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This is a very exciting day here at the Glamorous Life of a Housewife. Why? Because we are celebrating one of my most favorite holidays EARLY!

Wooooo Hooooooo!!!!

Valentine's Day is in the air. The sweet chocolate treats, the pink and red sweet tarts, the frilly lace and glittery gifts - ah! It's just such a girly, feminine holiday and well...I love it.

To celebrate this fabulous day-o-LOVE, I am hosting a fabulous giveaway! Thank you Google Ads, for sending me my check JUST in time to host this giveaway! :)

Okay - are you ready to see what you could win?

A set of four dinner and appetizer plates that just SCREAM femininity! They are melamine and come from the ever popular, Target. Fun, huh?


SO PINK and SO GREEN and SO CUTE and SO....amazing.

Could they GET any cuter?

I'm tempted to keep them.

I think I'm in love.

Anyway, there ya have it. Those 8 plates are what you are competing for. Best of luck to you ALL. How do you win them, you may be wondering? Well, it's easy.

1. Answer the question below.
2. To be entered TWICE, post about this giveaway on your blog and come back over to leave a second comment.
3. Cross your fingers and hope you win.


Winner will be announced Wednesday morning.
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. I'm the first to comment tonight and this is my first comment on your blog! I just love those plates! My favorite valentine memory: My husband and I went to a movie (sadly, don't remember which one) and on the way home he needed to stop at the grocery store to "grab something". He came out with a single rose just for me. Totally unexpected as we don't usually do much for each other on Valentine's day. Our anniversary is just over a month later, so we usually save our big spending :) for then.

  2. Those are too cute!

    We don't go all out for Valentine's Day, but I think it was our very first Valentine's day. Kyle and I were both 15. He saved for awhile and went to the jewelry store and bought me a pair of garnet pink heart earrings. I don't wear them any more, but I still have them. He was so proud of himself. So cute! =D

  3. Those. plates. are. adorable!

    My favourite valentines memory isn't with my fiance but with my father. Growing up, he and I had a very complicated relationship. We were constantly at odds leaving my mother as a moderator.

    The valentines day before my 16th birthday, I awoke to a simple gift next to my bed and a short note that simply said, "I love you and am proud of you" I assumed it was from my mother but when I went to thank her she didn't know what I was talking about.

    My brother saw my father place it by my bedside.

    That valentine's day may not have changed our relationship radically, but it sure soothed my lonely 15 year old heart. And the warmth of that day was enough to engrave it deeply in my mind as my favourite valentines day memory.


  4. When I was 13 my "boyfriend" broke up with me on the day before Valentines Day. I was heartbroken, the next night my favorite cousin and his girlfriend,now his wife, came to my house, she helped me get ready and they took me to dinner with them. They talked to our waiter, told him while I was away what had happened and so he was extra sweet to me, told me how lucky some guy would be to get to be my boyfriend. They just all worked at making me feel special.
    Hubby does nice things but, that Valentines Day will always be my favorite.

  5. Those are really cute! Back during my sophomore year of high school was when I had my first serious boyfriend. It was popular to send our valentines to the school so our names could get called over the loud speaker just before lunch. My name got called and when I got to the office I saw a dozen red roses and a blow up dinosaur that was bigger than I was!

  6. I left a note on my blog about the contest.

  7. Posted about you!

  8. My hubby cooks for me almost every V-day. It is always his night to plan so I have wonderful memories of being pampered and eating wonderful meals.

  9. I'm hoping this Valentine's day will be memorable. Since we have been long distance our whole dating relationship, we never actually spent Valentine's Day together!

  10. I love those colors together! Valentine's memory...I don't really have any special memories of that day. Sadly, it's sort of a Hallmark holiday for us! Maybe this year will be more memorable? No, I have to work, so let's hope not, ha ha!

    What a great giveaway Whitney!

  11. Last year-6 months into marriage.-2 months pregnant-throwing up twice during dinner- having to leave the movie theatre because the pop corn smell made me so sick-and probably not even kissing good night.

    We're hoping for something a little more romantic this year.

  12. Favorite memory my husband took me to the park and gave me a poem he wrote about the swings b/c we would go there all the time when we were dating! I love the plates!

  13. Those plates are adorable. And everyone loves Target!
    I actually have 2 Valentines that are stuck in my head. My husband and I are started dating in Jan. so we hadn't been dating long when V-Day rolled around. We were in college and decided to hang out with friends. First off Hubs took me to Backyard Burger (drive-thru). Later he ended up flipping his Tahoe because of the snow. Everyone was fine but it was not a great Valentines Day. Then the next year we try something much more romantic. He gets us tickets to see George Strait in concert in a town about 3 hours away from our college. So we drive down and once we get there we see that the concert has been canceled and has been rescheduled for the next week b/c George Strait was sick. So we head back up to school and end up at his fraternity house and won the couples 12 pack race. Yes, this is where couples race to see who can drink a 12 pack of beer the fastest and the girl has to drink at least 4. For the last 6 Valentine's Day we have tried really hard to stay at home and not do anything. It just doesn't seem to be our holiday.

  14. I will never forget the Valentine's Day a few years back when my boyfriend (who is now my husband) gave me laundry detergent for a gift. It sounds really lame, but I like to think deeper about it by looking at the fact he knew it was something I needed and so he got me some. He still gives me stuff he knows I need every day, like hugs and kisses and laughter.

  15. The plates are too cute! Growing up my dad always gave me flowers for Valentine's day, until I started having boyfriends. If I had a boyfriend on Valentine's day, I didn't get flowers from my dad but from that boy. So in college, when my fiance and I started dating, I told him that I got flowers every Valentine's day from my dad, but if we were dating then he wouldn't send them. We had declared ourselves an "official couple" yet, so I didn't know what would happen. It ended up my dad sent me flowers, but Rob hand delivered me flowers that day too! In 24 years, I haven't missed a day of flowers yet :)

  16. I've announced this over at my "place." Thanks for the opportunity for more dinnerware! :)

  17. love those plates! i dont even really like pink and i love those plates!! good choice!

    ok, so v-day. it is probably my lest favourite holiday. it just seems a bit...over the top for me. but my husband really changed it for me back in 2006. I met my husband while i was doing my graduate work in new Zealand in June 2005. He was perfect. But i lived in america and he lived in wales, united kingdom. so...we decided to give the long distance thing a go. we were together for exactly 2 weeks in NZ before he left. We kept in touch despite the 16 hour time difference. I was still in NZ for V-day 2006, and even though we werent officially dating, and lived thousands and thousands of miles apart, he wrote me a song and a poem saying how much he cared and how much i ws wroth it even though the distance was hard. he recorded it and then downloaded it to a file and emailed it to me. then he made me a card and sent it to the hostel where i was staying. perfet. then when i got back to america a few weeks later he had a HUGE flower arragnement waiting for me at work, with a little teddy bear attached, as a late v-day gift. just to say hey. so great. now, 3 years later and married, finally in the same country, he is taking me to see my favourite rugby team play on V-day. cant wait!!

