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I'm Having a Baby!!

Your eyes are not playing tricks on you. I am PREGNANT!

Wednesday night I had two dreams. In both dreams, I took a pregnancy test and both times, they were negative. I rolled out of bed Thursday morning, knowing that I needed to take a test, but half wanting to take it that night because I figured my results would be that of my dream - negative.

It was 6:30 am, and I rubbed my eyes and walked into the bathroom and tried as fast as I could to rip open that test. I had to go tinkle sooo bad, but knew I had to save it for the test. I finally got the thing open and did my thing.

I sat on the floor, leaning against the wall with my test on the tile. I could not take my eyes off of it.

The test was supposed to take 3 minutes. I was on the floor for about 5 seconds and noticed the blue line starting to appear. I gasped. And watched.

It got darker within seconds, and I burst into tears. I sat in the floor with my test in my hand, tears streaming down my face, praising Jesus for the miracle of the life growing inside of me. I sat there for about a minute, just me and God, resting in knowing that HE has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. I wiped the tears from my cheeks, grabbed the test and ran in to my sleeping Husby. I flipped on the light and curled up next to him crying. "H-h-h-huuusby???" I cried. (Though I used his real name).

He sat straight up, concerned because I was bawling.... "what honey??," he said.

"I...think I'm PREGNANT!", I screamed!!

He tackled me and rolled me around on the bed screaming, "YOU'RE PREGNANT!?!? YOU'RE PREGNANT?!?!" We just laid there for a few minutes laughing, crying, hugging and praying. It was amazing.

He scheduled me a doctor's appointment for the next day, Friday, and I thought I was literally going to burst all day. Husby and I had to keep this enormous secret to ourselves and we just looked at each other and smiled each time we were around people.

Friday came and I was a nervous wreck. All thoughts went through my mind - what if it was a false reading? what if I show up to the doc and they say, "what are you talking about? you're not pregnant!" My appointment was at 2:15 and the day crept by.

Sure enough, the doctor confirmed my pregnancy and a rush of relief drifted over me. It was time to tell our family!!

We lied to our parents (they live in the same town), and told one set that we had to go down to get something from the other. We hoped they wouldn't run into each other in the mean time and realize we were big-fat-liars.

We arrived to my parents house first. Mom prepared a lavish feast since we were coming over, complete with appetizers and a homemade pie for dessert! She kept trying to shove appetizers down my throat, but I was so nervous and excited, I was about to throw up!

Dad got home and we all sat around the dinner table. "I'll pray!", I chimed in.

"Dear God, thank you so much for this food, for this day, and for keeping us all healthy and safe. And thank you SO much for the blessing of this precious life growing inside of me....Amen."

I looked up and my parents were staring at me in disbelief. Dad screamed, "YOU'RE P-G??", and Mom jumped up screaming, "WHAT?! WHAT!? WHAT!?," hugging and talking 90 to nothing. Husby video taped the entire thing - whipping out the camera as we bowed our heads. Clever.

We spent the entire night planning and laughing and praising God for my baby.

I called my brother (he was out of town this weekend) and asked him if he was ready to be an uncle. He said, "what?!" and I repeated myself. He totally thought I was lying, but then I told him my due date and he was flabbergasted!! He is very excited!

We had to wait for Husby's parents to get home from a football game, so as soon as they were home, they called for us to come over. We arrived and all sat around shooting the breeze.

Husby said, "Did Whitney tell you what she got a few weeks ago?"

They looked at me blankly - "No?"

"Pregnant", he said.

They came FLYING out of their chairs screaming and hugging us. It was a great reaction as well!

I gave my parents, and Husby's parents this precious charm from James Avery.

We spent the rest of the evening calling all of our friends and letting them in on the great news. I realized that night what fantastic friends I have. I had friends screaming. I had friends crying. I had friends rejoicing - sincerely and truly THRILLED for us. We were absolutely overwhelmed by their sweet responses. I praise God for them.

