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Christmas Giveaway #2 / TIMES UP!!!

We have a winner!!!
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Timestamp: 2008-12-16 02:22:16 UTC

Congrats goes to SWEETBABS!!!

Here is her response to the best gift ever.

"The best gift ever was last year when Clang booked a last minute baby-moon for us over Christmas. We had never been on a real vacation together. We did not have money for a true honeymoon due to the fact that we paid for our wedding all by ourselves. So it was something he wanted us to have before we had the baby. It was great!!! We went to Mexico for a week. I could not drink but boy was it fun. We stayed at a adults only resort. We went salsa dancing and stayed up till the wee hours of the mornings. Now I can tell Cute Pants she went to Mexico when she was in mommy's tummy! ;-)"

Awww, girl that sounds awesome!! Please e-mail me at with your mailing info and I will get this to you ASAP! :)

I am so excited for this giveaway because I am very passionate about the prize. It is my most FAVORITE scent on all the earth. Well, it's my most favorite Christmas scent on all the earth. Every year during the Holiday season, I snatch up these goodies and soak and delight in them every day. I can not get enough of it!!

Introducing your prize....

I don't think it really smells like cranberry at all. It smells like....pure goodness. I can't even explain it. When the aroma hits my nostrils, a smile spreads across my face and I feel at home - at peace. It's THAT good. You will be whisked away to another place and time when you get a whiff of this. It is magical.

This comes The Body Shop and includes:
1.7 oz Cranberry Body Butter
8.4 fl oz Cranberry Bath & Shower Gel
2.5 fl oz Cranberry Body Polish
Cranberry Mini Votive
Two-tone Cranberry Bath Lily

Here are the rules!
~ Answer the question listed below.
~ If you want to increase your chances of winning and enter a second time, simply post about my giveaway on your blog. If you DO post on you blog and enter twice, be sure to come back and leave a second comment - otherwise, I won't know to count you twice!

GOOD LUCK, and I am seriously envious of whoever wins. Even though my bathroom is stocked with this goodness as we speak. Er...type.

Okay, here's the question!

WHAT WAS YOUR ALL TIME MOST FAVORITE CHRISTMAS GIFT? Feel free to tell the story that goes behind it, if there is one!

Good luck, lovies!

Winner announced Monday Evening.
I am a modern day homemaker with a passion for family, cooking, celebrating, decorating, travel, and memory making! The Lord has blessed me with the desires of my heart in my husband and our two sons. We recently built our dream home and cultivating a loving and happy haven for my family is where I find so much joy.


  1. All time favorite Christmas gift... was the gift of family. I had always wanted a little family of my own, and now I have one... Me, J and Peyton too! :) Hope to add a little one to the mix in 2009!


    p.s. i HEART body shop and Cranberry is to die for! :)

    ty for the giveaway!

  2. and... i'm adding this to my bloglist! :)

  3. The best Christmas gift I have ever received was a vacation, all expenses paid. It was from my dad, bc he knew at the time, I would never be able to take one myself, and it turned out to be one of the most amazing trips I've ever had.

  4. When I was eight years old my parents bought me a Cornsilk hair Cabbage Patch doll. I thought I had died and gone to heaven, but then I opened the next gift... my mom had spent countless hours sewing clothes for my doll and I to match. They were so beautiful. I still remember the feeling of wamth and love and delight from that Christmas so clearly!

    Thanks for the giveaway opp! Blessings on you and yours!

  5. Ohhh, fun!

    I don't know that these are my favorite, but they're my favorite in recent years. 1. Two years ago, I got my new car - Dodge Durango, in dark gray. It was delivered to my house the day before Christmas Eve. 2. Last year, my hubby got me heated seats to add to my baby aka car. Keeps my tush nice and warm on the very cold days!! =)

  6. All time fav gift,
    Magic Nursery Baby.
    My sister and I got one each and we were so happy as we thought we hadn't gotten one, rascals were hiding them!

