics? Please say yes!

  22. cant wait to hear about your up and coming ultrasound! soo exciting:) When I am preggers someday I am going to refer to your blog! you have such great advice and tips on here already!!

  23. That bible is just so precious! I love that it has a story behind it, baby lovie will just love it in future years! So excited for you and your ultrasound!

  24. That bible is so sweet! How adorable. I have read a bunch of those too and then for fun the Belly Laughs book by Jenny McCarthy.

  25. Hi Whitney ~ that is a beautiful bible...Baby Lovie will treasure it forever!

    Can't wait to hear all about the's so cool to see the baby!


  26. Aww I love the Bible with the nickname!

  27. That Lovie Bible is the sweetest thing! What a thoughtful gift! Hope this week is lookin' up for you!

  28. I bought the 100000 baby names book, too, although we won't even crack the cover until we find out what we're having. I already have a couple of names in mind but David really dislikes the names so I need to wear him down. :)

    You'll love the ultrasound. LOVE it.

  29. I saw one of those journals, and I thought of you!

  30. Looks like you have enough reading material to last you about 7 months! My biggest suggestion - drink 2 cups of pregnancy tea each day during your last trimester. I swear by the stuff!

  31. What a sweet gift from your mom! Sounds like the nickname "Lovie" is going to stick

  32. Oh! Good luck with your first ultra sound! How exciting! My nephew is going to be here this week! Yay!

  33. how much fun! i need to get some more books. so far i only have what to expect when you're expecting. i'll make a trip to the store soon.

  34. I just love the food related items you put up to show us the baby's size!


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