So, there you have it. I am pregnant. I am just over a month along, due sometime in June, probably around June 18, the doctor said...but we will know much more after my first ultrasound in a few weeks.

I am astounded that the Lord blessed us as fast as He did. I have wanted this ALL my life, and we recently started covering this life in prayer as we decided it was time to start trying for this baby. We are beyond thankful.

Pray with us for this baby. For his health and for his salvation. I pray that he comes to know my Jesus at an early age, and that he will glorify Him throughout his entire life. (Or her.) :)

For now, will call him/her "Baby Lovie".
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. Congratulations, Whitney!
    What a blessing!
    God Bless,

  2. Oh my goodness, congrats! How VERY exciting!!! Prayers for a healthy pregnancy!!!

  3. Wow! I am so excited for you and your husby. When I saw it on Becky's site I thought there must be a punch line coming. But, no, it was true! See, those weird dreams did mean something after all. I will be praying for you every day.

  4. Congratulations, Whitney! Thanks for sharing the whole story- I felt like I was right there with you guys! How exciting! -Dana

  5. ohhh YEA!!! i cried the whole time i read this. i am up at 5 in the morning feeding Carsyn and though i am exhausted it is the best thing in the world. HOW FUN!!! you are blessed!!

  6. So, I turned on my computer this morning, logged into iGoogle, and there on the top of the reader is "I'm Having a Baby!!"

    Congratulations; praise God!!

  7. WHITNEY!!!!

    That's all I can manage to get out right now!


  8. Yippie!!! Such exciting news!!!

    I am all jittery inside now. You made my morning!

  9. NEATSY!!!!!!

    This is amazing! Oh, I'm so happy for you as I know this is what you've ALWAYS dreamed of. God is so good! All the time He is good!

    I teared up reading your story. And I can't even imagine how excited your family is! And how your mom is going to go off on the shower! Ha ha!

    I can't wait to



  10. Congrats! Soon enough you will be the glamorous housewife and MAMA! Best of luck for a happy healthy baby!!!

  11. Congratulations to you! What a wonderful time! Enjoy every moment of this experience!

  12. Oh, friend, I have been rejoicing with you all weekend. I teared up when I talked to you Friday, but for some reason it's just now hitting me and I'm sitting here crying like no other. I am SO happy for you. God is amazing. I love you!

  13. Congrats! Oh yay -- congrats! How very very exciting! Lots of prayers and well wishes for you and Baby Lovie!

  14. congratulations!!! that is soooo very exciting!!!! what a special time in your lives right now :) i can't wait to follow your journey with Baby Lovie :)

    AND i'm pretty sure we're almost exactly alike, because THAT IS HOW I PLANNED TO DO OUR ANNOUNCEMENT!! i mean, that is seriously scary...

  15. Congratulations! That is so exciting! I can't wait to follow along with Baby Lovie's journey! :)

  16. First, I have to admit. I remember from your past xanga post.. how you like to trick people and play around.. I thought that I was going to get to the end and it was totally going to be a dream or a joke.. : )

    But now that I have finished the entire post.. I totally believe you.. Congratuations Ms. Whitney! I think you and D will be great parents. I can't wait to see what all you do with the nursery and the preparing for your sweet little one.. It will be fun following your blog throughout your pregnancy! I am so very excited for you guys!

  17. What a blessing! Congratulations! You seem like the very sweetest person and I'm so excited that your prayers were answered! God bless you and husby!

  18. Congratulations! I don't even know you, but I can't wait to follow you through this journey. How lovely to see you praise God for a miracle that only He could create!

  19. Congrats!!! I am soooo thrilled for the two of you!

  20. I am so happy for you guys!!!!! It is so exciting and it is a true blessing.

    PS: Start taking belly pics! I regret not having started from the very begining....even when I wasnt showing yet.

  21. Congrats to you both!! This is such an exciting time for you, and I am so happy for you

  22. Congratulations!!! That is so, so, exciting and so wonderful. Congratulations!! yay!!!

  23. Congratulations! I love how you told your parents, that had to be so exciting!

    You and Baby Lovie are in my prayers.