  7. I was probably 7 or 8 and wanted a huge stuffed animal doggy named Henry more than anything. The Henry dogs came in all sizes and I wanted the super huge size that was almost as big as I was. We were travelling 5 hours or more to my grandparents' house and I checked the car trunk as we were packing our suitcases in it. Nothing resembling a giant Henry in sight. I was disappointed but tried to be realistic and decided that a small sized Henry would be just fine. On Christmas morning I woke up early but waited to hear grow-ups roaming around the house before I crept down the long hallway toward the livingroom. I tip-toed past and peaked in to see a GIANT HENRY sitting in a chair near the fireplace. I must have stopped to stare dumbfounded because that's where Grandma found me. I just whispered to her asking "Is that for me?" Then ran into the room and sat in Henry's lap. Through the many moves to new homes during my childhood, I carried Henry with me. He was patched and sewn up many times. He was well loved!

  8. My favorite gift....hhmmm.... that is hard. I am going to pick one from my childhood that I remember being SO excited about. One year my parents got my sister and I mini furniture.... LIke a couch and love seat but really small, perfect for our size at the time. For whatever reason, we just LOVED this gift and I remember playing on this stuff for hours at a time. We always used to love when my mom would let us sleep on it too.

    Lovely givaway!!!

  9. engagement ring ranks right up there. :) Along with the jam box I totally had to have in Jr. high. OK, OK! Engagement ring, THEN jam box!

  10. The first year that Shannon and I were married, I wanted a Christmas tree, but we were living in a mess, as we were building our house (while living in it), so my husband thought it would not make sense to put a tree in a "construction zone."

    I was disappointed, but I understood.

    Anyway, not too long after our discussion, I arrived home from work one evening, but he wasn't there. Which was unusual, because he got off work much earlier than me.

    So I waited and worried, and finally he showed up. He came in the house and asked me, "What is all of this stuff out on the porch?" And I looked at him confused, and replied, "What stuff? Where have you been?"

    Then he said, "Help me get all of this stuff cleaned off of the porch."

    So, I walked outside with him and he shouted, "Merry Christmas!"

    The "stuff" on the porch was a tree, lights, ornaments, tinsel, and an angel topper for me.


  11. I LOVE Cranberry!

    Okay, when I was 9 / 10 ish years old, I thought I couldn't live if I didn't get a trampoline for Christmas. I started my trampoline campaign in the summer and by Christmas I was sure I would wake up to one under the tree! Yes, I was so naive to think they would actually put it under the tree! Isn't that ridiculous? I opened all my gifts, sat and sulked as no trampoline was in sight. And of course my parents let me sulk! FINALLY, they directed me to look outside and there it was-- my pride and joy. What I'd worked so hard for. Ha!

  12. I linked you ;)

    As you know, I was a weird kid. I was an only child for crying out loud! Anyway, I used to want a typewriter so bad! I just loved the idea of typing. LOL! Anyway, I got one for Christmas and it was the best thing ever! I would sit at it for hours writing plays and typing letters to friends.

    BTW, your giveaway questions always make me think back on how much of a weirdo I was. Thanks! Ha!

  13. I've never smelled that scent before. I'm sure its fabulous. NO WORK TODAY!!!! YAY!!!!!
    I'm too excited to even think of what my favorite Christmas gift was!!

  14. I think I would have to say my Samantha doll when I was in 3rd grade. I wanted her so badly, and then Christmas morning she was just sitting there under my tree! My stepdad later threw her away when he was cleaning out the attic so she bought me another one when I was 23. She said it was for my 2 year old at the time...

  15. Diamond Earrings from hubby. My first pair. He is so sweet, he said, "Hopefully soon I can get you bigger diamonds." I think they are perfect.

  16. When I was about 8 years old I got an american doll for christmas, it was the molly doll and I truly loved her. I was so excited it was the second gift that I opened on christmas and after that I walked away and left all of the other gifts under the tree I was pretty much set, my parents started laughing and told me that they would just return the unopened gifts then.... well I decided to come back and open them:-)

  17. my most favorite chritmas gift was a barbie doll house built by my parents. my sis and i each got one. it was two stories with a deck on top. the deck had fake grass, each floor had tile and wall paper and the outside was painted white with windows and flowers. it was beautiful :)

    then my grandparents stocked us up with all the barbie furniture to put on the inside!!!

