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Pumpkin Patch!

It's not fall unless there's a a pumpkin patch post! Can I get an amen? A couple of weeks ago, Husby had to go to Wisconsin for almost a week.  So, my parents swooped in and saved the day (week) and came for a visit!!  It was so wonderful having them here, and the boys were besi…

A Northern Fall.

You guys. No..... YOU GUYS! I just can't get over the COLOR up here.  It is absolutely incredible, and if you follow my instagram, (whit_neenee) you'll see a steady stream of colorful fall photos blowing up your feed almost daily.  I just can not get over it!  I have ne…

Comfort Zone.

I knew when we moved here that I was going to be pushed out of my comfort zone more than I might be comfortable with.  I mean, picking up and moving across the United States is in and of itself a comfort zone stretcher.  I had never set foot in this town the day I moved here, so literally…

5 Year Old Stuff.

A lot has happened with little Levi in the past couple of months, so I thought I would document a bit of it.  He is growing into such an amazing little boy - sweet, smart, compassionate, funny, adventurous, brave, kind.  We are just so proud of him and how he has dealt with this move like…

The Long Month.

It's been a long September. Husby's work load has picked up for the season which means he hasn't been home as much. (I know that's why we are here, but it's still a drag. And tiring as it's just me and the boys.)  On top of that, we keep cycling through the same …