  24. That is so exciting!!! Congratulations! Just another step closer to the glamorous life of a housewife!!

  25. AHH!!!! How exciting! Your post made me cry -- it was beautiful! You need to print it and put it in your baby book. :)


  26. Congratulations!!! How exciting!! This might explain why you have been having all those crazy dreams lately! :-)
    So happy for you! Will be praying for you and the baby.

  27. Oh Whitney, congratulations! How exciting to have something happen that you have been waiting for your whole life! You two will be great parents!

    And what a beautiful post, so thoughtful and well written you can't help but cry. I know we haven't really met in person but my heart truly is bursting with joy!

    Way to go!

  28. Such happy news! Congratulations! Enjoy this special time.

  29. Congratulations girl! SO happy for you and your hubby - looking forward to watching you grow and 9 months from now meeting Baby Lovie!

  30. Congratulations! What wonderful news for you and your entire family!

    I'll be praying for you and the baby. :)

  31. Congratulations, Whitney! I can't tell you how awesome the gift of children is! You are going to love it, as I suspect you already know!!!

  32. that is seriously one of the best ways to tell your parents - you guys are so funny! Congratulations and I will pray that a hedge of protection will surround you and your new little blessing :)

  33. Congratulations Whitney! That is amazing. God is so good! I am so happy for you! Truly! What a great way to break the news :) I loved it! Def teared up while reading that! Sooo happy for you! Hugs from me! :)

  34. Oh my goodness
    I am so excited
    June is a great month to have a baby Zoey was born june8th
    cant wait to see you and give you a big hug

  35. Oh Whitney - Congrats to you and Hubby - you are going to be a wonderful mother and I really mean that. I know I only know you through the blogging world but from what I know, you will be a blessing to your children in so many ways.

    I can't wait to follow through this journey with you, although it makes me really want to be in your shoes! haha

    You are on your way to becoming a Glamorous House Wife! Congrats to you!!!

  36. That is great news!Prayers and blessings going your way.

  37. Oh my goodness, Whitney! I've told everyone who would listen since i found out on Friday night! You guys are such a Godly couple, and I know that this baby is going to be loved and cherished and supported in your happy home! Loves!

  38. How exciting! I'm so happy for you.

  39. Once in awhile I drift over to your blog from my friend, Meg's blog. Congrats on your pregnancy! Motherhood is such a wonderful gift. Even when they're crawling around being destructo baby (as in my case, at exactly this moment!).
    I hope you have a very happy and healthy pregnancy!

  40. Congrats to both of you!!! And prayers for an easy/healthy pregnancy. :)

  41. Ahh congratulations!!! I am soo happy for you! This is soo exciting! We will definitely pray for you and Baby Lovie (and Husby too!)! I love how you told, and the video of the prayer, that is soo precious and what an amazing keepsake! Yay, you are going to have soo much fun!!!

  42. I am SO SO SOOOOOO excited for you & husby!!! Congrats on baby lovie!!!

  43. YAY!!!! I love that you keep referring the baby as him. We will have to do the needle and thread test every month to see if it changes. As of right now, I hope its not triplets for your sake! Wouldn't that be crazy if it was right?????

  44. Oh Whitney ~ congratulations girlfriend! I was crying the whole time I was reading...which is pretty hard to do at work..hoping no one sees me with tears running down my face!

    I'm so incredibly happy for you...and Baby Lovie! How exciting!


  45. Oh my goodness! I just cried too! I'm just so happy for you. I love the way you told your family! I love how sweet and I love how energetic you are! I look forward to my very own post like this someday rather soon.

    You will make such a wonderful mother. I'm praying for you and the baby and all the health and happiness in the world.


  46. Ahhh!!! I am so excited for you!!! Your family is in my prayers. This is such a wonderful blessing and I am so happy for you!=)




  48. FELICITACIONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you! Children TRULY are a blessing from the Lord!

  49. FELICITACIONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you! Children TRULY are a blessing from the Lord!

  50. Congrats on your new little blessing

  51. wow!!!! i'm so excited for you!!! this is such wonderful news!