  18. I would have to say my engagement ring. My husband wrapped it up in gold paper like a little present and had my parents stick it in the bottom of my stocking. I had no idea what it was when I pulled it out. Loved it!

  19. My all time favorite Christmas gift was my stuffed dog, Ruff, that I got when I was three. My sister and I both got one for Christmas, mine was brown and white, and hers was gray and white. I have slept with mine every single night, until just recently when I got 23 years old.

    He sits up in my closet now in mine and my husbands bedroom, so every time I open the closet door...I see him. *sigh*

  20. Oohhh what a great always have such cool stuff!

    My favorite Christmas gift was a giant ET. I got to open one present on Christmas Eve and I chose the biggest one and I opened it and was sooo excited; I even let ET sit in the bathroom with me while I took a bath that night!

  21. When I was little I got a barbie doll house that was as tall as I was. It was the greatest thing ever! This year, the best gift is that my mother-in-law will be hopefully getting out of the hospital just in time for Christmas. A true blessing!

  22. My all-time favorite Christmas gift was a ring from my parents several years back. I wore it everday for 6 years and Hub's just bought me a new rind only because the one they had gotten had lost diamonds and was super scratched. I loved it and always got the most compliments on it!

  23. I think my best Christmas gift was actually when we went away for Christmas. We live in Florida and I've always wanted a "white Christmas" so we decided to spend Christmas in the mountains and it was so beautiful and cold. I loved it. God gave me the best gift ever - snow!! I finally got my white Christmas. I know alot of people think I'm crazy for wanting that but if you were born and raised in Florida you would understand! :)

  24. and here's my second chance entry...

    i just linked your giveaway on my Monday Mayhem!

  25. My favorite gift was a Mickey Mouse watch given to me by my grandparents. It was sort of a right of passage type thing. At a certain age, all of the grandkids received a watch for Christmas. I was anxiously awaiting mine! My favorite part about it, was the time spent with my dad as he taught me how to read the face and tell time. (no digital watches back then!) Yep, my love language is time...

  26. And, of course, I am adding your giveaway to my blog!

  27. My favorite gift was this keyboard I got one year for Christmas. I went with my dad to look at them and pick it out, and the one I wanted was "sold out". I was SOOO heartbroken. Then, on Christmas morning, there was the keyboard! My dad told the sales people to tell me it was sold out and he snuck it out the car. Pretty tricky. I played that thing until I outgrew it and we had to get a full size piano. Yay Christmas!!! (-:

  28. all time most favorite Christmas gift....I am not sure if I can narrow it down but the first one that comes to mind is when my oldest brother got a four wheeler for Christmas one year and my self a go-cart and it snowed all day that day and we played and played and played!

  29. OH wow! How could I NOT enter for this! =)

    My all time Favorite Christmas gift was a pair of diamond earrings my husband surprised me with! It was so unexpected and he sold something he loved to have the money to get them for me. It was so sweet, I cried!

  30. When I was almost 6 and my mom was pregnant with my sister, she and my dad gave me a doll for chrismas that looked (and felt) like a real baby. She took me out and bought real diapers and some real baby clothes for it, so I could have an understanding of what was going on with my mom, and not feel left out!

  31. my all time favorite Christmas gift was a trampoline! i don't remember how old i was (elementary age) and since our entire family was at our house for Christmas i was forced to sleep on the pull out couch in the den. my dad and grandpa thought i was asleep so they got up and went outside to put the trampoline up. i totally knew what they were doing and they had no clue. so when i woke up Christmas morning i was "surprised" to find a trampoline in my back yard!!! even though i knew i was getting it, it was still the best gift ever!!!
    lauren kucharski stewart

  32. My favorite gift was twin baby dolls when I was 6. My aunt had just had twins. I of course named them after my two cousins and I still have them 21 years later in storage. They were the best present ever!!

