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Yard Sale: The Final Results

Who says hard work doesn't pay off?

I spent a full week gathering, sorting and pricing items for the yard sale. My parents brought their truck up and hauled off an insane amount of bags and boxes and Husby followed with a car full packed to maximum capacity. We spent a few hours setting everything up the night before and a few of my close friends came and pilfered through the goods as we set up and purchased the items they couldn't live without. We ended up with about 15 large tables absolutely stuffed with goodies, plus several clothes racks and such. It was HUGE.

The next morning, I woke up bright and early, bought a few donuts and a large iced tea and headed down to the sale. I arrived at promptly 6:45 (the sale started at 7) and as I pulled in the lot there were at least 4 cars sitting and waiting for us to open! I couldn't believe it!

As soon as we opened the doors, people started pouring in. From 7am to 8am alone, I had at least 50+ customers! I stood at the checkout table frantically bagging items and trying to catch up with old friends and acquaintances. Things didn't slow down until about 12pm. I had constant traffic all morning long. It was AMAZING.

At around 2pm, I decided to call it quits and tallied all my earnings. I ended up making well over double what I made at my last yard sale. I. was. astounded. I absolutely amazed and floored that I did that well. I was extremely grateful to all the people who came out and snatched up all my old goodies. Seriously, I am so, so, thankful.

Now that I don't work, and with a Husby in Medical School, we are definitely a budget-living family. We are fine financially (and by "fine" I mean we have just enough) simply because we saved everything I made for almost two and a half years (and lived on what Husby made), knowing that we wanted to have a baby in the near future and would need money to live on. BUT, it is kind of scary knowing that we still have two years without a steady income until Husby graduates, so we are doing fun and creative things like this to help us out along the way and to give us a better cushion, if you will. Because hey, I'd rather work hard and have a yard sale than take out student loans - ugh. Can I get an amen? :)

So HORRAY for the Yard Sale of All Yard Sales. It was more than I ever dreamed, and a big thank you goes out to you who came to support my sweet little family. We hope you enjoy the great items you grabbed!

*Look out tomorrow for my Birthday Celebrations, and on Wednesday - the thing I am going to blog my way through (sorry, due to some things that "suddenly came up" (I'm Marsha Brady), I had to push back my "thing" to Wednesday).

Guess what? I'm 26!
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. Yay for a successful yardsale!

    Happiest Birthday sweet pea!

  2. Congrats! That's wonderful. I can't wait to have our moving sale and (hopefully) make some dough to get back to Oklahoma ;-) A little under 11 months and hubby's 10.5 years of education will begin to pay off...not that I'm counting or anything! Haha!

    I hope you had a good b-day!

  3. Wow! that yard sale was really a success! Just a question-did you sell any baby items that have already been outgrown, or did you save them for a possible sibling?

  4. Happy Birthday and what a success! I've always hated yard sales, because they are so much work, but if it pays off, I might better consider it! :)

  5. Oh, my guy finished school 2 weeks ago. Finally!!! It is SUCH a relief. Between the 2 of us we have 13 years of higher education. We were not able to make it without student loans. Good luck!!!

  6. Way to go on the yardsale! Mine is this weekend!! I've yet to price anything or grab hubs clothes! Yikes!

  7. Congratulations on your successful yard sale!! You survived and you're another year older. I am impressed!

  8. So glad your yard sale was a success! You worked hard preparing for it you deserved to make some good money off of it!

  9. YAY!!!! Congrats on the sale :) I hope you had a happy happy happy birthday!! xoxo

  10. I can't believe how successful the garage sale was!! I'm very impressed!

  11. You can most definitely get an amen on no more student loans: AMEN!

    My husband and I know that while he's in graduate school we can do that if money is tight (especially since I can't seem to find work right now), but we're going to do our best to live off of his stipend. Thank God for that stipend!

    Happy birthday! :D

  12. Yeah for you! So glad that your hard work paid off. Happy belated bday, and kudos to y'all for being wise stewards of the wealth the Lord has given you.

  13. Congrats on the yard sale! :)

  14. I love it when yard sales end up better than what you anticipate !
    Because of your small sacrifices now, the end result will be so much more worth it in the long run!

    Happy Birthday to another fellow Leo!
    Mine is this Sunday!

  15. You have just got to love when all your hard work pays off!

    May your birthday and the coming year bring you all the happiness you deserve!

  16. That is AWESOME!

    And I understand the financial thing completely. We're paycheck-to-paycheck but we've never missed a bill (errr- maybe on accident I forgot to pay the phone once, but not because we didn't have the $ for it).

  17. Yay!!! Happy Birthday!

  18. Amen about the student loans - we're hoping that this movie is successful; otherwise we'll be paying mine off for decades! I'm so happy that you did so well at your sale! I would have loved to come if A) it wasn't an hour away and in an unfamiliar-to-me area and B) I could, even ONE leg into the sizes you said you had there. ;)

  19. Whit, I am so not surprised your yard sale was fruitful...why? Because it's you...& your brilliant...& well, you dress nice so people would certainly want those goodies you were offering up for a cheap price.

    Have to say, I'm pretty anxious to see what you have in store for this new adventure. For sure. :)

  20. I love your blog! I'm so happy you guys had a successful yard sale! Your 'big sweet tea' comment made me a little jealous though! I haven't had one of those in forever- we live in Germany. Oh yeah...Levi is adorable!

  21. Congrats! It feels good to clear out stuff you don't use anymore and make some money while you're at it. Yes, I would MUCH rather have a yard sale than have student loans.

    Happy Birthday!

  22. Wanted to stop in and wish you happy birthday and also tell you that im jealous you actually got the motivation to have a yard sale.. I have been wanting to do one for about a year - and never got the motivation. Plus would be bummed if it wasnt at all profitable haha im glad yours was.. hope you get to do something nice for your bday with some of the money!!


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