  52. congratulations!! You are about to enter a whole new wonderful world.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I started to cry when I read your post!!! Congratulations on Baby Lovie! God is going to do big things through this life! :-D

  55. Congrats Whitney!! That's such great news!! I'm very happy for you and wish you the best!! You're now one step closer to your "Journey Toward"....

  56. Congratulations!!! That is so awesome! You're going to be a great mommy.

  57. Congratulations! Isn't it just the craziest, scariest, most exciting feeling EVER???

    And I love Baby Lovie... MUCH better than what we came up with, hee hee!

  58. Congratulations Whitney & Husby!! What an absolute blessing. You are in for such an exciting adventure.

  59. Congrats!!!

    As i continued to read your post, I continued to get goosebumps! I'm soooooo happy for you! What a blessing!!!

    You are going to be amazing Parents!

    Can't wait to read about your journey/see pics!


  60. Congratulations! Babies are truly a gift from God! Even though my babies are now 15 and 13 your post brought back all the joy and excitement of finding out I was expecting and definitely caused me to get choked up! I know you will cherish every moment of this wonderful time and I look forward to reading about it all. Blessings to you and your husband and family!

  61. Thank you so much for sharing all the precious details with the rest of us. I'm sure everyone who has read this, teared up just like me.
    Mary Lou

  62. Congratulations! God is so good! I will be praying for you and the sweet little one. Your life is about to change forever!

  63. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my goodness i CRIED when i read this!! i am so, so so happy for you and cannot WAIT to read about your journey.


  64. CONGRATULATIONS!! I am 6 weeks pregnant (due June 8) with my second blessing! I can't wait to go through this pregnancy with you!

  65. WOW! What a super sweet story! I almost started crying!

  66. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! i am so so happy for you :)

  67. CONGRATS!! I think that is the sweetest way you told your family!

  68. Okay, I found this blog a couple of months ago and have been here quietly reading it ever since. I read this post and just could'nt stay quiet. Congratulations!!! What absolutely wonderful, amazing, fantastic, incredible news! There is absolutely nothing like the feeling of life growing inside you and I am so happy for you that you are getting to experience it. I can't wait to share this journey with you through your blog. Is'nt it amazing how we can get to know one another without ever meeting? My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. Is'nt God great!

  69. Congratulations! How incredibly exciting for you and your family. I remember when I was found out I was pregnant with both of my babies, the second time was just as exciting as the first! I hope you enjoy your pregnancy and you and the baby stay healthy!
    Many Blessings!!!

  70. Whitney, many, many congratulations! I am very excited for you to begin this journey...

    I teared up for joy when I read this. congrats!

  71. Congratulations :) Something's in the water - both of my sisters are pregnant, too. One is due in April the other in May.

  72. Congratulations! I just squealed when I saw the picture! So happy for you guys!

  73. Congratulations!! I am so happy for you! The excitement of a new life never wears off, our baby #4 is due in 9 weeks...

  74. Congratulations!!! Enjoy this time in your life.

  75. Congratulations! Take good care of yourself and the precious baby! :)

  76. We are SO EXCITED!! Can't wait til he/she is here!

  77. Congratulations to you! I am so happy for you.... I can't wait to hear more...I loved being pregnant! Blessings,

  78. AHHHH!!! So exciting, Whit! Can't wait to follow along on your journey!

  79. I am so happy for you! What a blessing! I'll be praying for you and the baby!

  80. AGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I sit here in tears!!! I'm SOOOO thrilled for you :-) You're going to make the BEST mom ever! YAYAY!

    I'll keep you all in prayer!!!!

  81. Oh Whitney. I got a little misty reading this. It's so funny to feel so happy and want to hug someone I've never met... but I do. You'll be a fantastic mom and we'll all really enjoy hearing about this journey with you. Many many congrats from Mabel's House!