  33. Hmm... My best Christmas gift... That's a toughie... Well.. Hmm.. Thinking, thinking.. This is going to sound really random, but, when I was a little kid, my babysitter and her family raised horses and llamas and all sorts of animals. They lived just down the street, so, I kind of grew up playing in their pastures, etc. Well, when I was about 10 I fell in love with one of the baby llamas, he was the baby of one of the mamas that I had know my whole life. Hew as my buddy. We hung out. He ate oats from my hand. He was by dude. We lived on land, but, never had any real "farm" animals... But, Christmas morning I woke up to find a framed picture of me and Remy (that was his name) with a big ol' bow that said "I'm all yours". I then went squealing down the street and ran around like a little country bumpkin with him all day. It was fantastic!

  34. oh i love body shop and would love this gift! My favorite was finding out the sex of our baby! We found out we were having a boy the day after christmas! wow. now he's a crazy wild toddler...tear

  35. Hmm all time favortie Christmas Gift...I have 2. One is the year my mom gave my brother and I kittens (one for each of us). We knew we were getting a big gift and tried to sneak and see all evening. In the morning we got up and the door to the dining room was closed but you could see little tiny paws trying to get under the door and we were so excited! They were great cats.
    Number 2 is to come as I am getting Married this Saturday 12/20 so my husband will be the greatest gift from God.

  36. My engagement ring two years ago and my husband last year! We got married 4 days after Christmas and it was the best gift ever!

  37. I posted on my blog! Check it out here

  38. My favorite gift was getting engaged around Christmas 14 years ago-Chicago, snow, romance...perfect!
    I adore the Body Shop's cranberry stuff-I try to buy enough to last all year...If I win, that would just be perfect!!!!

  39. My favorite was in 2001 I got to go to South Carolina to see Jon for a few days. It was a wonderful trip and lots of fun.

  40. Probably my first 'big girls' bike when I was a little girl. I just remember being so excited about it! Or the time my praents surprised me with a ski trip with all of my friends. Either of those!
    Hope you had a great time this weekend!

  41. The first Christmas that Jonathan and I were dating, he had just graduated from OBU and was working as an apprentice for a carpenter while he tried to find a job in business. My gift that year was a GORGEOUS bookcase that he built himself: tall, dark stained, crown molded top. Breathtaking. It is still one of my favorite possessions, and if our house ever started burning you can bet I would be strapping that sucker to my back!

  42. My son was born on December 20 and he was the best early Christmas gift I could ever have. Now he is married and he and his wife are expecting a baby-due December 20.

  43. My favorite gift was not a material gift. Every day, on the way to work, I drive by a gentleman who is waiting patiently at a bus stop. I could tell that he has special needs and was unable to drive, so he must ride the bus to work everyday. If it was raining outside, he stood out in the rain with a smile on his face. I baked a big batch of my favorite cookies this past week and made a special bag just for him. I decided to stop one morning and introduce myself. I offered him a bag of Christmas cookies and he happily accepted them. I told him I would honk my horn every morning as I drove past him to say "hi". Every morning since that day I have honked my horn and I immediately see a big smile on his face as he waves. I couldn't have asked for a better present this year. I love knowing that I have touched someone's life.

  44. My favorite Christmas present would have to be the locket that my DH gave me the first year we were married. Although he has given me many other pieces of jewelry, that one is still my all time favorite!

    Thanks for the wonderful opportunity! I LOVE this (and HAVE to buy it every year!)

  45. The best Christmas gift I have ever received was the year I received a ring from my girls for Christmas. It wasn't anything elaborate or fancy. It was made from 14K gold with a Pink Ice stone. The best part wasn't truly the ring but it was the excitement in my girls eyes watching me open the box. They were both so excited to make mommy so happy with her pretty little pink ring. That was about 15 years ago and I still wear that ring every day of the year.

  46. One of my favorite Christmas gifts was from my husband before we even met! We were set up through friends, and talked for 9 months before we met each other in January. He sent me a wonderful Christmas gift right before he came here based off of what he already knew about me! Included was a hand drawn portrait of moi (we were REALLY into Napolean Dynamite!), heated socks with batteries, because my feet are ALWAYS cold! and about 20 cds of music that he knew I'd like! I believe there were a few other things in that package, but those were the highlights! He did very well! :D

  47. The best Christmas gift I've received was my little Mabel! She was the first gift my new husband gave me, and I love her! :)

  48. I think my all time favorite gift was my hope chest. =)
    Or maybe this year, knowing I am pregnant! That was my biggest wish this year, and it came true!

