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Little Miss Sensitive

You know those round little cartoons on t-shirts that say “Little Miss Sunshine” or “Little Miss Scatterbrain”? Well, I have decided that I should be “Little Miss Sensitive”.

I admit, I am a little over sensitive. I can’t help it though, I inherited it from Mom. When Dad asked my Grandpa if he could marry my Mom way back in the day, his reply was “Yes, but you will have to handle her with kid gloves”.

I heard that story all of my life, but never really understood what “kid gloves” meant. I still really don’t, but I do know that I have to be handled with them, too.

Just ask Hubsy.

(Thanks Mom. Thank you for passing that over-sensitive gene on to me. You silly goose. Did you inherit it from Grandma? I bet you did because the three of us are essentially the same person.)

I try not to be too sensitive. I try to not let things bother me, but I just can’t. I hate people to be mad at me, I hate for people to not like me and I hate fights in any way shape or form. They give me knots in my stomach and make me frown.

And frowning hurts my mouth.

No seriously, it is completely uncomfortable to frown.

I love kindness. I love sunshine. I love rainbows and sweet smiles. I love for people to be happy and pleasant. I just love it. Not to sound sugary sweet or disgustingly cheerful, but…I just love those kinds of people, and they are who I love to spend my time with. I gravitate toward and thrive on building each other up.

Sarcasm is my least favorite. I don’t care what people say, there is a bit of truth to every sarcastic remark, and let’s face it: it’s just a polite way of being rude.

It’s weird how you can go through your life and hear 9182383 good things about yourself from other people and you totally forget about those kind words as the years pass, but then one person can say something to hurt your feelings and you remember it forever. Why is that?

Like the time Ashley told me I was an ugly baby. We were in 4th grade and I STILL remember it and it STILL hurts my feelings. Never in my life had anyone said something so hurtful to me, and I honestly thought I was a cute baby. It baffled me that someone could think otherwise. I even remember where we were sitting when she said it. What a mean kid. She, of course, was very wrong. I WAS cute, by golly! (Right, Mom??? Right??? Tell me I’m cute!!!)

Or the time Donna called me a snob, even though I bent over backwards to be nice to her.

Or the time the Junior “mean girls” were going to put me in a trashcan just because I was a freshman and made the Varsity cheer squad – and they didn’t. I was so distraught that I contemplated quitting. Glad I didn’t. (By the way, the School Bully ended up saving me just in the nick of time. I never stepped foot in that stupid trashcan because for some reason, she felt the need to save me….and everyone was terrified of her. My hero.)

Or the time someone told me I didn’t “try hard enough” in a certain situation that I was, at the time, killing myself trying at.

Or the time the lady at the State Fair called me a “brat” when I was 6 years old and apparently I walked too slow for her taste (I was in front of her and had no idea I was making her mad).

Or the time Husby told me my face looked “moldable”. I’m still trying to figure that one out.

It’s just weird the things you remember.

I have been over sensitive since before I even knew what the word meant. As a baby, my Nana would make a “no-no” noise at me, and I’d bawl every time. I’m sure I’ll go to the grave being sensitive, and there is no harm in that. I think sensitivity gives you a greater compassion and empathy for people. And it definitely makes me “think before I speak”, which is always nice to do.

What about you? What is your “Little Miss”?
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. i'm little miss sensitive, too. my husband and in-laws tell me all the time that i'm too sensitive-- and then that hurts my feelings, too. i can't help it. i take things personally -- and i'm with you on the sarcasm. don't like it all that much.

  2. I'm sensetive, too. I would have cried about the carseat post. Or just felt upset in my stomach.

  3. I'm very sensitive too. Very very much so.

  4. I'm extremely sensitive, I take things personally even in situations where I know I shouldn't. The funny thing is, I'm terribly sarcastic and I can't help it. It's like a reflex.

  5. Im little miss irks me to no extent when people are stuck up for no dang reason!! lol

  6. Looks like a lot of us ladies have the title Little Miss Sensitive. Count me in that group!

  7. Oh I'm with you on the sensitivity! You could call me Little Miss People Pleaser. I H.A.T.E. for anyone to be mad at me...even people I don't necessarily care for. I'll bend over backwards for someone who's been snobby to me just because I'm hoping to earn their approval. Pa.the.tic!

  8. I too am pretty sensitive but given my career choice I am learning to become a little more thick skinned!

    I think I would be either "Little Ms. Worrywart" or "Little Ms. Cheerful."

    Better to be sensitive than INsensitive!