  18. Hi there! I've been reading your blog for a while but this is my first post! Thanks for taking us all along on your newlywed(new mommy) journey!

    As for my favorite Valentine's Day memory, well, it had to be last year, when my then-fiance (now husband) proceeded to buy me a dozen beautiful red roses....and St. Patrick's Day pajamas! I was a little taken aback as to why he wouldn't opt for V-Day pajamas if he wanted to buy me sleepwear. He said he didn't have a reason, other than the fact that he liked that the cotton pants and green tank top had shamrocks that matched on them! Thank goodness I love him! While the gift was not exactly what I wanted, I did laugh a whole lot!

  19. I'd love to enter! SOO CUTE!!

    My favorite V Day memory so far would be last year, spending my first (of a lifetime) of valentine's days with my boyfriend :) But I know the best is yet to come!

  20. My favorite and only real memory was last Valentines with my future hubby. I had always been single before!

  21. My husband came home from work one Valentine's Day and brought flowers for my daughter and I. He had also gotten us candy. He had never done that before.

  22. my fisrt comment on your blob! yay! my favortie memory has to be from highschool when my boyfirend FILLED my locker with cheesy valentine things, hundreds of valetine suckers, ballons, pink gliter hearts, stuffed animals(the ones with chesssy sayings on them)! Just lots of funny things it was so funny.. and I loved it, it was so him. And now he is my husband and does just as funny random valentine presents! love it!happy valentines day!

  23. Well, I do have to answer this one, though I'm not much of a V-day fan...(sorry Whit). But I fell for my husband on V-day 2003, after convincing myself and everyone around me that I didn't even like him. I helped set him up with the sister of a friend from church but realized that I didn't want him falling in love or just hitting it off with her or anyone else. Thankfully, God knew what was going to happen. I like the end result. :)

  24. Very cute plates, Whit! Hmm, memroies... When I was a little girl my dad sent me flowers on valentine's day to school. I thought that was so sweet. I think I was in 3rd grade. Anyway, he wasn't going to see my sister and I that day, so he sent us flowers. How sweet!

  25. Sweet plates. My favorite valentine memory is about 7 years ago I had my family and a close friend over for lunch. We were just finishing up and I looked out the window and I saw the flower delivery girl pull up. My husband had sent roses to all of the girls that were eating with us and he had sent me a dozen of them. So sweet and a great surprise.

  26. I love love love those plates! So cute :) Anyways, to be honest I have yet to have a really sweet and romantic Valentine's Day - I am hoping this year will be different. But I do have a few v-day stories one of which is my fav. I went to an all girls high school and loved it, except there obviously were no boys. A lot of the girls would have flowers sent to the school by their boyfriends or secret admirer's ;) I never ever had anything sent to me, until senior year. Rooms were full with beautiful bouqets and the smell of chocolate drifted throughout the halls of the entire school. It was in my math class that the school secretary knocked on the door and asked, "Is Aubrey in this class?" I gasped and was immediately embarrassed but also sooo excited - some boy had sent me flowers?!?!? YAY! Well it turns out that boy was actually a 40 year old man - my dad! haha I was slightly humiliated but also so happy and realized no matter what my "relationship status" is on valentines day there will always be one man in my life, my dad. Thats my story mornin glory! :)

  27. I don't have a real memory that sticks out. My husband and I don't do too much for Valentine's day. We like to spend other random nights acting like it's valentine's day all throughout the year.

  28. My V-day last year...I had to work all night b/c I was a cheer coach and we had a basketball game. I was so bummed that I had to spend my V-day with sweaty/stinky 14 yr. olds instead of with Justin. Little did I know what he had planned...we celebrated our V-day two days later. He planned an entire day at the spa for me...and ended with me getting a ring! **Very cute plates!

  29. Since my birthday is the week before Valentine's Day, V-Day is usually a pretty casual event. My favorite memories are from high school, when I spent Hallmark's biggest holiday Hallmark! Pointing all the exasperated men to the card section was nothing short of hilarious.

  30. I'm a follower! And my favorite Valentine's memory would have to be when my boyfriend in high school came over early to my house before school and made me heart shaped waffles. Then in school, in every one of my 9 classes there was a rose on my desk and the card read another reason why he loved me. :)

  31. Too adorable!!!

    My fave Valentine memory is last year - it was our rehearsal dinner! I was with the love of my life, his family, my family and our closest friends. It was the perfect Valentine's Day with all the people we love. We ate pizza, drank wine and practiced the hussle in my parent's living room. It was perfection and I will never forget it!

  32. my favorite valentine memory would have to be when i woke up that morning to find a bouquet of flowers and a note written in a card (i'm a sucker for notes/cards) waiting for me. he knew i had to be at work extra early that day, and had woken up in the wee hours of the night to set everything up.


  33. My favorite valentine was the very first homemade card my son made me!!

  34. i want to win!!!! seriously, you don't know how bad i want these. can you see it in the design? it spells out A-l-l-i-e...

    most memorable valentine's day...probably the very first real one i had with my boyfriend/now husband. he left me an invitation in my apartment and told me what time to be ready. he picked me up, took me to his friend's house where he had decked the kitchen out with lights, candles and rose pedals. he had cooked me my favorite meal, chicken fettuccini alfredo and gotten mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert :)

  35. here's my second chance entry. i just posted your giveaway on my blog!

  36. Valentine's Day my Senior year of high school will always stick out to me. I didn't have a boyfriend, but I had a love-filled day just the same. A necklace from my father, spending all day at school doing singing valentines, working that night and being visited by friends (and one special choclate dessert). It was a celebration of love, that was not romantic, but was still special.

  37. LOVE THEM!! My favorite valentines memory was last year. I didn't think Ty was going to do anything special. I got home from a recruiting trip and he had made me the most amazing steak dinner ever.

  38. Two years ago when I told my boyfriend that I wouldn't be returning home to Arkansas, but instead staying in New Hampshire with him! Hard decision to make, but I'm so glad I did!