  49. I'm going to be totally cheeseball here and say that the best gift is when we can be with my family for the entire week of Christmas. I love my in-laws, but my family just does Christmas so well. Traditions, something to do that's festive every single night with the whole family. I love it. Even if there weren't any presents involved I would still love driving the 3 hours to my parents' house and spending the week with my family. I am SO EXCITED about that this year.

    Bean - the little bean in me right now is such a miracle gift from God and to have that little one growing inside me at Christmas - I can't imagine a better gift :)

  50. My best Christmas gift was a cabbage patch kid and some sweet doll bunk beds with custom bedding (made by my mom, of course). I was so excited! I was desperate for a cabbage patch, but my mom thought they were ugly and for the two Christmas' before she got me other dolls in an attempt to satisfy me, but I still wanted a cabbage patch kid. Finally, I got my wish and to top it all off, it was a corn silk with red hair--exactly what I wanted. It was a great Christmas.

  51. I also mentioned the giveaway on my blog that I'll post in the next 5-10 min.

  52. My all time most favorite gift would have to be the porcelain doll my aunt got me when she lived in Canada. She is absolutely gorgeous!

  53. My favorite gift was my dog. My husband got him for me two years ago. Best suprise ever.

  54. Ooo, oooo! Can't wait to enter this one! My all time most favoritestest gift in all the world was a Chia Pet.

    No, I'm being totally serious! I was young, well younger than I am right now and my BFF at the time got it for me. It was the coolest thing I ever saw and was so fun!

    Now that you know what a complete nerd I am...let me go post about your giveaway on my blog. I'll be back!

  55. I think one of my all time favorite Christmas present was a Shelly doll (Barbie's little sister) that came with a little crib and lots of clothes to change!

    In Portugal we open presents on Christmas Eve and save only a few to open on Christmas morning, so the highlight of my night was putting Shelly to bed in her crib and sleep with her beside me...I even took her with me to Christmas mass the next morning :)

    (Oh I'm excusing myself from the giveaway since I suppose it isn't very handy/cheap to send things all the way across the ocean!)

  56. My favorite Christmas gift was getting an American Girl doll. I had been drooling over the new (at the time) Josephina doll, and I REALLY wanted it. But they were kinda expensive and my dad had already gotten me a gift. I wasn't expecting to get it, so I when I opened that box on Christmas morning, I was thrilled!

  57. Last year my husband purchased me the LOTR books. It was special because we both enjoy the movies and he went out to purchase them himself. However, I haven't read them yet. I'll warn you, that once you have a kid...there's just not much time for reading! (My girl is 2 now!!)

  58. All time favorite gift was Teddy (a teddy bear). My brother gave him to me when I was 5 years old for Christmas and I still sleep with him everynight. Even when we go stay with family. They all laugh but I don't care, he is so comfy! My first hubby use to say I loved Teddy more than him. Teddy lasted, he didn't. He was even with me at the hospital when all my children were born. When I was 7 I had to have an MRI and they told me I could bring a teddy bear. When we got there, they wanted to cut off his nose because it was metal. I choose to buck up and do the MRI without him but he was waiting for me when I got done.

  59. I posted about your giveaway on my bloggy blog blog. =)

  60. hmmm, the first thing that comes to iPod! I love it and listen to it every day

  61. I linked you up girl! I just posted a blog to route everyone to enter in your fabulous giveaway! Enter me twice sweety pie!

    (fingers crossed)

  62. My favorite Christmas gift was my Canon DSLR. I've become an active photographer since receiving it and my new(ish) hobby is such fun!

