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(Long post - LOTS of pictures! Sorry, I can never choose just a few ... and when I print my blog books, I'm glad I included so many.)

This year, my parents hosted an enormous Easter celebration for my entire family - both sides, along with Husby's family and my sister-in-law's family. It was so nice to all be together on this special day and Mom made everything especially lovely.

We came up for the weekend and she had awesome Easter baskets waiting for us! It made us feel so special.



Levi's was a game theme and he was in game heaven! We had shirts, shoes, a watch and lots of goodies of the chocolate variety in ours. :)

The bathrooms were filled to with smelly-goods from Lush! Our favorite!!



On Saturday, we girls prepped the house for the party and cooked all day long. That evening, we took the boys to a friend's house where she took pictures of them with bunny rabbits and chicks! I can't wait to show them to you when they arrive in the mail. It was an EVENTFUL evening, to say the least! :)




Easter morning, we took some pictures before Church. It rained and poured all day long, but it didn't stop our fun!







He kept smothering my face with kisses. So sweet!





Are these the most handsome little boys you have ever seen in your LIFE? They are such buddies. Love love!






With Glam*Mama & Papapa!





And the spring decor was nothing short of fantastical!










Kiddy table with Peter Rabbit plates!! SO cute.


The crowd trickled in and began to graze over the feast!










Each family was gifted a box of chocolates as they departed. Have I mentioned that my Mom is Mrs. Hostess Extraordinaire?


It was a very sweet, very special day, celebrating our risen SAVIOR with all of our loved ones. We got home late and when Levi woke up the next morning, he continued celebrating with the basket that the Easter Bunny left at our house while he was away. :)

I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. Oh. My. Word. You make me want to cash in my life savings and hit up HobLob asap! Perfect day!

  2. Your mom has got to be one of the greatest hostesses of ALL TIME. Her house always looks so magical!

    And Levi looked extra handsome, of course!

  3. I am SO jealous of your mom's hostess abilities!

    And Levi was absolutely adorable in his little suit :)

  4. What an amazing celebration on an amazing day!

  5. I want to be your mom when I grow up! HAHA!! You both have sensational taste that gets me so excited to decorate for parties! Love Levi's outfit! He is such a cutie!!

  6. The boys are so cute!!
    And your mom is the best!!!
    I want to be your mom when I grow up!

  7. I also want to be your mom when I grow up. I love how much THOUGHT goes into everything!

    One question that might be too nosey, but how many guest bedrooms does your moms house have? I assume both you and your brother's rooms growing up were turned into guest bedrooms?

  8. The table looked great! And how nice were those gift baskets!

  9. wow! your mom is QUITE the hostess! everything looks beautiful!
    Your little one is such a handsome boy -- he looked SO cute in his suit!
    Sounds/looks like you guys had an amazing Easter with your family =)

  10. Always love to see your pictures of family get togethers. It's wonderful seeing so many of my favorite people in one room.

  11. You seriously have the cutest family ever! And I love how your mom goes ALL OUT for every Holiday. I bet that made growing up SO much more fun :)

  12. Awesome! As usual. Your mama does every gathering up right! :-)

  13. What great photos and your mom's decorating and sense of style is amazing. It looks like you all had a great time!

  14. I love the kiddie table & of course the adult table. Your mom does such a wonderful job :) you have the cutest family! I love Levi's outfit.

  15. What a fantastic Easter celebration! I can just see Levi's personality come through in those pictures. He seems like such a little ham! We need to meet up before graduation gets here.

  16. Seriously your mom needs to start a blog on her decorating for events or where she gets the ideas and finds all the stuff! Or I would be totally ok with you starting it. No joke I would totally even pay to have consultations with her or you and how she finds the things or builds the welcome baskets each visit! Really you should do this! I am sure you have thought about but I had to suggest it anyway!LOL It looks like you had a wonderful weekend thank you for sharing.

  17. Wow...I want to be invited for a holiday at your parents house. So awesome! I love all the details!

  18. Levi is such a little sweetie! And good heavens - and I think I speak for all of us - can we be invited to your mom's house? She's just the best!

  19. Wonderful! Your mum is indeed a wonderful hostess and has such impeccable taste. I imagine you had the most amazing birthday parties as a child!

    Levi looks so grown up in his little suit. So sweet!

    I thought I'd mention that I was looking through this post with my youngest daughter on my lap this morning (she is 2 months younger than Levi). When she saw the pictures of Levi kissing you, she turned in my lap and started kissing my face too! It was so sweet!

  20. Your Mom looks like an amazing hostess! Levi looked SO precious in his Easter outfit!

  21. I hope to be an amazing hostess one day like your mom. For now, I get to enjoy my kooky, dysfunctional family functions...hey, at least I come home with stories.
    Oh yes and please start some sort of decorating book/magazine/blog/ with tips!

  22. Everything looks like it was beautiful. I love your Mom. She has an amazing gift of making everyone that enters her house feel so very special.

  23. your mom has a BEAUTIFUL home! I wish I was that creative and good at decorating.

  24. Oh my goodness..Levi is adorable! And your mom is a ridiculously awesome hostess. She's quite impressive.

  25. I want to be your mom! I think my only spiritual gift is hospitality but nothing like your mom's.
    I recently discovered Lush and when I saw your treats of Lush stuff I gasped...looks like you had a wonderful time!

  26. I stumbled upon your blog recently and I really love it. You are such an inspiring woman and I love to read all of your posts. You said in this post that you put your blog into a book and that is such a great idea! I'd like to do that and I was wondering what site you use? Also, do you put all of your entries in the book or just a select few. Thanks!

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