  39. Simple.
    It was eight years ago and I was pregnant with the girls. After a casual meal at El Chico Dad took mom and me to buy our gifts from him. I had no clue what he was doing when he pulled into Babies R Us. He bought one crib for mom and one crib for me for my girls!! So sweet and very memorable.

  40. Oh my gosh! I want those plates!!! :)

    My Valentine's memory is from 2nd grade. I had a little boyfriend. He was precious! I loved raw onions and he gave me a heart shaped onion (a real one) over to my house. What did I buy him? A very romantic bottle of Dr. Pepper...his favorite. Ahh...puppy love. HA!

  41. Growing up, I never really had boyfriends. I was encouraged by my parents to wait until I was older and ready to find someone that I could possible marry. Luckily, I took their advice. Needless to say, my dad was usually my valentine. He would alwasy do something sweet on that special day. Sometimes I would wake up to find pink cream of wheat for breakfast, other years he would take me on dates, and some years I even remember him sending me flowers to school. He was a great dad. The year I remember the most was the year I thought he had forgotten. I went the whole day without much of a word from my dear of dad. Then, there was a knock on the door. When I opened up the door, there was my darling dad with a pizza in hand that had pepperonis in the shape of a heart. What a sweetie.

  42. Growing up, I never really had boyfriends. I was encouraged by my parents to wait until I was older and ready to find someone that I could possible marry. Luckily, I took their advice. Needless to say, my dad was usually my valentine. He would alwasy do something sweet on that special day. Sometimes I would wake up to find pink cream of wheat for breakfast, other years he would take me on dates, and some years I even remember him sending me flowers to school. He was a great dad. The year I remember the most was the year I thought he had forgotten. I went the whole day without much of a word from my dear of dad. Then, there was a knock on the door. When I opened up the door, there was my darling dad with a pizza in hand that had pepperonis in the shape of a heart. What a sweetie.

  43. The plates are GORGEOUS!!!
    My favorite Valentine memory would have to be Valentine's Day 2007. It was our first Valentine's Day as parents and we took our then 10 month old out to Golden Corral. We're not sure how we ended up there, but she loved it;the variiety of food, the people, the attention.
    Last year we had a Mommy-Daddy weekend at he beach, that was little more romantic!

  44. I added a link to your give-away on my Tuesday post, as well! Thanks!

  45. I'll also be posting about your giveaway on my blog!

  46. ahh those plates are so cute!

    My favorite valentine's memory would have to be when I was still single in college and a group of my girlfriends went out to eat dinner! It was just so much fun being with all my sweet friends!

  47. and i'm posting this on my blog!

  48. YAY!!! I love these plates...please enter me in. :)

    The one Valentine's memory that will forever be stuck in my head was my first Valentine's with my husband (of course we were dating back then). He forgot about it and tried to give me a used fax machine as a gift (that he brought home for himself). Worst part was that I was 16...why would I ever need a fax machine. Needless to say the next day I had a beautiful heart locket waiting for me from him. :)

  49. The first valentines that I knew my husband, I was going to be away to see an old roommate who was going on a mission. He met up with me right before we left and gave me a tape--yes thats right a tape of him singing a song he wrote and sang for me. He doesn't have the best voice but it was very sweet and something I will never forget.

  50. Valentines Day is also my birthday, so my memory is of a very special Valentine Birthday. It was my 16th birthday. Joey and I had been dating for less than a year. I woke up that morning to the sound of Joey serenading me outside my window - our song. Sweet times. It has now been 16 years since that morning and I still enjoy his serenades (only now he doesn't have to stand outside my window in the cold anymore!)

  51. I've always thought Valentine's was a bit overrated and over expensive. and honestly, I can't remember a good romantic memory about it ever- which is fine.

    But I do have a favorite memory from college... my roommate and I were best of friends! And we spent every Valentine's on a "date"- we would go to a fun new restaurant and just enjoy being girly! After college, we both ended up moving to Branson, MO and were able to continue the tradition for one more year (at the Chinese buffet- puke).

    Anyways- this year, I've asked for my gift from hubby to be a special date day- totally planned by him... hoping for something good :)

    by the way- love the plates and love the color combo (the colors we used at our wedding :)

  52. The Valentines Day that I was pregnant was the sweetest one I have ever had. I was 5 months pregnant and already feeling tired and huge. I wanted to celebrate Valentines Day but wasn't sure what the plan was going to be. I got home from work later than Dustin did that day and when I pulled up and he walked out of the house, I knew he was up to something. He told me to close my eyes and he would lead me in the house. So, we walked in and I heard Rascal Flatts singing "God Blessed the Broken Rode" which at that time was my favorite song and it totally made us think of our relationship. He said I could open my eyes and in the dining room were 2 dozen paper roses he had made and red balloons all over the ceiling. We danced to the song and he sang in my ear and I cried the whole time. He then had me put my feet up and he made me dinner while we chatted the night away.
    That year money was so tight I didn't think we were going to be able to do much at all but Dustin made it the most special Valentines Day memory I have.

  53. I love Valentine's Day! It is my holiday! With three little boys around here, this is the one that is all for me...(We've been celebrating for the week, getting each other little things and cards)
    Favorite Valentine's Day: Six years ago, we brought our (born on the 12th) second son home on Valentine's Day. That was one year we didn't give gifts to each other because we brought our little valentine home from the hospital...

  54. I love those plates!! I don't have a Target near me, so I don't get to indulge very often!

    My favorite valentines day was last year. It was my first married valentines day, and my husband and I went on a weekend getaway. We had the best time, and it was so awesome knowing that he will forever be my valentine!! :)

  55. I remember in high school dating a boy seriously and he sent me a dozen red roses that were arranged so that the arrangement was HUMONGOUS and I had to have help carrying it to the car!

  56. Ok-I linked you on my blog for a second chance at those awesome I need anymore, but I think I DO need those cute plates!!!

  57. I am going to win one of these one day I just know it!!!! My favorite memory is bitter sweet this year...the first year Hubby and I were together(dating) he bought me my Macey dog.(as we know now from reading my blog she is missing) Anyways..I want a cute little foo-foo dog, but Hubby wanted a Lab to run on the farm and be "our"dog. Well on Valentine's day I heard a squeal coming from our back was hubby and the cutest yellow lab I have ever seen. He put a long red stem rose in her mouth and bumped her on the butt to run to me..she did!!! I cried, it was great!!!

  58. Holy Cow. Whitney I LOVE those plates...!!! I have walked past those pink "damask" type and loved them every second--I never would have thought to put the green polka dots with them..but seriously i'm in love.