  63. I've added a link to your giveaway to my blog!

  64. Oooh, awesome giveaway!
    My most memorable Christmas gift is the promise ring my boyfriend gave me last Christmas. He flashed the box open before he handed it to me and my heart dropped because I thought it was an engagement ring (we'd been dating for five years, so I wasn't completely off base :) ), but he didn't pop the big question and since then we've decided to wait until we both graduate from college to get married.
    We were going through a rough patch at the time so this symbol of his commitment was the best gift I could have gotten, it didn't hurt that it was diamonds too, teehee.

  65. I'm not supposed to tell this, but I got my all time favorite Christmas gift this year. It is a Canon Rebel camera. I've been begging Brian for this camera for months, and he kept telling me it was too expensive. Finally, I just said, "Fine, I'll get money from my parents for Christmas, and I'll buy it myself." Well, Mr. Sneaky Sneakster bought it for me and he let me open it early so that I could capture the events of the holidays with it. For me, this is the best gift because it allows me to truly document the emotions and events of our families through fabulous pictures. I loves it!

  66. My all time my favorite gift was a bike. I was seven years old and had wanted a bike all year, sine the Christmas before. I was bummed when I walked downstairs Christmas morning and did not see a bike. We opened gifts and finished everything up when my mom asked me to go in the kitchen and help her make breakfast, with a grumpy attitude I got up and walked into the kitchen and what was there you ask, well it was a brand new BIKE! With a bow and everything.

  67. My best gift is watching my children on Christmas morning. We usually hide their big item downstairs so they think they are done with presents but then there is one more. There eyes always seem to light up and I just love the excitement in their faces!

  68. Hmmm...A few years ago when my daughter was a toddler my husband took her shopping to get gifts for me. They picked me a Snoopy Lenox ornament...I will always treasure that.

  69. My Favorite, that's hard. I would have to say so far it has been he matching pink and purple scooters my sister and I got when we were little. We even have home video of us coming down the stairs and seeing them. We freaked and just kept repeating "scooters, scooters"! It was pretty funny! We took them outside in our jammies and rode them in the snow! Ah the scooters.

    I will be posting this giveaway on my blog!! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  70. My Favorite gift of all time was the time spent together Christmas eve at my Grandparents!! It was priceless!

  71. I hope I win, adding this to my bloglist!!

  72. (I thought I posted this already, but it never showed up on the site. Oops!!!)

    My favorite gift had to be the one my husband & I received from your husby when he was much younger (maybe around 16). We were short on funds that year and he asked for cash for Christmas. We planned a scavenger hunt around the house where he gathered up $30 cash. The next day, as my family was enjoying time together at a favorite restaurant (my dad's treat), D was missing. I was told that he had run an errand. Later that day, I found an envelope on my dresser. In it was a note from D that said he wanted his dad & I to enjoy a night out. He knew that we hadn't had the $ to go out together in a long time. In the envelope were 2 gift cards - one to a local theater and another to our favorite restaurant. The total he spent - $30. Yes; he was and is the sweetest "boy" ever!!!!!

  73. A big teddy bear that I still have. After many years, a hole formed on his butt of all places. About 2 months ago, my 3 year old son decided to take all the stuffing out when he was supposed to be taking a nap. So I got to spend some time restuffing a 25 year old bear in the booty of course! Fun times.

  74. This is going to sound totally lame but my favorite Christmas gift was a pot rack. Not because it was a pot rack, but because I mentioned it to my hubby once and he remembered! Him remembering was the best gift ever! ~Courtney

  75. my sister and her husband use to live in baton rouge, LA. We live in PA. so one year, my parents surprised me, (i think i was 5 or 6) and told me that they bought me a ticket to go visit her. i cried and laughed and then proceeded to bite my nails, (all in the span of one minute). talk about emotional! sometimes i still do that, (but I'll balme that on being 5 months pregnant and chasing after my 2 toddler sons all day long)!!!

  76. My favorite gift was my first 'real' camera and camcorder that my husband surprised me with 3 years ago. I was pregnant that Christmas and wanted to get one to start documenting life with our new baby girl. It was perfect timing too cause she came the day after Christmas! She would be my favorite Christmas gift if she had been born on Christmas Day!

