My sense of smell has increased by leaps and bounds. The other night, Husby pulled out a package of unopened hot dog weenies. I didn't even know that he had them out and I smelled them instantly. I was in another room entirely and didn't even know he had taken them out of the refrigerator. It was as if they were right under my nose. It was unreal. The Police Department should hire me to be their new drug dog.
Meat sounds disgusting to me. I have a new love for soup and I prefer to just eat the broth. It is the only thing that ALWAYS sounds good. I find myself googling new soup recipes all the time. Good thing it is Fall and prime soup season! If you have any fab soup recipes - send them my way! And I'm being totally serious. I will thank you and love you forever.
I am tired 22 of the 24 hours in the day. Sleep is my BFF. I could win the gold medal in a sleep-athon contest.
My allergies are going to be the death of me. I am one big bundle of sneezes, and I can't take any sort of medication to deal with it. My netipot is not even working at this point. I am praying that the first freeze is just around the corner. Baby Lovie is probably getting sick and tired of all the jerking around his little house is doing with every sneeze.
Nausea is just starting to peek it's head in and out of my life more and more these days. I am not welcoming it with open arms. I have a feeling it is coming full force in the next few weeks. I am bracing myself and cleaning my toilet daily.
I go to the Doc today, so I look forward to a lot of tests to be run and prodding and poking to happen. Nice.
My sense of smell has increased by leaps and bounds. The other night, Husby pulled out a package of unopened hot dog weenies. I didn't even know that he had them out and I smelled them instantly. I was in another room entirely and didn't even know he had taken them out of the refrigerator. It was as if they were right under my nose. It was unreal. The Police Department should hire me to be their new drug dog.
Meat sounds disgusting to me. I have a new love for soup and I prefer to just eat the broth. It is the only thing that ALWAYS sounds good. I find myself googling new soup recipes all the time. Good thing it is Fall and prime soup season! If you have any fab soup recipes - send them my way! And I'm being totally serious. I will thank you and love you forever.
I am tired 22 of the 24 hours in the day. Sleep is my BFF. I could win the gold medal in a sleep-athon contest.
My allergies are going to be the death of me. I am one big bundle of sneezes, and I can't take any sort of medication to deal with it. My netipot is not even working at this point. I am praying that the first freeze is just around the corner. Baby Lovie is probably getting sick and tired of all the jerking around his little house is doing with every sneeze.
Nausea is just starting to peek it's head in and out of my life more and more these days. I am not welcoming it with open arms. I have a feeling it is coming full force in the next few weeks. I am bracing myself and cleaning my toilet daily.
I go to the Doc today, so I look forward to a lot of tests to be run and prodding and poking to happen. Nice.
Mmm... cabbage soup. No recipe, just throw everything in - water or veggie base, little salt and pepper, carrots, onion, garlic, potato, celery, beef, sausage, whatever - and of course, the cabbage! Simmer for several hours.
ReplyDeleteI suppose you could just drink the broth and leave all the fixings behind when your done (if you're still on a broth kick when you make it) - the flavors will be there.
This soup is even better the second day as leftovers, so cook up a big pot - you can freeze it too.
PS - I make super large batches of this soup and can it - it's a great use for extra veggies and my husband can't seem to get enough of it.
ReplyDeleteYes, these first few months are hard. The smells, the cravings, everything. But what's coming is a great part of the pregnancy, the honeymoon period. When you feel those flutters for the first time (before they turn itnto full blown karate chops) you will be so excited! Enjoy, you are only pregnant with your first baby only once!
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through visiting another. Thank you for sharing, my husband and I do not yet have children, buy you never know what the Lord has in store. I pray that this time will be filled with joy, peace, and a special bonding time for you and your husband. I am looking forward to future posts.
Oh the joys of pregnancy! I have never been preggy but I actually look forward to it! I am sure once I am there morning sickness wont be very fun but just knowing I have a little one inside of me sounds so fun!
ReplyDeleteThanks for keeping us updated. And I hope your doc appt. goes well today.