    My Valentine's memory--I had spent the day getting ready and made cute heart shaped sugar cookies that I nicely decorated the night before. I had been asked out and was so excited because it was my first Valentine.. well--I got stood up. So I ate the cookies myself in my super cute outfit.

    I am looking forward to a wonderful Valentine's this year! :0) We have to celebrate either on Friday or Sunday because I am shooting a wedding.

    I wannnnnnnnnnt to win.

  59. My favorite memory of Valentines Day is when my hubby proposed to me in our local paper on Valentines Day; I will never forget it.
    He was also the first guy who sent me a dozen beautiful red roses on Valentines day when we started dating...Love this man!

    I want these cute!

  60. Sweet plates! My most vivid memory was the V-day about 2 months before we were married. We didn't have a lot of money because of the upcoming wedding, so he bought me this beautiful, simple, white votive holder that just said, "everlasting" with a red heart. We don't have too much more money now, but the votive is such a sweet reminder of my husband's heart, even at almost 6 years of marriage.

  61. Those plates are just adorable and so much fun! One of my favorite Valentine's Day memories was when I was in high school (not a fun time in my life...). It was my first year in a new school and the office called me out of class to say I had something. It was a dozen roses, and there was no card about who they were from! After persistent pestering from me, my mom finally told me that my dad sent them to me. I'll never forget that, and the bouquet is still in my mom and dad's house.

  62. My favorite Valentine memory would have to be last year because it was my first one with WEG. We went to dinner (the day after) at my very favorite restaurant here in Columbia and had a great meal and fun just being together. I have never gotten into V-Day like some others, so I don't have much to pick from. I think this year will be my best memory after it's over because we are going to the beach, just us- and we've never gone on a trip where it was just the 2 of us.

  63. It may sound cliche but I got engaged on Valentine's Day. We had gone out to dinner and seen a movie and we got back to his place to give a gift to each other. I gave him his and then he brought out a bag and inside was the box with the ring and I opened it and he looked at me with tears in his eyes to marry him.
    We got married nine months to the day later and in November we celebrated 10 yrs married.

  64. hey pretty girl! This is an awesome giveaway!!! I LOVE Valentine's day :) I love those plate too! much that I bought them already :( You will have a wonderful giveaway!! xoxo

  65. Oh my gosh, those plates are too cute! I might have to go pick them up anyway! I think my favorite V-day memory would have to be from my childhood. Every year, my dad would bring me home a new stuffed animal on Valentine's Day. I'm a total Daddy's girl, so I'll always be his Valentine :)

  66. I am over the moon about these plates! I sure hope I win even though I don't have a good Valentine's day memory to share. My husband and I don't do a lot for Valentine's day and in previous years before I met him, I always hated V-day because I was typically not in a relationship on V-day.:-( If I have to come up with something, one year, before we were married, I wrote a little story on poster board about how we got together and glued the conversation hearts as parts of the sentences. It was quite challenging but fun. I'm not sure he liked it as much as I liked doing it, though!

  67. When I was little, all the way through high school, my dad would make us pink waffles and pink cake with pink icing or pink pancakes for breakfast on V-day. He loved doing that or maybe my mom made him. :) When we left for college, he started sending us these really loud, tacky singing stuffed animals. He was upset when he spied one in the doggy cage during a visit. :) Now he's passing on the loud, tacky gifts to my son! :)

  68. Those plates are ADORABLE! My most memorable Valentine's Day was three years ago. Valentine's fell on a Monday and my now husband and I were doing the long distance thing because I was still in college and he was finished and out in the real world. So, I drove home and we had planned to have dinner with my parents Friday night so my mom was cooking a HUGE meal and my hubby called and wanted to reschedule for Saturday night and for us to just hang out Friday night. I told him "no" because I am a stickler for "sticking" to the plan, but little did I know he was planning on proposing that weekend! He was so excited he wanted to do it Friday instead of Saturday. make a long story short. We hung out and had our "Valentine's" Saturday night and nothing went as planned (as far as the proposal), but he proposed!!! He sings and plays the guitar so he sang a couple of songs and then gave me this letter that had all the reasons he loved me and how the last 7 months had been the best months of his life. When I got done reading I was in tears and he said, "Well, I said all that to ask you this, 'Will you marry me?'". SO technically we were apart our first actual "Valentine's Day", but he sent me a dozen red roses while I was at school, two days after the proposal.

  69. My favorite Valentine's Day memory....
    When me and my hubby first started dating in high school, he decided to make me dinner himself. So knowing that I love italian, he made fettucine alfredo, with a little help from his mom. ;) It was so good! He had it all set up, the table with 2 candles, and I believe there was a flower on the table, and his parents disappeared back into their bedroom to let us have some privacy. Then for dessert he was so cute and bought some chocolate covered cherries. Let me tell you, they were disgusting! Ha! He didn't believe me until he tried one! :) It was so cute, and so romantic. That's my favorite memory from V-day!
    p.s. I want those plates!! ;)

  70. I'm SO excited! I never win these things, but I am a persistant enteree! :D These plates are AWESOME! Well, one of my favorite memories from Valentines Day was how my Mom used to give us little gifts on the Day! She always showed us how much she loved us, but she would make a cute outfit, buy us a little pin, or my favorite, VALENTINES DAY SOCKS!
    She bought me cute red socks with hearts on them one year in middle school or junior high, and I STILL have them! :D granted, I only wear them about once a year, so they're still pretty fresh, but they always make me think of the cute and loving things she would do!

  71. These are SO stinking cute! I love them! We don't do V-day really around here, but one year my wonderful husband had a dozen roses delivered to me on the 13th. The card tucked inside simply read, "Happy Day Between!" You see, my birthday is on the 12th and with v-day on the 14th he decided that it would be fun to celebrate the one that wasn't actually a holiday! I thought it was the most wonderful thing in the world! (and yes, he had already given me a birthday gift! LOL!)

  72. My favorite Valentines memory is when my husband (we were dating at the time) gave me 13 roses and wrote me the most beautiful poem about us. I still have the poem!

    I also have a memory of a very chubby me in a middle school Valentines play. It's funny to think about it now. I was oh so chubby and awkward during those middle school years!

  73. 4th grade Valentines Day. We were watching a Valentine's movie in class. I was sitting at my desk facing backwards and there was a boy sitting on the floor in front of me. I started feeling sick during the movie, but he wouldn't move to let me go to the bathroom. I kept telling hime to move, and he still refusing. I ended up puking all over him. Not a romantic Valentine's day by any means, but definately memorable!

