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Christmas at My Parents House.

Just a little update during my Christmas break (from work and blogging) to show you Christmas at my Mom and Dads! So beautiful - like walking into a picture!

Stockings for my brother, his wife, me and husby! Santa filled them with some fantastic things! :)

Momsy made BABY LOVIE A TREE! (We have settled on a name, by the way! I will reveal next week!) This was in my room and it was absolutely amazing!!! I think he lept in my womb when he saw it. He felt so special and so loved.

Since we didn't know if he was a Boy Lovie or a Girl Lovie until 2 days before I came home for the Christmas festivities, she made it both pink and blue!

She also had this little tree next to my side of the bed, and I slept with it on each night - until Husby came to bed and unplugged it. It was SO soothing and SO wonderful.

On the top of the tree was a picture with his ultrasound. I couldn't get a very good picture of it.

The tiny lights changed colors so slowly and softly. Ahhhh....

The tree in my Brother's room was a dog tree - so cute!

THIS tree was amazing! It was in the bathroom for all of us to enjoy - filled with lotions, bath gels, loofahs, face scrub, bath bombs - it was awesome!

I don't know how, but I forgot to get a picture of the kitchen decorations and the Old World tree in the Den! I thought I got everything - oops.

Pretty Momsy and Pretty Gramma. Love 'em.

The Sis-In-Law and Me in our annual Christmas Jammies Photo. :) These were sooo comfy!

The week was fabulous - filled with Christmas traditions like "It's a Wonderful Life" Night, lots of cooking and laughing, one night of getting dressed up and seeing the Rockettes, shopping til we dropped, lots of Starbucks hot chocolate and being together for several days. Twas wonderful!

And lastly but not leastly, my tummy pic in front of Baby Lovie's tree. 15 weeks.

I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. Your parent's house is gorgeous.
    Your mom is the sweetest lady ever.


    love the baby bump! :)

    you have a beautiful story!


  2. Your Mom seems like such a neat lady!

    Looks like you had a WONDERFUL holiday!

  3. Oh my gosh I don't even know where to start! All the decorations were so beautiful I literally said "wow" at every single picture! I was in total awe! The tree for baby lovie was SO SWEET! That is so thoughtful of your mom! I loved the baby bump pic as well... too cute!
    Looks you had a great holiday!! :)

  4. OH MY, I didn't think that there were actual people out there that could do stuff like that. She must have a LOT of energy. I truly
    am amazed.

  5. Oh Whitney ~ your mom is the you think she'll adopt me?

    Your parents house is beautiful and all the! I love the white house and trees the best...I've got this thing for Christmas houses lately!

    I love your baby bump...tooo cute! And Baby Lovie's tree is so sweet...all the trees are!


  6. Your parents have a beautiful house! I love all their decorations! The tree in the bathroom is such a great idea, I've never seen one like that before

  7. It sounds like you had a fantastic week! And the decorations are out of this world. Precious trees! Love the mercury glass on the dining table too. In fact, I'd love to just move the whole house to my farm and live there!! You're a very blessed girl!

  8. Awwww!

    I love all the pics - especially the jammy pic and the baby bump pic. I could soooo see it :)

    You are too cute - and your mom is quite possibly the best mom ever, huh? Glamma has got it going on!

  9. Love, love, love the decorations at your parent's house. They are so beautiful! How sweet to have a tree for Baby Lovie!!!

  10. unbelievable! everything is so gorgeous! :-)

  11. Your mom is so creative!! Every picture I saw was my favorite..until I moved to the next one! Baby Lovie's (can't wait to hear the name!!) tree is so cute! && so is your baby bump!!

    What did you get in those stockings? I hope you were able to take some things off the tree in the bathroom! :0)

  12. Wow. That truly looks like a home out of a magazine. I love the place settings and tablescape. Gorgeous.

    And, the baby tree! What a thoughtful gesture. So adorable!

  13. WOW your parents' house is amazing!!!

  14. Wow your mom's house and decorations amazing!!!

    She is sooo thoughful and the trees for each of you and the bathroom tree...out of this world...tell her so ok!

  15. those are some amazing Christmas decorations! I think your mom should submit them to a magazine or something, if she hasn't already!
    Love the baby belly!

  16. What a fairytale setting for Christmas! Your mum has a real talent for decorating. Baby Lovie's tree is just gorgeous. Just think, he'll be able to enjoy it with you next Christmas!

  17. wow!!! everything looks SO amazing!!! very beautiful. i love the baby tree and the white houses!

  18. wow! i want to celebrate christmas with your family!

  19. Wow, if you have a bump like that at 15 weeks I can't wait for mine! I'll be 14 weeks on Thursday. (they think it's a girl, but it's so early that the u/s tech made me promise not to go buy pink. I told her I wouldn't but Kohl's was having too good of sales on super cute stuff. I left the tags on!)

  20. what a beaut!! Love your little belly and "his" precious tree!

  21. Your Mom is giving Martha a run for her money!! What a fabulous role model you have!!

    The tree she made for your little Mr. is so thoughtful!

    You look great at 15 weeks!

  22. Your parents house is like a dream. How lovely. I can't wait to hear what name you decided on!! I love thinking about baby names. I've had "mine" picked out for ages, but, the husband has vetoed almost all of them...Mainly, because they are girl names... Hmm... Hope you had a very Merry Christmas!!

  23. Holy Cow!!!! Your mom is my new hero. I WILL have a house as Christmassy as hers someday, or I will die trying!

  24. Wow! How can I get on the invite list for next year?!? :-) That was so sweet of your mom to put up that baby tree for you. What a sweet mom you have.

  25. I am jealous of your mom's goodness it is beautiful!!! Just think what next year will bring....

  26. Wow! Your parents house is amazing! How adorable with all the different themed trees for you all!

    Your baby bump is too cute. =)

  27. Your mom outdoes herself every year, it seems! Keep the belly pics coming...clothed, of course...!


  28. I absolutely loved the baby tree and congrats on the baby bump!

  29. WOW! And I thought my mother-in-law was fancy!

  30. I just love seeing pictures of your parents house at Christmas. Your mom always goes over the top and I love it! I love all that mercury glass on her table. so pretty!

  31. Terry has once again outdone herself! She is the most godly, giving, wonderful lady ever! And, what a thoughtful token of her love for baby boy with the tree in your room! And, I love the name you've chosen! now, I can pray for him by name!

  32. Aww I love the pictures...just beautiful!
    Oh I found your blog from someone's comment page, if you were wondering who I was :)

    Congrats on baby...I have a 9 month old. They are blessings beyond words!!!


  33. I love the baby tree.... it must take your mother a long time to decorate

  34. Those are the prettiest trees I have ever seen. How many did she have in her house total? What fun you must have had!

  35. Absolutely stunning! I love the decorations!

  36. I want to be your mom when I'm a mom of grown girls! Right now they don't appreciate that I do a tree in every room etc but hopefully one day they will enjoy like you do!

  37. Gosh, the whole ENTIRE post is just beautiful. All of those Christmas trees in the house make my poor ONE tree look quite pitiful. Well, honestly it wouldn't take much b/c ours was pitiful this year.

  38. Your mother sounds amazing. What beautiful decor.

  39. That was beautiful. I like the blue tree and the feather tree. IT's really pretty. Congrats on the little boy. My first was a boy. So much fun.


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