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Showing posts with the label all things home

The Trees!

Our Old World family tree. I think they need to have a "Christmas Tree" setting on cameras.  They're SO HARD to get right. Weirdly enough, I feel like this photo taken with my iPhone more accurately captures the true look of our tree! This tree is so special to o…

A Mercury Glass Christmas!

It's that time of the year again ... everyone sharing their holiday decor! I love peeking into everyone's home and getting a glimpse of what surrounds them every night as they gather together as families. Christmas decor makes everything so cozy and beautiful.  I just love it. T…

Ezra's Nursery!

When trying to decide what to do for Ezra's nursery, Husby was my main source of inspiration. He let me go to town on Levi's nursery in creating something soft, sweet and elegant, so I wanted to represent him with our second son. (Ha! Sounds like I'm calling myself soft, sw…