  74. love the plate set!! so girly and fun!!!
    fave valenties now husband and i had been dating for a long time and had never said "i love you" so i was gonna say it 1st! well i made him a book with a scavenger hunt included. I took him all the way back to the park and park bench that he told me he liked me and thought we should be serious(which i laughed at cuz he and i had been friends for years!). under the park bench i taped a Dum Dum sucker and the wrapper said i love you...

    his gift was he went to picture people and had his picture taken with the big luv u candy heart props they have...yeah we are dorky but its been 10 years since that!!

  75. Great plates! I've almost bought them a few times.

    Valentine memory - one Valentine's day I sat on the sidewalk all day at a convenience store and watched all the big machines dig up the dirt. My DH used to be the GM for a company that had a gas spill so he was at this out of town location for weeks overseeing the project. Me sitting on the sidewalk was the only way I could spend any time with him that weekend. I hadn't seen him in weeks so it really was okay.

  76. One Valentine's Day I was dating my neighbor in my apartment complex and I was so sick with the flu...he made me a homemade pizza and put the pepperoni in the shape of a heart and brought me flowers to make me feel better. It was really sweet- too bad he wasnt the one for me :)

    Love the plates! Thanks for the cute giveaway!

  77. My grandpa always sends me chocolate covered cherries on Valentine's Day :) It's so fun!

  78. Hahahah - I was thinking of this very thing last night and sadley I don't have one. I've had special valentines days - but none that really stick out.

    This year I am doing a romantic kid-friendly dinner for my boys! I am going to decorate the house and all activites for the day will be centered around Valentines Day - I am thinking this will be my most special :)

  79. My first Valentine's Day with my husband is my best one yet. We had only been dating a little over two months, but we were so in sync with each other, that we knew we were each other's soul mate. For the special day, I gave him a Hallmark stuffed animal (you know, the ones they sell just for Valentine's Day) and a silver picture frame with a photo of us from a birthday dinner pary a few weeks earlier. His gift to me was a Hallmark stuffed animal (also a Valentine's Day special edition) and the EXACT same silver photo frame with the EXACT same photo!! Now we each have our photos on our desks at work, and the stuffed animals sit side-by-side on our guest room bed.

  80. Those plates are too cute!

    Seems like all the hype leading up to Valentine's Day ends up being a big disappointment because it never turns out "just right." So for Hubs and me, Valentine's Day is all about loving each other and our kids, but we especially focus on God's perfect love - nothing disappointing about that!

  81. The first Valentines Day I celebrated with my soon to be hubs, was amazing! I came home to my apt, and was greeted by candles, balloons, roses, Josh Groban playing on the stereo, and an amazing home cooked dinner that my man made! YUmmy fajitas and his mom's secret recipe for Mexican rice. He is so thoughtful and such a sweetheart (still to this day). My roomate had given him her key to get in, and he went all out!

  82. Love the plates! Let's see...I have a funny (not my favorite!) memory: in high school, my parents let me cook dinner for my boyfriend for V-day and then they were going to let us stay by ourselves at the house (usually a no-no) for an hour to eat. Well, my dad came home early and walked in on us kissing! This little high school girl was incredibly embarassed, but I'm sure it was way worse for my boyfriend!

  83. On our first Valentine's Day together, my then-boyfriend-now-husband and I went ice skating at the local outdoor rink. It was so simple, sweet and old-fashioned...I just loved it!

  84. One of my favorite Valentine's Days was sitting at home with my friend and roommate, Mary, watching Bridget Jones' Diary. Nothing says Valentine's Day like a bottle of wine and a movie about a clumsy girl, unlucky in love, who finally finds the guy who likes her "just the way she is." Sigh.

  85. The year my boyfriend, now husband, was hiding in my bedroom closet with a wrist watch for my birthday/Valentine's gift. He took a day off tax season to come be with me. It was my favorite year by far!

  86. When I got a GIANT stuffed bear in the mail at work from my boyfriend (now husband) =)
    I would love to win! Thanks!

  87. One of my funniest Valentine's Day memories occurred in seventh grade. My friend and I were bummed out that we didn't have boyfriends, so we bought each other presents, had our dads write the cards and sign them "from your secret admirer" so it would be in a guy's hand writing, and then sent them to the school so everyone would think we had secret admirers. It makes me laugh every year! My dad even wrote a poem in hers. It was too funny. This year I'm looking forward to spending V-day with my boyfriend, but I think I'll still try to bring some cheer to my single friends. :)

  88. I posted about this on my blog. PS- how do I get google ads to be able to do this too?

  89. Such cute plates!!

    It was Valentines Day, 1981. I was 17 and in charge of the Sweethearts Ball for our high school. It was a girls choice dance, so I took a chance and invited a family friend, who was 2 years older than me. I was surprised when he accepted. He was away at college and came home that weekend just for the dance. I had a huge crush on him for two years. I was so nervous that night I could hardly talk to him. Many of the girls at the dance were surprised to see plain me walk in with this gorgeous guy. It was perfect. When he took me home, he gave my my first kiss. It felt like it was happening in slow motion. I had my head in the clouds for days and days after that night.

  90. Ok so this may effect my chances of winning, but to be honest, Valentine's Day is just another day to me (GASP! I know). I think love should be shown every day so I have alays told my husband that this is one time he does not need to do or get me anything and I truly mean it. He usually ends up getting me a card and a box of candy which is sweet. But this year my daughter is 3 so I have been trying to do a little more since I don't want my opinion of the holiday to effect her forming opinion. We have been doing little Valentine projects and making things for Daddy and that has been fun. So I think this change will make this the most memorable Valentine's Day for me.

  91. Our first valentines day together hubby (then boyfriend) gave me a box a Kilwins truffels and beautiful flowers. I was so happy unil I saw that he also gave his MOTHER chocolate and flowers too. That spoiled my mood completely. I sat through dinner in a bitter mood (I kept it to myself though) and all I wanted was to go home. So after dessert he pulls diamond stud earring out of his pocket. My mood changed completely. And he told me that he knew I would be "irked" lol by him giving me the same gifts as his mom but wanted to surprise me. One of the best Valentines days ever. This is my first time commenting on your blog but have been reading for a few weeks. You are hilarious, beautiful, and you have great taste. I LOVE those plates!!

  92. My favorite Vatine';s memory is whe my Mom bought me another porcelain doll to add to my collection. I thought she was so beautiful. I still have her.