  9. I am developing into little miss sensitive, but it is a secret. I don't like for people to know that I am sensitive. I will analyze things people have said, over and over and over again in my head. It drives me crazy!!

  10. I'm Little Miss Defensive and Sensitive. I hate it when I feel my mommy territory has been overstepped and get super defensive when I am told how to parent. I cry every single week at church. And my husband called me a large-mouthed bass, btw. Never will I forget that one!

  11. I too am very sensitive, and I sometimes accidentally snap at someone if they say something to offend me! :(

  12. I'm sensitive, too ... AND sarcastic. How did that happen?? My brother is very sarcastic, so I think I learned it from him--a way to defend myself, maybe?? And I get my feelings hurt extremely easily, too. Hmmm ... so if I'm sensitive and sarcastic, does that mean I hurt my own feelings?? :)

  13. Can I get that on a t-shirt too? Oh my gosh I can completely relate. I always think of what to say before I say it and when I don't and it comes out wrong I just want to apologize profusely to them! I can't even watch most medical or legal dramas because the victims' stories get to me.

  14. I could definitely be Little Miss Sensitive too!

  15. You are totally cute and I bet you were a very cute baby! I am extremely sensitive and so is my mom. I cry at the drop of a hat. My bf (Mr. Sarcastic) does not like this about me but I just can't help it. It's not like I turn on the tears it's involuntary! I can remember things said to be for years too and things I've said that later I thought were stupid. And sometimes it will just pop into my head and I think why the heck did I say that. That was dumb. Oh and I am so bothered that two girls at work (roommates and bff's) invited me to a party and I went. I wouldn't talk about it in front of my other coworker because she wasn't invited and I felt bad. So, they decided to write me off because apparently I think I'm too good for them and am "embarassed" of being friends with them so now they don't talk to me. Could you believe that! Well, It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who is like this!

  16. I am little miss sensitve as well! I just cannot help it! My feelers get hurt and I don't like it. I want the rainbows and sunshine..for me and everyone!!

  17. I'm little miss sensitive as well. I can remember being in 5th grade and Shelby told me all short people are fat. I'm not sure why I still remember her name...I guess so if I ever see her again I can tell her that she was wrong.

    I'm also little miss compassionate. Being overly sensitive has made me really compassionate towards other people.

  18. In that same boat, but I'm also very sarcastic - get it from my Dad...But it's more of a teasing thing that we all laugh about in my family. I'm always trying to get people to laugh...

    I can't imagine you being anything but pretty - and a baby! even not so cute babies are cute, so that girl was obviously wrong.

    & I know I'm overly sensitive, because you thinking all sarcasm is rude bothers me...I don't think I'm rude - HAHA! I read a book about being a Christian wife and it says to GET THICKER SKIN - it's always stuck with me, so I try hard to not let things bother me. Mike is the closest person to me and so what he says is usually the stuff that gets to he's really happy that I'm going to start exercising again (I stopped.) So, now I'm worried that he thinks I'm ugly and fat.


  19. In high school, I "crushed" on a different guy every other week or so. One Christmas, I recieved the book "Little Miss Fickle" from both my sister and Becky Cottom! I hope that's one that I've outgrown...

  20. i'd be little miss over-analyzer. you say one negative thing to me and i spend years figuring out what you meant. it's not a pleasant trait.

  21. I am Miss "Please everyone" sometimes to a fault where I end up not pleasing anyone especially ME!!

    read this about "kid gloves"

  22. Kid Gloves simply means, "To handle with care." I think everyone should be handled with care. So, sensitivity is a good thing. You're welcome :)

  23. I'm just curious as to whether your sensitivity changed while you were pregnant? I have always been sensitive but ever since I've been pregnant it's been SO out of this world sensitive!

  24. I was a sensitive child but have developed into the kind of person who doesn't take things personally. I think it makes you tend to hold a grudge if you take everything to heart. I like to let things roll off and remind myself that I am good enough and smart enough and, doggone it, people like me! I am, however, Little Miss Can't Say No.

  25. I definitely know what you mean. I remember so many "mean" moments that I've experienced. (Once, in the pool at Myrtle Beach, a lady told me, "You look just like my niece, only she's a lot prettier." WHY was that necessary?!) I was incredibly sensitive as a kid. Now that I'm older, I'm not AS sensitive, but I still have the same hatred of being on bad terms with people. I seriously won't sleep at night. My grandpa once told me, "Your grandma, your mom and you are all the same - ninety-nine people can love you, but if one person doesn't like you, you go nuts trying to figure out why." So true and probably always will be.

