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Daddy Daycare.

The other evening, we unexpectedly decided to go out to grab a bite to eat, after laying around all day and not planning on leaving. I was running around trying to get ready to go and I asked Husby to put something "going out" worthy on Levi.

I heard them in the nursery chatting away and decided to peek in on them.

This is what I found....

Oh. My. Goodness. I laughed for five minutes straight and I'm not even exaggerating.

These tiny tiny tiny Air Jordan's are absolutely enormous on my little guy!

Not to mention...he needs some PANTS for these to look half way normal.

"Daddy, why did you make me look so funny, and Mommy, why are you laughing at me?"

Poor little baby.

At least he had a good attitude about it and we got a few giggles out of him, too!

"I'm cool....I know it."
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. I like how tiny they make his knees look :)

  2. Whitney: your little Levi is just so cute. Thanks for all the photos--it makes me feel a part. Luv ya lots and am so happy for you and Darin and baby Levi.

  3. OMG - I laughed. That's the silliest, cutest thing ever. Dads are silly.

  4. I just showed my husband and he said that a pair of Jordans can dress up ANY outfit!

  5. Aww look at those little roly poly legs..I jsut want to eat him up! :)

  6. So cute. One time Dennis dressed Katie for me and he put her little onesie bodysuit OUTSIDE her pants. It was the funniest thing.

  7. Silly Daddies. They're so cute. Even the ones who know how to dress themselves pretty well can't seem to figure out baby clothes.

    Levi's face is classic. It's like he's saying, "okay you two, get your laughs out and then please, pick me out a real outfit..."

  8. Oh my goodness, he is so adorable. I love the way his arms are crossed in the first picture as if to say "I'm cool, I know." Haha.

  9. Oh my gosh. I just laughed milk out of my nose. That is too awesome. Love it!

  10. Adorable!! Those shoes look huge on his little body!

  11. How sweet and precious he looks!

  12. so so sweet and adorable!! those shoes are so precious!

  13. OMG Whitney ~ he's just the cutest little guy! Love those Air Jordan's!

    Hope you're feeling good!


  14. Haha, how adorable! I love his little expressions on his face.

  15. HAHA! He has such long skinny legs. You should have known that D was going to put those shoes on him!

  16. Poor Weebie. That's sad. Good try though D. You really are the greatest daddy in the world. Hey Nee Nee, want to go shopping for some tiny jeans or khaki's? Just a thought :).

  17. Ahhh. So cute! Won't be too long before those actually fit. They grow so fast! He's adorable. Congratulations!

  18. haha- that is hiliarious! He is such a precious boy

  19. Absolutely adorable. I need to make sure Jonathan doesn't see this post or he will be like, "Dude, the kid looks awesome! Let's make sure our kids get some of those someday!" Imagine how perfect they will look when he is just a smidge bigger!

  20. how adorable!!! love it! his daddy will have fun with him!

  21. that last picture is so ADORABLE!

  22. Sweet! Mike has such trouble dressing Alex - he's so technical, it surprises me he has trouble.

    Levi is ADORABLE!!!

  23. Oh my! What a cutie! Daddy did good!

  24. You're lucky! Adam would have had him dressed head to toe in sports gear with a bib and binky to match! But its very precious...

  25. I am amazed at some of the outfits my husband puts our little girl in and when I pick her up at my MIL or she drops her off you never know what to find her in! I always have her dressed cute and I'm lucky if she's matching when he dresses her!

  26. Love the skinny legs, he is absolutely precious!!! Congratulations on your baby boy!!

  27. I laughed yesterday when you showed me this pic, but I laughed even harder today when I saw it again. D cracks me up!!!!!

  28. Oh my gosh!!! He is SO precious!

  29. I love newborn shoes... So dang cute.

  30. His legs are so skinny in those shoes!!!! Too funny!

  31. How sweet. You are sure getting some great pics of Levi smiling! He's a sweetie!

  32. Okay I have just seen your post and I know he is so big already but I gto such a great laugh I had to say thanks! Sometimes if you are having a bad day just look at those pictures and you will feel better. again lol thankx


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