  93. Found your blog through New Girl on Post. I love pretty blogs, so hope you don't mind if I add it to my list! Favorite Valentine memory? I just loved making the valentines for my classmates in elementary school and then getting one from everybody. Also, all those red and pink treats at our Valentine's Day party--so pretty and yummy!

  94. This is my absolute favorite holiday hands down. The day all about love is the day i typically go all out to share with those around me the love that Christ first extended to me! Every year I get a little carried away (hard to believe, i know).

    One valentine's day that sticks out in my mind is hard to choose. When I was a sophomore in college, my friend Thomas (from high school who attended a university in okc) was planning on going to see his girlfriend in Germany. He needed some warm clothes so I agreed to help him select some good clothes for the trip. We found some great stuff, he bought me a beautiful, flowy pink shirt that screamed valentine's, and then we saw Chicago.

    When Valentine's day came, I had a beautiful new outfit and proudly wore it to all of my classes. I was the only person really dressed up on that Tuesday which allowed me to share my passion for my favorite holiday. This started a tradition for me: every valentine's day I get a new outfit. Then when people ask me why I'm dressed up, I tell them why Valentine's day is the best holiday in my book.

    This year is my first Valentine's day to have a boyfriend...I can't wait to see what all we do! I can't wait to bake him valentine's cupcakes and wrap up his gifts in as masculine as possible pink wrapping paper.

  95. I read about your blog and give a way at Brittany's blog "Living in the Moment". So i came by to say Hello!

    I love Valentines day too! It also happens to be my birthday so i have many special valentimes day memories.

    One that stands out is my 19th brithday/valentines. My frineds did special things for me all day and then kidnapped me and surprised me with a dinner out and some other fun stuff. They made me feel so special and i'll never forget it.

  96. My favorite Valentine's Day memory is from last year. My then-boyfriend (and now husband!) was out of the country for Vday and I must admit I was a little sad to be spending the holiday alone - even though we never really did much to celebrate, and he isn't a huge Vday fan. That day at work, he sent me flowers! I was so touched, especially because he was out of the country at the time.

  97. When I was in first grade I had the chicken pox on Valentine's Day. I was so sad because we had already made our valentine mailboxes and I had my stack of cards to pass out. My mom knew how sad I was to miss the party, so she planned a party at home. We had (after a baking soda bath and lots of calamine lotion) heart shaped sandwiches that we cut out with cookie cutters. We made little valentine mailboxes and filled them with homemade valentines. And we spent the afternoon cutting up magazines to make special valentines for my dad. It really was one of my best Valentine's Day ever!

  98. When we were still dating my husband gave me a little ring that said love. It was sweet, but I wasn't really as serious about the relationship than as he was. I wore it, but didn't really like it. (it was pretty ugly!) We totally laugh about it now, because he admitted that it wasn't a cute ring, and his mom picked it out, and it was really cheap! He is much more thoughtful now, and I am much more grateful now! It is amazing how much we have grown up together!

  99. oooo! enter me!
    my favorite valentines memory:
    The sweet notes my dad would stick in my lunch in elementary school every valentine's day!

  100. Mine and hubs 1st Valentines Day together we set a budget of $25 to save money! I have no idea what I got him but he got me something I will never forget!!
    i had been saying I wanted a fish! So he got me the whole set up, pretty bowl, fun stuff in the bowl and two precious goldfish. One of whom lived for almost two years!! :) it was so sweet and thoughtful!!

  101. Those are adorable!

    I'd have to say that last Valentine's Day was my favorite: Jay and I hadn't done much before, but he showed up at my apartment all dressed up (even a tie!) with goodies from his mom's Valentine's care package (ha...oh, college kids). He pulled out a box of candy, a bottle of sparkling grape juice, and these silly (but cute) champagne flutes made of plastic.

    But then...he pulled out an ESV Bible that he had gotten just for me, knowing that I was in need of a new Bible.

    Is he a sweetie, or what?

    Unfortunately, it was really late so he pretty much had to drop that stuff off, exchange a few "I love yous" and leave...but it was still very sweet!

  102. My fav Valentines day memory is that in 2005, they released the part 2 of of my husbands favorite horror movie and after work (on the 14th) I went to walmart at 12am on Feb 15th (the day they released it)and bought it for him and then wrapped it in the car in the parking lot and then brought it to him at work so he would have it...even though Valentines day was tech. over.(we worked at the same place at that time) He loved it and was super excited. Every year since then I have bought him the next in the series for that movie for v-day! He is getting the final one this valentines day-Im not sure what i will do after this one?!?! :)

  103. Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday, so my bf of 7 years has always made it extra special. One Valentine memory that stands out in my mind is last year when he surprised me and took me out on a sunset catermeran cruise at the beach. It was so romantic and sweet and I will never forget what a wonderful time we had!

    What a great giveaway.. these plates are beautiful. They are perfect for entertaining!

  104. Valentines Memory...
    hmm... We usually don't go all out for Valentines Day, but one special year, while the Chef and I were still dating long distance, he arranged for a mutual friend to deliver a bouquet of daisies (my favorite) and a handmade card that the Chef had sent. It was so sweet. I was prepared to be depressed, and the day turned out so wonderful

  105. oh cute!!! I will blog it tomorrow I'm at work now...hopefully you haven't posted the winner yet....well unless its me LOL!

  106. The best Valentine's memory was during my senior year of high school. My boyfriend of 1.5 years was living in Georgia for the Marine Corps. It was Senior Day at school- last home game for basketball, was also Homecoming and happened to fall on Valentine's Day. We, the cheerleader and the team, were lined up on the floor for the national anthem song, facing the flag which hung above the gym doors. The doors were open and as we listened to the song I saw someone walk in and stop in the doorway. I thought I was making things up in my mind, but still my chest got tight and heart was pounding. I leaned over to my friend and said, "I think Lenny is here." And then everyone started whispering. When the song was over my girlfriends dragged me into the hallway and there was Lenny (now my husband) standing there with a rose and a diamond necklace, bracelet and earrings. He had driven 13 hours straight to surprise me! I was the luckiest valentine!

  107. I posted about it on my blog. Please enter me a second time. :-) Thanks!

  108. I don't have a specific favorite V-day memory, but many fabulous ones! While in middle school and high school, my parents and grandparents always sent me the best gifts! I would have so much stuff I'd have to make two trips. It was sooo fun as a kiddo. Now as an "old married woman," I enjoy going on a romantic date with my husband and getting beautiful flowers! Last year we stayed in and I prepared a yummy feast which was equally wonderful.