    I admit that I love sarcasm, but only for purposes of humor (like The Office) - never for passive-aggressive messages.

  26. I am completely with you here. I cry
    "at the drop of a hat," whatever that means :-P I used to work at Famous Footwear while I was in college, and retail is NOT a place you want to work if you're sensitive. Sometimes I would have to hide in the clearance section in the back of the store and act like I was straightening back there so I could try to pull myself together and stop crying :-P People are especially rude during the Christmas season and back-to-school. I just don't understand why everyone can't be nice!!

  27. Whit, i just have to say... i love this post. bc i always thought you were so... forgive me, but perfect!!!! i never thought you had a 'bad day', or a 'bad hair day', or just a 'dadgum horrible rip-my-hair-out' kinda day. it feels nice to know that you feel the same sort of things i do. i keep everything in my heart and i will never, ever grow old of the picking-on i had as a kid, and, as an adult- bc it does happen as a grown up!!! i love to read your blog bc it reminds me of how sweet life is, and your son and your husband and of course, you, make me remember to smile and be thankful. thank goodness you are human, girl! and thank goodness you can choose to be a happy person despite the negativeness in your life. what an uplifting, altho i'm sure out-of-left-wing for you, blog post. cheers to happiness!

  28. Sensitive. Everything has the ability to make me cry... happy, sad, angry, it doesn't matter. I take everything to heart and if someone (like Mr. Preppy) says something to tease me, I will spend the next hour trying to see if he was being serious or not.

    On the other hand, I do use sarcasm as a defense mechanism. It's a bite before you get bitten learned behavior. I do catch myself and thankfully now I have a blog so I can be anonymously snarky and not be rude to someone's face. Letting out those feelings when I'm not around someone DOES help me be a much nicer (genuinely) when I am around them.

  29. i can totally relate hun!
    i'm super sensitive as can just call me a cry baby ;)

  30. oh I'm definitely little miss sensitive. I get so upset at myself sometimes for being so sensitive, ha! I do the same thing, I try so hard not to feel hurt but I hate to feel like people are upset at me too! I agree on the sarcasm, I'm all about the happy (I love for people to be able to be real too, but not negative all the time=)). Cute post!

  31. I'm uber-sensitive myself. I knew that about you from reading your blog... I can just tell that we have way too much in common ;)

    I can remember specific instances where my feelings were hurt as a kid... I can cry on que thinking about something my husband said "the wrong way" -

    I like the kid-gloves saying! I don't like sarcasm either - I just don't see the point...

    I love your new blog look and the little mister is too terribly cute for words. Hope ol' Husby is enjoying the rounds!

    supertweaky Mel

  32. Hmmm...Little Miss Piggy! I have always loved to eat and looked forward to mealtimes. I already know what I want to eat for my birthday (yeah, it's in April). :D

    And my sensitivity really decreased after teaching a couple years. You have to develop a thick skin to deal with some parents!

    Cute post!

  33. Wow, I think your blog post was about me! Well, parts of it. I'm right there with you though.

  34. I might be little miss stick-her-foot-in-her-mouth. If I've ever said anything offensive to your sensitive ears, forgive me. :)

  35. Aw, I felt so sad reading the things people had said to hurt your feelings :(

    I think I am Little Miss Personality - not that I have a great personality, just that I have a LOT of it! I can be loud, talkative, outspoken, etc. Not always a good trait!

  36. P.S. You were a beautiful baby! You still are my beautiful baby. Inside and out!

  37. I am totaly little miss sensitive. I try not to be soo sensitive but it just happens! I think I get it from my mom! :-)

  38. I know what you mean about always remembering the bad things said to you. Just wait until someone who isn't that close to you calls you a good mom, you will remember that one forever! By the way, I think you are a great mom!

  39. i'm the same way. my poor husband. what makes it even worse for him is that i don't tell him when my feelings are hurt. i keep inside for a while until it piles up and i get really cranky. then i tell him and he doesn't even remember what i'm talking about. poor guy.

  40. I could not have said that any better myself! Its very normal for me to cry at least once a day if not more!! I am in college, and recently had some problems with my roommates, and I would get so upset about it that I would make myself sick just thinking about it!! I get mad at myself for crying because sometimes I just want to yell and be mean, but I am totally not capable of those two things!

  41. I hate to admit but i'm Little Miss Sarcastic, Big Man and I make jabs at each other all the time, but I guess to each their own..I'm a little sensitive tho, I try to put up a hard exterior but I'm a big softie! : )

  42. I think I'm little miss sensitive too!

  43. heh... you were almost put in a trashcan? lol headfirst?


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