  82. Wow this is so wonderful! I had my baby girl June 2nd of 2005! That is just great I do so recomend the book Supernatural Childbirth. This book gives you a ton of scripture to pray over you little one while he/she is in the womb! I am very excited for you girl!

  83. Such a blessing! You'll be in my prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy!

  84. Congratulations! And blessings to you, your husband, and your loving family during your pregnancy!

  85. What a lucky child to have you as a mommy! Congratulations to you and hubby!

  86. That's awesome!!!!!! I don't even know you, but I was crying by the time I finished this!

  87. YAY!!!!!!!! That is sooooo exciting! I'm so happy for you!!!

  88. Enjoy every moment and keep a journal-starting now...I have for all my boys.
    Congrats!! I am happy for you!! You are now on your way for sure toward the "glamorous life" of a housewife.

  89. CONGRATULATIONS!! Whitney and family......What a precious and priceless gift God is developing within you. Please keep us updated. We are so happy for you all.
    Ms Mae and Br Bruce

  90. OH my word!!! I am soooo happy for you! Congratulations! I love your blog and I am looking forward to following your Pregnancy Story!

    Congrats, again!

    Melissa :D

  91. Whitney! I'm so excited for you! Reading your story brought back memories from each time I found out I was pregnant! Congratulations and here's to nine happy and healthy months!!!

  92. What wonderful news! Congratulations!!!!!

  93. That is wonderful news! Congratulations. Can't wait to hear all about it in the coming months. Enjoy every minute of it!

  94. Oh my word that was the most exciting story I have read in sooooo long. I am so, so happy for you. It is such an exciting time. The pregnancy witht he first baby is always just so awesome. You can sleep and indulge yourself because their is not another little one to care for. This is when my husband spoiled me the most. Since he's an OB/GYN we would spend the weekend dropping by his office where we would just look at the baby on the ultrasound machine...not another care in the world. God Bless!

  95. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting for you and your husband! What a blessing!

  96. I'm going to chime in and join everyone else in saying a total congratulations to you and your husby. I'm totally thrilled for you!!!!!! Maybe you are one step closer to being that stay at home housewife! Congrats girl!!

  97. I just came across your blog by chance. Congratulations on your pregnancy and I will pray for you, your baby and husby :) I read your story about finding out and telling your parents, and I will say...tears! :) I am so excited for that day to come for me, so I know how thrilled you must be! Congrats and God Bless!!

  98. OMG your blog is the only one that has EVER made my CRYYYY. I have never ever actually gotten choked up before! I am so stinkin happy for you and I don't even KNOW you! Right now I am trying to get preggers too and it's SO hard. I can only imagine how awesome it was!

  99. Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing!!!

  100. CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO!! Or should I say three?!
    How wonderful. I know you will be amazing parents.

    I knew I had to be pg because of the tired/nap thing. I NEVER take naps, could never just "lie down and sleep", until I was pregnant. So weird, eh?

    Be sure to do a belly cast, they are SO fun!

  101. CONGRATS!!! Oh gosh, I can only imagine all the emotion you went through when you found out. What an incredible feeling it must be.

  102. WOW, I just came across your site and I when I read this, I literally had a smile on my face the whole time. The way you worded everything about your experience made me feel as though I was right there along with you! Congrats sweetheart and I can't wait to see the prego feelings and thoughts you have along the next 9 months. It really is an exciting, intense, emotional ride..hold on!!! :)

  103. I'm FREAKING OUT I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been taking a break from the blog world and now I'm so mad at myself! CONGRATS WHITNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  104. Hello Love,

    Congratulations to you! You are going to ADORE Motherhood. It is simply THE most wonderful, beautiful, incredible experience in the world.
    I promise you that! Welcome to the club and it is
    so nice to meet you!


    Mother of Pearl!

  105. Levi is a little toddler now (~18mo), but I saw the link to this post and clicked to read this sweet story. And fun that you can come back and read where it all began for you guys. And to know that Levi was loved and known by God before the foundations of the Earth it so amazing, God is good.


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