Oh and check out Sunday Baker's blog - she has an AMAZING Potato Soup recipe!!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG! Meat totally grosses me out too! and I have been a freak about soup! In fact, on my grocery list this week is stuff for some delicious taco soup and potato soup! Good luck with the nausea, it really sucks! I find that if I just eat all morning until lunch I feel better. I usually start with some honey nut cheerios, or toast, then some peanut butter crackers, teddy grahams, etc.
ReplyDeleteThe smell of ground beef-raw or cooking-made me very sick with my first pregnancy. I make a very simple chicken noodle soup that my family loves. Start with a pan full of chicken broth, bring it to a boil, throw in the noodles and some minced onion, garlic, celery. Cook until noodles are tender and add a large can of white chicken. Heat until the chicken is warm. It is very basic but very soothing. I can't wait to hear how the appt goes. E-mail me at work, okay?
ReplyDeleteLOL! Its all coming back to me HA!I always got sick at the smell of maple syrup and craved tunafish sandwiches (which I hate and you can't have preggers LOL) and I too had sleep ALWAYS on the brain!
ReplyDeleteGood luck at your doctors apppointment!
I can't wait to feel all of these things!! Except the morning sickness part...ugh!
ReplyDeleteLet us know how the appointment goes today!
I never got around telling congrats on your new bundle. Just a couple of tips from an old pro, LOL! If someone tells you to drink peach nectar for nausea, turn away and don't listen to them. I still can't smell peaches the same. What really helped me is wearing pressure point bracelets you get from any pharmacy type store. When I had them they were a ugly shade of blue but they work and the color didn't matter to me. I'll look in my recipe box for soup recipes.
ReplyDeleteAsk your doctor what you can do to alleviate your allergy symptoms. When I was pregnant with my youngest mine were so bad I HAD to take something! Certain things are ok to take. You might not have to suffer! Good luck at your appt:)
ReplyDeleteLemonade always made me feel better when I had morning sickness. That and Qtr. Pounders with Cheese from McDonalds. I know, it's weird.
ReplyDeleteGood luck at the doctor today!
Bless your heart, Whitney! That sounds like a lot of maladies! I know that you don't mind a bit, though, since you've been coveting mommyhood for an eternity. Good luck at the doc today! I've had enough of the poking and prodding lately!
ReplyDeleteHow exciting, the first real doctor's appointment! I hope your allergies calm down--no fun!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry. When you are about 3 months you will be a lot less tired. Good luck! I will have some soup recipes on my blog in the next few weeks.
ReplyDeleteAw thanks for the preggers update! I love hearing more about it. Good luck at the doctor today, saying a prayer for you!
ReplyDeleteMy doc told me to take over the counter doesn't put you to sleep but gets rid of the queezy feeling...its' been on the market for ever and safe for mommy and helped a lot!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I SO hope you don't have bad morning sickness! I was so sick with both my babies that I had to be put on medication because I was losing too much weight. If it starts getting bad, try eating a few crackers (or something else that sounds appealing) right when you wake up, before you even get out of bed, and see if that helps.
ReplyDeleteBut you do it so well! (Pregnancy that is) I can't wait until it is my turn to have a baby. For now I am taking notes!
ReplyDeleteGood Luck at the doctor's today! Oh, I have a Pay It Forward giveaway happening right now and I'd love for you to win! So check it out.
Sounds like you are moving right along in your pregnancy! I have a wonderful sense of smell already, so I'm wondering how much it's going to increase when I get pregnant.
ReplyDeleteSoup does sound good right now...especially potato!
The smells, the cravings, the nausea -- it's just the beginning. With my first child (I hate to admit this), but I once ate 6 hotdogs in one night. It was not my most glamorous moment of pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteoh the joys of pregnancy right? :) All worth it though! I have heard your senses are def more sensitive to everything.
ReplyDeleteI will send good vibes your way for no nausea :)
Oh dear! Maybe you should start wearing a surgical mask to help keep out the smells. As an added bonus, you'll look a little bit crazy wearing a mask, so people won't talk to you and thereby exacerbate any pregnancy-induced moodiness you might have.
ReplyDeleteI get so excited for you everytime I read one of your updates!!