  109. oh my gosh those plates are soooo cute!!!!!!
    my favorite valentine memory was 2 years ago. i made will this really cute book on shutterfly that had all our pictures in it from our entire dating/marriage. it was sooo neat and he was very surprised.

  110. Adorable plates.

    My favorite v-day memory was two years ago.

    I was working as a chemistry teacher, and I was 4 months pregnant with our twins. My husband came into my classroom a few minutes before the last bell of the day. He brought me flowers. He came a long way. We lived downtown by the med center where he went to school. I taught in a suburb 45 minutes away.

    He said he wanted to go look at houses. I had been talking about wanting to move before the babies were born. I wanted to live close to my work. I was so happy! I didn't think he would ever agree to move and be the commuter.

    It was very selfless of my husband to agree to move away from all "the action." I love living in our house out here. I have support from other moms, and it is much safer for the boys.

  111. Love the plates! Favorite valentine memory...when my best friend finally realized that he was in love with me, and told me so...we've been married now for almost 9 years!

  112. Those plates are adorable.
    My favorite V-Day memory is when my sweetheart sent me red roses with a note that said 'I love you' We were in high school at the time and that was the first time he'd said the L word.

  113. My very first date with the man of my dreams!

  114. I have so many memories, but the first that comes to mind is two Valentine's Days ago, it snowed a ton in our town. Snow couldn't ruin our Valentine's Day, so Mr. McB brought out the snow tire chains and took us and our BFFs out to dinner. My BFF and I couldn't stand not wearing heels-so we did. We also held on to each other the entire night. When we got home, we all got comfy and headed out to play with our dog in the snow. It was a blast. :)

  115. My most memorable Valentine's day was 7 years ago. Derrick and I "met" on February 9th.I say "met" because we went to high school together but had never spoken. He was a grade under me. He was at school in OSU and we were talking over the phone. He asked me what I was doing for Valentine's day and I said I could pick up a shift at work or take the night off. I wish I would have said "Nothing." but he thought I wanted to work so he didn't ask. Our first date was on February 15th! It was a very memorable date, my first date with my now husband.

  116. Whitney, I linked you to my blog!

  117. I am entering because the plates are from Target and since I'm on a Debt Diet right now, I have not been able to get my Target shopping fix...

    My favorite Valentine's memory is when Chris and I were still in high school, probably like 16 or 17 years old, and he made a scavenger hunt for me all over our hometown. There was a rose and a clue at each place and each stop meant something to us. Like one place was our favorite restaurant and our favorite waitress gave me the rose and clue. Another one was left on our favorite spot on the beach. Another was on his mom's couch because that was where we watched movies. It was so sweet, and even 10 years later I still think of it on Valentine's Day.

    Good thing I married that guy. :)

  118. My husband and I were just dating at the time and we were still in college. I came to visit him on Valentines weekend and had no idea he had something planned (his friends were behind it too!). So anyways, he takes me out to dinner and when we get to the door of our hotel room he pauses. I open the door to a dark room filled with rose petals. A cute stuffed animal was perched on the bed and on the desk was his laptop. He sat me down on the end of bed and started a slideshow on the computer. It was a slideshow about us. It made me cry. It was filled with pictures, our songs, and all the memories we had had in the previous months. Then at the end of the slideshow it said..oh, one more question-will you be my valentine? It was amazing!

  119. I remember when I was in the third grade I gave a valentine to a boy I had the biggest crush on. I was so excited about giving him the valentine I could hardly stand it. The first thing I did when I saw him was run over to him and hand him his valentine. He looked at me and smiled and then he opened it right in front of me...without taking the valentine out he spit into the open envelope and then handed it back to me. I ran away crying! LOL!!!

  120. ok i got a little over happy about posting...

    one of my fav vday memory is trading presents in the 6th grade with a boy i liked. he got me an id bracelet and i got him a redskins sweatshirt.

    I am really looking forward spending this vday with my hubby it will be our first as a married couple.

  121. My favorite Valentines' day was last year, my first true Valentines' day as I was engaged to my now husband. What was really sweet was later that evening, he came to my apartment and gave flowers to both of my single roomies! I love his generosity, especially since it goes out to other people as well :)

  122. Oh. My. Word. Those plates are adorable! And if I don't win, I'll get them anyway ;)

    Well, H and I don't really get into Valentine's Day too much--but we do have a tradition of cooking together and spending the night in.

  123. 2nd comment :)

    I used to love Valentine's Day in junior high and high school--all of the flower deliveries gather in one room! Getting called out of class to go get your Valentine's delivery! So fun!

  124. Valentines day was always on of my favorite holidays. I love candy, I love cards..what a better day?! But, the one Valentines day that sticks out in my head was Valentines Day in the 3rd grade. We had a massive snow storm and school was closed for a week, which meant...our Valentines Day parties were canceled too.

  125. Last year when Buno and I were living apart (not b/c of separation b/c I had to finish the school year and he got transferred) I waited all day at school for my flowers to arrive. I was very depressed because all of the other teachers were getting flowers ALL DAY LONG and mine never came. I started to get really p*ssed b/c this was the hardest year being apart and all and I didn't even get flowers! Well, when I arrived home they were there. He sent them there b/c at the time he didn't have the right address to the school, so I got all irritated for nothing. He ended up surprising me and coming in to town just for that night. So sweet!

  126. I'm announcing on my blog.
    This is my 2nd comment!

  127. Cute plates!

    Okay, the first time, it said girl stop boy. A month ago it said TWIN girls stop girl stop boy stop boy!!!! Geez! (Maybe TK was rigging that one to freak me out...!) Last weekend, it said boy stop girl stop boy. Hmmmm.

  128. Hi! I love those plates!

    I would have to say my favorite V-day memory is with my Dad. My fiancee isn't the V-day type! My dad has always given me flowers and told me that I would always be his Valentine no matter how old I got.

  129. I hope i win those plates!

  130. My most fun Valentine memories are the parties we had in elementary school. You know, with the decorated cupcakes and candy, and the valentine mailboxes made out of shoeboxes and all the dorky little valentine cards from classmates (do they do that anymore?). I know, pretty pitiful. This year, Lord willing, I'll meet my dream man! :-)

  131. Oh WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW - I love love love love love love LOVE the plates!!!! What a GREAT giveaway!!!!!!

    I'm here THANKS to Megan at:

    The answer to my question....
    I would have to say LAST year was one of my most memorable valentine's day EVER!!!! Mr. "S" and I had a very romantic dinner at home in the living room, on a sheet, just like a picnic and we exchanged gifts!!!! It was sooooooooooo wonderful and very romantic!!!!! =) You can check out the link...I took a few pics and blogged about our night...well, not all of our night!!! lol ;) HA!