  77. The best Christmas present I received when I was probably in kindergarten. I so desperately wanted a water bed and that is what I asked Santa for. I went to bed Christmas Eve night and I woke up on Christmas day in my wonderfully warm and cozy new water bed! It was magical!

  78. My all time favoritest gift was from my parents, when I was seven or eight, they bought me a whole bunch of horsey stuff, including spurs. I don't know why I was so excited but I remember bouncing around the house for weeks, as I longed to go out and try everything out on my horse.

  79. Hi Whitney ~ my favorite all time gift was my Kissy doll. I prayed that she would come to me, but I knew we didn't have alot of money. My mom had just gotten divorced and things were tough. But there under the tree was the Kissy doll...not wrapped because it was from Santa. Now I think back to what my mom had to give up so that she could get me that doll. I'll never forget that!


  80. My all time favorite Christmas gift was a jeep I got as a little kid. It was before Barbie and other girly toys came out with their jeeps to drive. My best friend was a boy and we loved driving around in it. My mom and grandparents had the jeep covered with a brand new Mickey blanket. When I went to open my gifts, I saw the large blanket covered gift. I stepped back and backed away. Finally, I pulled the blanket back and continued squealing. I love that gift and the joy it brought to my best friend and I. :)

  81. My best Christmas gift was two fold. It was surviving my battle with Toxic Shock and getting out of the hospital in time to be home for Christmas. It truly was the best gift because it was a reminder of the grace and protection that God provides each and everyone of us. He gave me a second chance at life and I have never taken it for granted!

    I hope you have a blessed Christmas!

  82. A Strawberry Shortcake House. I'd wanted that thing for what felt like *forever* to the 4 year old version of myself. I remember being SO excited!

  83. I just posted a link to your contest on my blog!

    I get a second chance for the giveaway!

  84. My favorite all time gift in all seriousness was a christmas cd that both my bros made for me. they were singing on it and trying to rap. they included christmas songs from a couple years ago as well as songs that were a hit many many years ago that all dealt with christmas. Feliz navidad was defn on there.

    Anyway it just meant a lot that both of them worked together to make it.

    it was and still is awesome and i pull it out every Christmas

  85. My all time favorite gift - my engagment ring - given right at midnight on Christmas Eve in candlelight ceremony at church...aaahhh!

  86. My favorite Christmas gift was when I was six years old. I got the highly coveted Cricket doll. She was the doll that you put a tape in her back and she would sing songs and talk. It was all fun and games until my big brother put his DC Talk tapes in there and my cute, adorable Cricket doll was moving her mouth a million miles a minute trying to rap. Silly boys.

  87. That's hilarious that you don't like sweets now that you're pregnant. I definitely developed a sweet tooth while I was carrying Caleb and now I don't really have one anymore. It's so funny what hormones do to your body!

    Let's see ... favorite Christmas gift ... the camera Josh bought me for Christmas last year. I use it all the time and it has become not only a fun hobby but a little side business, too! :)

  88. My favorite Christmas gift was a bike I got when I was 5 years old. We didn't have any money and our parents had prepared us that we weren't going to get much but reminded us that's not what Christmas is about anyway. Well, we woke up and wondered into the living room thinking we wouldn't see much and when I tuned the corner. there was a brand new pink bike with a banana seat that had balloons on it! I then saw no training wheels and knew it wasn't for me. My parents said that it was for me and I was happy but knew I couldn't ride it for awhile. Jerrod saw my sadness and taught me how to ride that bike in the backyard right after we opened presents! It is a great memory to me.

  89. Quints! i loved those little of my friends had them too and we'd play with them for hours...i remember the house with the 5 bathtubs and 5 cribs and 5 highchairs! gosh, could you imagine having 5 children at one time!?!

  90. My all time favorite gift was a life size kitchen, complete with stove, frig, sink, and cupboards filled with dishes and food as well as a dining set complete with high care for baby. I had hours and years of fun with the set, maybe thats what started my love for cooking and my family. Happy holidays to you husby and baby lovie.