ReplyDeleteI've been eating soups, too! When you do finally realize the hell that is morning sickness, soup will become your new BFF (a very close second to sleep!). I'm partial to tomato myself. :)
ReplyDeleteHi! My SIL, whose a nutritionist, just had her second baby and horrible morning sickness. She took ginger pills for the nausea and it helped immensely!!
ReplyDeleteAlso if milk isn't bothering you this corn chowder recipe rocks!! Its super easy and the batch makes enough for a few days. We nix the bacon though.
Did I tell you how I love that you are getting millions of comments now but you still take time to read little ole me :) Thanks :) Hope the DRs appointment goes well today! I am sure we will hear about it tomorrow (right?? you aren't going to leave us hanging!?!) Sorry about the Nausea..hopefully it wont last too long for you! I am just an old fashioned tomato soup girl..with sour cream, shredded cheese, and saltine crackers of course.
ReplyDeleteHang in there..those moments can be hard...I was nauseous all 9 months with two of my kids....I tried everything from bracelets to ginger snaps..ugh!
ReplyDeleteBut what a wonderful gift at the end!
-Sandy toes
The nausea is tough but it will pass. Take advantage of your second trimester....the last couple months are hard too because of the weight gain.
ReplyDeleteI have nine more weeks to go....time has been flying by. It feels like just the other day I found out I was pregnant. Enjoy every moment.
i'm so excited for you.
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed that you like soup! Good for you! Once I started getting nauseous, anything that was warm or even remotely resembled vomit had to go. Cold and crunchy was all I could tolerate. Isn't it weird how that works?? How far along are you?
ReplyDeleteI sent you a yummy recipe to your email:) good luck at your apt today!
ReplyDeleteGood luck at the doctor's appointment.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite soup is pumpkin or butternut bisque... yummy.
Or if you want more substance, Emeril's Kicking Chili (type that name into the Food Network's Recipe index). It's too DIE for.
Enjoy every moment of this time of pregnancy... just wait until you have morning sickness and then you'll be longing for it!
Heightened sense of smell was big with me too. And I couldn't stand anything poultry. The smell and look of chicken made me ill. It was that way through the entire pregnancy...
ReplyDeleteYou poor thing! Meat was the thing that grossed me out all three pregnancies! (I listed an awesome soup recipe last week-chicken noodle)
ReplyDeleteHope the yucky phase passes soon-and you have some energy...
Hi Whitney ~ you are too funny! I hope for your sake that you don't have morning sickness. I didn't have it with either of mine, but I absolutely hate to throw up..yuck. I will force myself not to.
ReplyDeleteI make a great dumpling soup, except I don't have a recipe. I'll think about it and email you what I can remember!
Ick, the thought of meat, cooked or raw, makes me kind of queasy anyway...hopefully that won't kick into high gear when I'm preggers! ;) Good luck with the doc! :)
ReplyDeleteOh I remember everything you're talking about! It was just a year ago!
ReplyDeleteI used to eat radishes with tons of salt on them! How weird!
The cabbage soup recipe that tranquility left sounds great!
Fun, fun, FUN!!! :D Been there, done that (3 times), and feeling for you. Thank goodness the end result is a gazillion times worth it!
ReplyDeleteI am in my 15th week (first pregnancy) and I am feeling much better. The nausea will subside once you get closer to your 2nd trimester. :) How exciting! I have found that sour candies (Sour Patch Kids, Lemonheads, etc.) tend to help me with the nausea, as well as ginger ale. Congratulations!! I will be praying for you and the baby!
ReplyDeleteThe smell thing really gets to me too. That is how I knew I was pregnant this time. We drive by a landfill on the way to school, I NEVER smell it, unless I am expecting. I have a really hard time with greasy stuff too. I cannot fry bacon, some fast food places just turn my stomach... Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteYou poor thing... I hate to break it to you, but it's probably not allergies that are bothering you. Unfortunately, it turns out that copious amounts of boogers are a pregnancy symptom! The elevated levels of estrogen that are responsible for your body making a mucous plug (yum right?) also results in more and thicker mucous everywhere else in your body.
ReplyDeleteI had a stuffy nose until two hours after I gave birth, and it's been clear ever since.
That's how I knew I was pregnant! My sense of smell was bionic!!!