    Thanks for the GREAT giveaway!!!!


  132. Mine hasn't happened yet, but it will soon. I cannot wait to spend my first valentines day with my husband. =]

  133. When Charles gave Abby a single rose for her first valentine's day!

  134. You are now advertised on my blog! So, with my second entry, I will share a second memory! Since Andy and I lived 1,000 miles apart when we were dating, he mailed me my first Valentines gift! Included in my box of goodies was FLOWERS!!! lol he MAILED me flowers! They were tulips, and the ends were wrapped in soaked paper towels with baggies around them! lol miracuously, none of the water spilled, and everything arrived in one piece! My husband is one crafty money saver!

  135. My hubby on our first valentines made me a basket full of all of my favorite things....From candels that smelled of rain to lucky charms cereal....It made me so happy to know that he really was paying attention to all of the things that I loved :)

  136. In our combined middle/high school, each grade had different "zones" in the cafeteria. My 8th grade boyfriend made a long trek through the zones, and braved the special senior area, all to buy me a carnation. I am not the biggest fan of carnations, but that one was too sweet to hate!

  137. Oh gosh girl, you are too generous!!!

    Here is my unromantic Valentine's Day memory:

    My husband has a dream of raising and breeding English Springer Spaniel hunting dogs. He's way into the pedigrees and he even took a trip to England this past November to watch these Springer hunting trials. Well, his dream of owning one of these beauties occured almost two years ago. He became friendly with the breeder who lived about 45 minutes from me. I lived in PA - my future (now current) hubby lived in Canada. Well, it was Valentine's day and the puppies were to be born that night! My husband was so torn...he desperatly wanted to be at their birth but since he was visiting...he lived 9 hours away...and it was Valentine's day, he was so torn. But I told him to go. I was so excited for him! And that night, our dog was born! We celebrate his birthday on the day of love. A loving act from a wife to a hubby - no complaints, just so excited my hubby's dream was starting to come true!

  138. I linked you to my blog, so here's my second attempt:)

  139. My dad's birthday is Valentines and every year we get to celebrate him is special to me!

  140. Those are really cute! fun giveaway.
    valentines memory..... prolly what happens every year, running into the dinning room to see all the chocolate. My favorite gift was probably the gold locket i got! enter me!

  141. My favorite Valentine's memory is about my dad who died when I was 8. When I was about 4 or 5, I got up very early every Saturday-ran to the living room and turned on the t.v. to watch those great 80's cartoons. one of those years I got up on V-day and when I got to the living room there was a hugh cut-out cupid stuck to the t.v.

  142. Those plates are so adorable! I would love to be the lucky winner! One memory is a couple years ago, my husband and I went out of town for Valentines weekend and stayed in a hotel, and I had it all planned with rose petals, and candles, music and Hersheys kisses, it was fun planning all of that, and to have that weekend away. Another cute memory I have is from when my brother and I were kids, my parents would always surprise us with a valentines cookie(which was huge) from the local bakery and a balloon or something fun, was just a nice fun surprise for us kids :)

  143. The hubby (when we were dating) drove an hour away to get those hallmark kissing bears the first year they carried them as they were sold out all over locally. It was the best Valentines day ever.

  144. Okay my fingers are definately think those are tooo cute :)
    Mmkay so a valentines memory of mine is probably the memory i'm going to have from this year. Why? because I have a stalker ex bf who wont leave me alone. We dated 2 weekends and he thinks he's in love with me. He's not my type not to mention he acts a little girly, take that back a lot girly. I couldnt tell him that though cause I'm not that mean, so I just told him it wasnt for us and that I had to many medical problems anyways. Well i got this text the weekend saying he was sending me something exspensive no matter how stupid his roomate thought he was. I'm really scared. I mean the guy dated me two weekends and was planning on giving me his income tax check and a ring b4 he went over seas. I seriously dont know what to do. So yeah I'm assuming this will be my craziest valentines yet and I sure hope it's nothing to exspensive and just something like flowers cause I dont want to have to send a ring or something back to him. HELP!!Lol

    Anyways I hope I are too cute :)

  145. Valentine's Day was the day my boyfriend (now husband) first told me he loved me. That was the start of it all... :)

  146. The first Valentine's I had with my now fiance, we decided we'd take Feb. 13 & everyone else could have the 14th. Well here comes the 13th and on my way to work, Chris calls me and we're talking and he doesn't say a word about Our Day. How dare he?! So we went the whole conversation with me just waiting to see if he'd pop in "Happy Our Day!" but he didn't so I called him out on it before I hung up. He kinda just laughed and was like "oh, sorry, Baby..." I was a little upset. Well at work, I wasn't expecting anything, but around 11 am, I was called to the front desk that I had a package waiting. I got up there and what do you know, long stemmed roses & long stemmed calla lilies in a vase that was bigger and taller than I was. I called and apologized... while on speak phone (unbeknownst to me) and his buddies were all laughing cause they knew he had sent those well in advance. Ohhh love.

  147. being in 4th grade and getting a valentine from kirk cameron....okay, it was a cruel joke, but my heart was still for a moment nonetheless!!
    i heart those plates!
    cracks me up, nothing like free stuff to get those comments comin'!!! :-)

  148. I will always remember the first valentine's with hubby. He took me on a romantic vacation to St. AUgustine, FL. The first two were great and we did some sightseeing etc. The third day a HUGE storm came in and we were basically stranded in the B&B without power. Of course, that was bad in a way but very good in another way.

  149. my favorite valentines was after the birth of our daughter, and my husband gave both of his "females" flowers that year ! And he has continued the tradition ever since and she's now 26 !!!

  150. I dont have a favorite memory of the years past (besides waking up during elementary-high school and seeing a lovely V-day cake for breakfast), so I`m hoping this year, I create a wonderful memory with the love of my life.

    The plates are adorable!

  151. When I was in college my dad had a dozen yellow roses delivered to my apartment saying "from your secret admirer" and I couldn't figure out who they were from!!! He finally fessed up to it!!!

  152. I picked up those SAME pink plates from Target as fun stuff to entertain with! Didnt see the green ones though, love the combo! :)

  153. Those plates are so cute!My husband decorated my apartment for Valentines!
    -sandy toe

  154. Ha! That's hilarious! I just thought they were too cute! I was going to buy your giveaway plates, but they only had a couple left ;-(

  155. Love these plates and they would be so useful for my parties!

    I've added a link to your site about this giveaway.



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