  91. Best present grandma's iron skillets. When my papa passed away a few years ago my grandma stopped cooking as much and didn't need as many. The christmas after I had moved away to college she gave them to me since I was finally getting to learn my way around the kitchen. Any proper southerner wouldn't be caught dead without one in her arsenal! Every time I use them I think of the love and the time that went in to preparing all the Sunday lunches and holiday meals.

  92. Here's my second entry, I linked you on my blog!

  93. Fav sweet baby girl Rylie Jo who we prayed and begged and pleaded God to send us. God is good all the time!

  94. Wow, looks like I stumbled across your blog just in time, but I sure look forward to keeping up w/you...I love your blog layout as well...but as far as the question...

    My all time favorite Christmas gift ...thats a hard one, but I will have to go with what I remember most recently was a beautiful heart diamond necklace from my husband, that was real, from a real jewelry store! lol which might sound crazy to some, but the only other real diamond thing I own is my wedding ring, so it was a big deal :)

  95. December 25, 2008 marks the BEST Christmas of my life. Christmas morning Cody, my parents and I went to church. I could go into the details of how it all played out, but the pastor and my (now)husband had devised a plan. He proposed to me on stage in front of the entire congregation! It was very special because I had went to that church since I was a born (19 yrs). All of my family were there- my real family and church family. They were so sneaky and smooth! I even have it on video because they were "taping the Christmas service." haha. Yeah right. Anyway, I guess I had two great gifts that Christams-- a proposal and my dream engagement ring!

  96. My most favorite Christmas gift is one I received in August- my sweet baby girl! Although she makes every day so much brighter- the holiday season is so much more fun and meaningful when making it special for a little one.

  97. ... posted your giveaway on my site! :-)

  98. My favorite gift of my childhood was at about 4 years old. I got the horse that went with She-Ra, Princess of Power! It was pink clear plastic with yellow hair and plastic yellow wings. My Mom has a great pic of me holding it proudly Christmas morn. My fav adult gift is the one I got this Christmas. News that I will be a Mommy in August!

  99. I posted on my site, too! So here's my second entry!

  100. I hope I'm not too late to enter. But, my favorite Christmas gift...that is a hard one. My parents always got me wonderful gifts but, my favorite has to be the Doll house that my grandma made me. Every time a grandaughter had her 8th Christmas, my grandma would make her a doll house. And being that I am the oldest grandaughter, the tradition started with me. I still have it. It is a beautiful colonial style house painted blue with white shutters, completely furnished, and carpeted. The kitchen had a linoleum floor! I can't wait to give it to my own daughter!

  101. My all time fav gift was my engagement ring from my (now) husband! He put it up in the angel of the tree and after we opened all the gifts he asked me to get the angel down bc he thought was broken and had to fix it and then I noticed the angel was holding a ring!

  102. The first thing that popped in my head was when my husband got Phantom of the opera tickets for the whole family on Christmas Day. He knew I'd appreciate a gift that included the family, AND that he got us seats next to expensive ones, that were less than half the price. Woo Hoo.

  103. My all-time favorite Christmas gift is what my husband gave me this year (yes, I already opened it). My DRESS FORM!!!! I have wanted her for so long. She came last week. I love her!!! A blog post introducing her will be coming soon.

    Merry Christmas!

  104. I got a gymnastics mat when I was in the fifth grade. I had wanted one for so long and I finally got one to practice all my little stunts on! It also doubled as a great sleeping surface for countless slumber parties.

  105. My all time fav is a string of pearls from my mom!!

  106. One of my faves: a hand knitted scarf--it actually wasn't my favorite thing when I got it-- but it has become loved and very used with every passing year.

  107. One of my most memorable Christmas times was my first with Dennis' family after we married. I came from a family of 7 and Christmas was always fun but we didn't get tons of gifts. I was shocked when the count for my gifts alone that year, just from my father/mother in law was THIRTEEN! I couldn't believe it. It was so fun and I felt like a princess. Keep in mind-I married at 17, so quantity was a big deal~!

  108. darn, ah mished it. here's what I would have said. my diamond earings from my mother in law twenty three years ago, they were given to her by my husband before we were married. She gave them to me because I gave her a grandchild. (she was 75 yo-- her first.) I wear them day in/day out.


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